Meaning name jasmine - fate, character and relationship


Rare, but beautiful female name Jasmine has a Persian origin. It is one of the derivatives from the Persian name of Yinda and in translated is the meaning of "one branch of jasmine" or "jasmine flower".

The carrier of this name has a predisposition to the development of various sciences, to religiousness and understanding of philosophy, to art. For this girl, it is important to learn how to plan your time and business, and then follow the planned plans. It may arise with this, and its success depends on this.

In this person, a sophisticated analytical thinking and developed creative principle are surprising in an amazing way. From the early years of Jasmine - a fun and cheerful girl. At the same time, it is quite modest and stocked. However, in no case, in no case cannot be called chopping, because its character is solid and unbeat.


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Throughout life, she will be in harmony with itself, so without any problems will pass through all the stages of growing up. In childhood, parents and teachers will often notice that the girl is not serious about the years. However, this is not preventing it from coming up with peers and rejoice in life.

Jasmine is able to defend his opinion and will not help themselves. Its genuine modesty at such moments retreats to the background, allowing you to manifest inner hardness.

Various forms and synonyms named

This name has various abbreviated, derivatives and diminishing and lascal forms, as well as synonyms. Abbreviated Jasmine can be called like this: Jasses, Mink, Yasma, Mina, Yasmin, Yasya.

Sympticking forms: Jasmine, Cinema, Yaschka, Minsk, Fight, Mintochka, Jasminushka, Jasming.

Synonyms named after Jasmine: Jasmine, Jasmine, Esmina, Esman, Yasminih, Yasmin, Yazmin, Jesmy, Geese, Jasmine, Hasmin.

Character of a girl named jasmine

The carrier of this name is usually externally attractive and feminine, and therefore can grow quite self-free. One of the main positive qualities of the girl is a hardness of character. It is largely in principle determines her personality. During the life, this circumstance more than once gives her an advantage.

Also, one of the characteristics of Jasmine is its secrecy. In no case will it in no way be allowed under the skin of an outsider and will not be frank with those who do not trust sufficiently. However, with people who are truly close to her, it behaves extremely natural and openly.

Young woman

In this girl, the creative principle is pronounced, and therefore it is often dancing, singing, playing tools or the essay of poems. At the same time, it is a desire for material well-being, thanks to which she tries to learn from their hobbies.

However, it is not necessary to believe that she is mercantile, is completely wrong. The main thing for jasmine is human qualities and values. During his life, she will prove it once. Also in this girl are combined by hardworking and courage, thanks to which it can achieve considerable success.

What fate awaits jasmine

In school years, the curriculum will not cause difficulties from this girl. In particular, the tasks associated with creativity. It can almost always be found on various extracurricular activities. It is active and hardworking. It is often studying in a theater or music school. Teachers see it as a hardworking and purposeful student. For its successes, many hours of training.


From an early age and throughout the lifelong, the owner of this name can brag a strong health. In her outpatient map there will be two or three entries. If she once picks up a cold, takes it easy and without complications.

Calm and flexible character will remain as such and as the girls are growing up. It will be distinguished by kindness and calm, nicely supplemented by politeness and beautiful manners. Due to the fact that she knows how to produce a good impression, people will always stretch to her. They will also feel her inner power.

In challenging issues, first of all it will listen to your own heart. Kecking, but will not make it too often or when it is inappropriate, as it clearly understands the lowest possible tricks.

Esoteric characteristics and name

People around people, Jasmine's marriage, always seems perfect. However, this is not always the case. Jasmine was used to everyone to count - in love she comes as well. Trying to bring your marriage for some ideal image, forgetting about the most important feelings.
  • Planet patron - Moon.
  • Talisman tree - Lily.
  • Stone-talisman - grenades.
  • Talisman plant - Jasmine.
  • The animal talisman is sea rustic.
  • Gemini.
  • The color of the name is white.

The girls who wear Jasmine are not celebrated by name, as it is absent in the lists of Catholic or Orthodox sacratrans.

Jasmine in different aspects of life

This girl is ready to start his own family life only after long-term serious thoughtful, careful and conscious choice of satellite life. Feelings do not deprive her abilities soberly think - to relationships it shows a discreet and serious approach.

The husband chooses a man who manifests high moral qualities, as well as able to provide comfortable accommodation in the future to her and their children. From her it turns out a wonderful mistress. As a wife, she is true and caring. He loves his children and is very gentle. However, the spouse may not be enough passion.

In the field of work, it often helps to advance congenital hard work. She simply can not afford to perform work badly or work after the sleeves. Also, she is inherent in great responsibility - she will always bring to the end, for which he took. For this reason, she speaks with the mind of various proposals, if he knows that he will not be able to work properly.

The most favorable professions for Jasmine are as follows: historian, librarian, ballerina, confectioner, music teacher, cultureologist, ecologist, veterinarian, psychologist, writer or linguist.

Famous women with this name

Among the owners of Jasmine, you can find a lot of interesting and promoted personalities. Among them are the deserved artist of Rebublika Dagestan - Jasmine Semendueva, American film actress Jasmine Guy, as well as Canadian singer and actress Jasmine Richards.

Energy horoscope named

From the point of view of this horoscope, Jasmine is the embodiment of reliability. This girl at every moment of time firmly knows what action it is better to take right now. Already in early youth, the girl enjoys well-deserved authority among peers.

With the course of life, this quality is fixed in the sphere in which Jasmine wanted to develop. In the selected area, it will keep the reputation of a person on which one can always rely. However, it should be careful about it, as there is a risk of bringing themselves to exhaustion.

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