Meaning of the name Philip - Features of Fate, Formation of Character, Life


For the ancient Ellinov, the horse was identified with nobility and noble origin. From the depths of mythology came the name Philip, in the literal translation from Greek. "Horse lover." Healthy and strong newborn boys were often so called, hoping that they would become worthy warriors.


From Greece, the name began to spread among other nations. Europeans and even Jews treated him with respect, as it characterized the identity endowed with the volitional and leadership qualities.

Options and varieties of name

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In many countries, Philip still has popularity. Especially among Christians of all directions.

  • Philip - Phillip - English. Yaz.
  • Philippe (Philip) - Franz.
  • Philippus (Philipus) is it.
  • Felipe (Felipe) - Sp.
  • Filippo (Filippo) - Ital.


A large number, including several modified, but having the same meaning:

  • Fillet;
  • Pipo;
  • Polypip;
  • Linden;
  • Philip;
  • Pilib;
  • Phil;
  • Phylah;
  • Filyus;
  • Wilppe;
  • Felip;
  • FILET;
  • Wilppu.

Philip owner's character

It is believed that there is not only a positive side, but also negative. In the first case, this healthy pride and pride in reasonable limits. The young man will be beautiful soul and body. Inherent purposefulness and careerism in a good meaning of this word. Phil never harms close. For him, traditions always matter. This is the owner of a kind and generous heart.

God gives the boy from an early age with great abilities. Real speaker, a debater who always wips up. Inherent inquisitiveness in phenomenal memory.

There are unpleasant moments. There is an excessive stubbornness, fast mood change. The child loves to shook, selfish. Can take themselves and cut out others. The family follows the baby from childhood not to fall in extremes in its upbringing. Immediately you should instill more attention to the other.

For the Little Fili, a great authority will be mom. He, as a mirror, in adult life will be a reflection of her character. He loves himself when he is praised. Well adapts to any atmosphere. Sometimes it helps when it is profitable.



Natura is full of brightness, movement. Beautiful mind, rich imagination. However, not all work attracts it. Gives preference to the organizational. It is able to achieve great success, subject to the ability to decide everything quickly and take over.

Thanks to the positive qualities, Phil is always successful. Many good friends from early childhood. The name is strong. The carriers often achieve career heights, are leaders. The path in art is also successful, but men in scientific activity or business are especially pronounced. Always self-confident and seeks to keep everything in your hands. It is difficult to influence it, it always takes decisions yourself, but it does not refuse the councils. Knows how to make the right conclusions. Decent.

Different characteristics of the name Philip

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Fortune colors - shades of brown, lilac, blue.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Stones are chambers - Emerald, Jasper.
  • Plants - Lipa, Peony


Days of Angel

Church name: Philip

Meaning of the name: Horse lover (Read the full name of the name Philip)

Nearest names of Philip: October 30

Name day

strong>Philippa in 2021 for the church calendar
  • January 17

    Philipp Grigoriev, Sacred, Archpriest

  • January 22

    Philip Kolychev, Metropolitan, Moscow and All Russia

  • February 7

    Philip Roman, Martyr

  • 5th of March

    Philip Valaamsky, Rev.

  • March 7.

    Philip Apamean, Martyr

  • April 11th


  • May 25.

    Philip Argery.

  • June 13.

    Philip Kolychev, Metropolitan, Moscow and All Russia (transfer of the relics)

  • July 13

    Philipp, Apostle from 12 12 apostles

  • July 16

    Philip II Moscow and All Russia, saint, Metropolitan (transfer of relics)

  • August 30

    Philip Nikomidia, Martyr

  • September 15th

    Philip, Martyr

  • 16 of September

    Philip Shatsky, Sacred, Archpriest

  • October 24.

    Philipp, Apostle from 70

  • 11th of November

    Philip, Martyr

  • November 27.

    Philipp, Apostle from 12

  • November 28

    Philip Raban, Rev.

Life aspects

Much depends on what age a person makes the decision to change something.

Love and marriage

In the case of early relations, the outcome can be deplorable. Having passed it as a kind of test, the young man will leave his halm. Especially if she is an emphasis and does not have a strong will. It will always find some reasons for discontent and constantly lead. Loving a girl, even sincerely, will think more about himself.

If you create a family in adulthood, then marriage ties will be strong. Especially if the heart lady with a strong character. In many respects they will move in one direction and understand each other well.

Career, work

Most often, everything is intended. Thanks to the ability to defend their interests, to prove their own right results will be more expected. It will be difficult with the staff, somewhere they are even disliked, but always respected. His professions are often associated with military affairs, diplomacy, science. It is important for him to always be in a good account and in sight.


With all its visibility, the Philip is not so healthy, as it may seem. His faint place is a heart. It is necessary to take care of the stroke. It is fond of a call, coming by physical education.

Famous media names

The list can be very large, so the name Philip is able to show itself worthy in many areas. Here is just a small part of the infinite list:

  • Cinema is a writer (France).
  • Henry Gosse is a scientist, invented aquarium (England).
  • Bruno - a scientist.
  • Runge - painter (Germany).
  • Pulman - Writer (Britain).
  • Malyavin - artist (Russia).
  • L. Zage - Astronomer (Germany).
  • Kirkorov - Singer (USSR, Russia).

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