Folk sign: Swallow flew into the house or whine nest on the wall of the dwelling


Swallows - very energetic and voiced birds. Their twitter is always associated with something light, kind and joyful. Swallow flew into the house - a popular sign. However, all nations she has a different prediction.

General interpretation

Swallow is one of those birds that is used to living next to a man. The observant elders noticed that this feathered does not live the nest from each house. A sensitive swallow shaves where she is not threatened with a danger, and the family is calm and friendly atmosphere.

Swallow nest

But since the time of paganism, our ancestors believed that swallow, like a black cat, is a conductor in the kingdom of the dead. She was attributed to the connection with the other world, because many of the signs, the sorcerer and the ferments used her in their black rituals.

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Slavic peoples avoided meetings with a swallow, believing that she carries bad news about the death of loved ones. Birds endowed mystical power capable of destroying the happiness of the family, attract hunger, illness and suffering. Therefore, it was in every way exterminated, not giving the opportunity to reproduce peacefully.

After the baptism of Russia, the wild moralists went into the past, and this was the reason for the appearance of benevolent and harmless. Swallow, like a dove, can personify the world, love and well-being. She also began to attribute beliefs similar to the appearance on the roof of the dwelling of the stork, endowing the bird with energy that promotes birth and add in the family.

Swallow flew out the window - joy or sad news

This little bird is a very energetic creation. In summer heat and heat, she can easily become a harbinger of heavy rain if it flies very low above the ground. This is explained by the fact that the pressure drops in front of the shower, and Moskara falls lower to Earth. Birds to quench the hunger, have to fly much lower.


In the spring, everything is warmer, and we are accustomed to open the windows of the window to let the freshness of nature, waking up after the winter. There is a belief: if during this period of the year, the swallow flew to you in the house - it marks the cardinal changes from everyone who lives in the apartment.

Do not catch a bird or try to release through the door. It is necessary to try very carefully to spend it back into the window, otherwise we can wage you by the side. Inhabit the bird means to break the prediction, turning it into a bad sign. It may also concern the ruin of the nests with the swallows living in it.

If the swallow is knocking on the window, trying to fly, - a good sign. So, your house will presume the narrowed and make an offer. This young man will definitely be worthy of you. Do not show pride and vanity, as well as tomorrow a young man waiting for a response.

Swallow randomly flew into the house in the summer, no matter, through the door or window, - your ancestors try to warn you about something. If this happened on the eve of an important business trip or serious negotiations, be careful and careful in detail, do not take the spelling solutions, manifest foresight and listen to your own intuition. In this case, the swallow should be carefully caught, take into hand carefully and, releaseing to the will, say, "all the troubles and misfortunes take care of them."

A young couple dreaming about the long-awaited offspring, see how the swallow wakes the nest on the wall of the house, - the sign of the fast conception and the birth of the kid. Even if this house was not your dwelling, the energetic swallows is tuned to your fecundity and family happiness. The more often you will appear in the bird nest, the sooner expect adding to the family.

Swallow left the retireed nest on the attic of your cottage - it is worth alerting and insure a housing. Swallows are very sensitive to the upcoming cataclysms and weather phenomena: fires, floods or earthquakes. If the bird flew out of the nest, did not have time to postpone the eggs, it means that it is worth watching the behavior of his offspring. If the child is suppressed, annoyed, perhaps he has small troubles, which, like a snowball, can grow into big problems. Try to enter the frank dialogue with the child and find out the reason for his strange behavior.

To the elderly, Swallow flew through the window, and flew through the entrance door - it marks the approach of his hands and illness. The moment when it is especially closely taken to your own health. The swallow flew out the window and crashed about the glass - to the death of someone from relatives or the nearest environment.

Other swallow signs

A business man get out of the house and notice a low fluttering swallow to the right - a great reason to make sure that you are on the right track for your own purposes and achievements. You are waiting for a good period for the realization of everything conceived. Do not miss the chance to take advantage of the opportunity and climb to a higher level in your career, business and social status.

Several swallows

The bird flew over the left shoulder - not the time for decisive actions and cardinal changes. It remains long and hard to work in order to succeed. But your perseverance, hardworking and perseverance will be decent rewarded. Now time works exclusively on you. Take a new experience, not complaining about fate, and rejoicing the ability to implement.

Bought a new apartment and noticed how the swallows began to nest over the balcony, the sign that the selection of the dwelling was successful. The energy of the house will contribute to a favorable and comfortable stay in it. And family affairs will be creative and harmonious.

Swallows are circling and pinched over newlyweds - marriage will be strong and friendly. A flock left a footprint on a jacket or a groom's shoe - a great reason is not bought up at guest treats, as the young family is waiting for financial wealth and well-being.

They made repairs at home and move the swallow from the socket - to come across the lost profit or deprive the source of income. It can be very reflected on your material well-being. The very time when you need to take care of trifles and do not succumb to someone else's opinion.

They noticed how in an empty nest settled a family of swallows, "there will be a good chance to correct the mistakes of the past and finish all unresolved affairs. Just do not try to throw on someone your concerns, most likely, it will end with new unresolved circumstances.

An idle man experience surprisingly from a low flight of a swallow above the head - this is a forerunner of the fatal meeting with a woman who will be the initiator of your marriage. Active feature will not leave you a chance to get away from the marriage. Perhaps this is exactly what you need now.

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