Theya is the meaning and interpretation of the name, personality, fate, relationship

  • Zodiac sign: Gemini, Aquarius.
  • Planet: Mercury, Uranus.
  • Number of name: 4.
  • Metal: mercury, tin, gold.
  • Color: orange, yellow, dark green, brown.
  • Stone-Talisman: Alexandrite, Zincite, Peridot, Chernelic, Heliodor.

Interpretation of the name


Other forms of name: Te, Theon, Teo, Dorothea, Feeka.

The emergence of the name: Georgian, Catholic.

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The name is often found in Georgians, but the roots of the Greek behalf, the literal translation sounds like a "goddess" or "the thought of God". It is rather exotic than frequently consumed, and in the European version is similar to the name of Dorothea, and in Russian - the analogue of the name of Dorofay. It has a pair male name theone.

Character and personality

Little tee is calm, cheerful, kind and easy to communicate girl. She will be happy to help Mom's home. The theya will always reach for a new one, and therefore it is very important since childhood for good training to expect all home duties in the form of the game and pay special attention to education, in order not to develop abnormality.

Typically, the baby has many friends, thanks to their qualities, she knows how to place other children. I will be happy to help to help to whom it is needed, and will not give up helping to your side when it will be necessary. It will never welcome conflicts and disputes, so it will often be in the role of a reciprochet and diplomat.

The theya is a keeper of secrets, and its peers are not afraid to tell her the most intimate. It has a good intuition from nature, feels hypocrites and avoids such people in every way, will never violate this promise. It has good leadership qualities, but it does not force it to suppress others, on the contrary, it will always help find a way out of a difficult situation not only to a friend, but also a familiar.

It possesses their taste and loves to control everything within reach of its influence. It is important in life to find your own way, for this reason it often tastes themselves in absolutely different classes. It has a rather flexible consciousness and respects different cultures, not highlighting one as the main one, thanks to which it is a good critic, because it rests on the facts.

Young woman

Having matured, the girl remains as kind, light and sweet, while not losing the ability to stubbornly and confidently hold the course of the goal. The main life goal of the owner of the name is the realization of its natural tissues, for which all the mental energy is directed. And here there may be a problem, since the talent of the girl, as a rule, is more than enough, and she will need to choose something for himself in priority and this is something to develop.

For a girl, a very important point is the acquisition of inner freedom, because it is never satisfied with what has now. Each time, having received what I wanted, the owner of the name could feel the fear of further promotion, but the fear of new is dispelled after the first step.

Dress up the girl is good, it is important for her to learn how to keep the unity of the style. It is open, always looking for new places, faces, impressions and is ready to let changes in their lives. It has a very bright personality, a wide range of tastes and directs all mental strength to implement their abilities.


Health girl does not have any special problems. To keep well-being, it is enough to eat and walk in the fresh air.

Work and career

Thee is very important to constantly engage in self-development and self-education; This will help to cope with impulsiveness and emotionality. The theya switches very well from one thing to another, so it is often always busy, and it rarely meet a bored or sad. If she chose a goal, it goes to her confidently and decisively, thanks to the clear plan seeks success in his endeavors.

The main motivator is internal ambitions. A woman has good analytical abilities, can realize himself as a manager, marketer or business analyst. Also, the spheres of creativity and science are open to it, however, what will be to work and who will work the theon, not the point is important, because the main thing is that the work be done is good, qualitatively and as a result gained success.

She will suit any technical specialty, and it will also be good to cope with the duties of the doctor, lawyer or economist.

Love and relations

A family

Taya has such features such as charming, romanticism. The girl has the talent to entertain his feelings in the cover, which definitely causes a response. The feeling of Euphoria and Love is not alien to her and gives a feeling of completeness of life.

We must admit that the girl married is not in a hurry, but they do not mind to flirt; In general, Theya creates a reputation as an honest person. The spouse is first of all looking for an equal partner, not a support and protection, so that it could provide her bright and diverse impressions of life. In the family positions itself as a good mistress, a wonderful mother and a loving wife.

The spouse is preferably not to atocle his wife's freedom, to change the approach to homemaking, education and teaching of the offspring without warning. This task is a woman considers priority for themselves and families, and their personal freedom is very valued and afraid of losing them. He should not worry about it greatly, as it will make the maximum effort to happiness to her family.

Excellent combination: Sergey, Maxim, Alexey, Mark, Alexander, Vitaly, Clement.

Good combination: Mikhail, Danila, Egor, Timofey, Roman, George, Stepan, Mark, Oleg, Yuri, Ruslan, Evgeny, Vadim.

Bad Combinationability: Artem, Ivan, Andrei, Dmitry, Kirill, Nikita, Anton, Lev, Perth, Vladimir, Leonid.

Name day

Celebration of the name of the champion: August 23, January 3, April 20th.
  • Theon Dolnikova, 1984, Actress, Singer, Russia.
  • Theon Kumsiashvili, 1984, poetess, Georgia.
  • Tone Koroshinadze, singer, Georgia.
  • Theon Konpridsee, 1977, Actress, Georgia.
  • Theon Kvachadze, chief editor of the famous magazine "Randevu".
  • Theon Eteria, designer, Abkhazia.
  • Theon BACROJE, 1996, American football player, Georgia.
  • Theon Todadze, 1993, football player, Georgia.
  • Theon Bostashvili, 1998, Swimmer, Georgia.

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