The meaning of Daniyar: weak and strengths of character, fate


Justifying fashion for original names, many parents are looking for sources of inspiration in European or American cinema, among the names of singers or football players ... But why go so far, if there are so many beautiful, benevolent names that are men in Central Asia? Today you will get acquainted with one of the best names popular in Kyrgyzstan or Tatarstan. Perhaps it is that it will be in your soul!


What does the name mean, what language did it give it?

Roots at the name Arabic. From this language it translates as a "scientist". Interestingly, some lingules are confident: at first there was a name Daniel ("Lord My Judge" from Hebrew). It fell into the Arab countries, transformed there in the name of Denmark, and then in Daniyar.

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In addition, in Muslim countries - Turkey, Syria, Iran - there is also the name of Dani ("close").

The Tatar peoples also have a similar name, only the translation of him is already different - "Son of the Sun".

The son or daughter of Daniyar will be middle name: Daniyarovich, Daniyarovna.

Friendly abbreviation: Danir, Danannik, Danya, Dan, Dan, Yarik.

In other cultures, the name turns into: Donier (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan), DIITIONAR (Tatarstan), Danil (Russia), Danilo (Ukraine).

What character does it give out his carrier?

Positive sides: this is a very energetic guy or man. He is always ready for action, in an unfamiliar company quickly finds his place, in a dangerous situation is not lost. Sometimes they manage experience, but more often - intuition. From this guy will not get a routine boss, but he will become a crisis-manager.

Negative qualities: He is unreasonable. Does not like someone (or something) limits his freedom and personal space.

Daniyar's fate

  • Early childhood. In the kindergarten and on the playground, this is a very friendly kid who will not quarrel, but will come up with how and what to play with each of his new acquaintances. He is very inquisitive, so Mom has to constantly get it out of a washing machine, then from a cage with wild geese in the zoo.
  • School. Over time, he learns to achieve the goal. His strong side is the ability to devote all the power to the main thing, without distracting the secondary. He is not a disposover, dangerous situations prefers to solve peacefully. This guy loves to be the center of attention, he adores praise and compliments.
  • Student period. He is constantly aimed at self-development. Everything goes to move: travel, courses, mugs for interest. He also loves to help people - but not for the sake of praise, but for the sake of feeling of need in this world, which comes after the accumulation of mercy.
  • Mature years. Even being fifty-year-old, he will be passionate about many hobbies. In addition, this man is not afraid of any work. And even if he was fired from the post of banker, he would gladly win the work of a carpenter. The main thing is that work provides him with access to new knowledge and sensations.

What will protect the carrier of this name, will bring him happiness


  • Planet Patron: Sun.
  • The perfect zodiac sign: Lion (that is, astrologers are confident: if your son was born from July 23 to August 22, he should give it this particular name).
  • The color of this name: yellow, orange, gold.
  • Metal, which will be faithful: Gold.
  • Stones-Talismans: Aquamarine, Beryl, Sapphire, Turquoise.
  • The day of the week, which is guaranteed to be lucky: Sunday.
  • The numbers that will bring good luck are: 1, 2, 8, 10, 20.

Name day, that is, the day of the angel. The media of this name does not celebrate them. Most often, when baptized in Orthodoxy or Catholicism, Daniyar receives the name of Daniel and notes the days in which this saint worship.

In different life situations, this guy will go like this ...

  • Love. Daniyar is definitely not a romantic. Looking at the girl, he will think about whether she divides his interests, and whether his dating circle is in a circle. He can love a good, but not deprived of personal opinion and character of the person who will be ready to support him.
  • Friendship. He does not like to frankly with friends - Dan tells them only what he wants. With his close buddies, he considers exclusively lungs on the rise of people. He will always help a friend, but it will be a full responsiveness from each other.
  • A family. As a family man, he does not like to score nails and repair cranes, he has more likely to solve global problems. Therefore, Daniyar needs a mature spouse that will take on most household problems. He loves when he is warm in the house, clean and smells fresh pastries, and for its part I am ready to earn a lot to make it all available to it.
  • Career. It is impossible to say that this man is born only for a certain work. The profession of freelancer (say, photographer) is also suitable for him, and the most communicable position (journalist, diplomat), and a place that requires patience and self-discipline (editor), and even dangerous professions (climber, gymnast, cascade).
  • Diseases. This active guy in no childhood, nor even in old age almost does not ill. Its weak places can be called increased pressure, as well as frequent fatigue.

What kind of woman to build relationships

Excellent compatibility: Arina, Varvara, Veronica, Irina, Olesya, Milan, Polina.

Average compatibility: Anna, Alice, Alena, Vera, Vika (Victoria), Daria, Diana, Zlata, Elizabeth, Katya, Ksenia, Christina, Nadezhda, Miroslav, Natalia.

Unsuccessful relationships: Alina, Vasilisa, Valeria, Maria, Sophia, Tatiana, Yana.

There are women who can be for Daniyar not only with excellent mistresses or spouses, but also the most successful business partners. This is: Anna, Anastasia, Angelina, Alice, Victoria, Veronica, Diana, Zlata, Elena, Eugene, Irina, Ksenia, Miroslav, Marina, Milan, Polina, Ulyana.

Theses, thanks to which all over the world learned about this name


  1. Tsarevich Daniyar (rules from 1469 to 1486) - Tatar, collected tribute to Russian princes, went by campaign to Novgorod.
  2. Daniyar Usnov (1960) - Politician from Kyrgyzstan, in the past - Prime Minister. Unfortunately, did not become a good "master" in his country, as it was accused of tyranny and the organization of executions.
  3. Daniyar Mukanov (1976) is a football player from Kazakhstan. Champion, one of the most famous players of his country.
  4. Daniyar Elyusinov (1991) is a boxer from Kazakhstan. The champion of his country, the winner of Asian games, a worthy participant of the Olympiad.
  5. Daniyar Ismailov (1992) is a weightlifter from Turkmenistan. He received awards at the Championships of Asia and the world, adequately presented his country at the Olympics.
  6. Daniyar Sigraralinov is a writer from Kazakhstan. He became famous thanks to the story "Bricks".
  7. Daniyar Ermates is a modern popular singer from Kyrgyzstan.

Any carrier of this name is talented. It can prove to you Daniyar Ermates. And may not everyone understands words, but the quality of execution makes it treat to this person with due respect:

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