Elmira - the character and identity of the owner of the name, relationship and fate

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Lion, Aries.
  • Planet: Mars, Jupiter.
  • Color: beige, yellow.
  • Stone: diamond, jasper.
  • Metal: Iron.
  • Number of name: 9.
  • Totem Plant: Digger.
  • Totem animal: Termitic, vulture.

Interpretation of the name


Other forms of name: Ale, Peace, Elma, Elmi.

The emergence of the name: Tatar, Muslim.

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The Spanish translation means "Princess", there are also other forms of translation, such as the "lingerie of the world", "honest, conscientious". There is another version of the origin, which states that the name is European, and in French it has a pair male elm, which is translated as "a nice defender", another version name is Arabic.

Character and personality

As a child, the baby's character is cheerful and sociable, but if people unfamiliar to it are rendered, then it immediately becomes shy and closed. It is pretty easy to educate because of obedience, and parents constantly rejoice at her success at school. Already at an early age, she has a developed understanding of good and bad things, she does not like risk and prefers caution that remains with her in adulthood.

The girl is smart, which can be seen in the kindergarten, loves the books very much, and this pull to knowledge remains with her forever, often asks to read it, and in the future it can be organized by the organizer of a whole book club. It is quite easy to enter the university, and thanks to its innate musical talents can learn in the conservatory, can also have an excellent predisposition to dance due to its flexibility. It practically does not fall under the negative impact of the environment, has a cold calculation.

Friendship girl really appreciates and can spend one truly faithful and real girlfriend with him in an adult life. Externally, Elmira is more like a father, but in character - from the mother. She has a very developed intuition, it happens that it is necessary to change in life, can see the prophetic dreams more often than others.

Young woman

Having matured, Elmira ceases to trust as much as before, and becomes more closed. Noisy places do not like her, but to read an interesting book at home - another thing. But at the same time, it becomes a dusty, submissive and badly than they can often abuse others, will never bend bosses.

In general, its character can be called balanced. She does not like to hurry and prefer to think seven times before cutting off, but despite this, it can often make not very thoughtful actions. An important part of her character is responsiveness and sympathy to other people's troubles; It is often treated for help, and, unfortunately, such assistance may be without gratitude, but the girl does it disinterestedly.


It is necessary to follow health well as in childhood and in adulthood. Permanent attention will help to avoid problems with immunity, allergies, metabolism in adulthood and with a bad appetite in childhood.

Work and career

A girl can approach the role of a teacher, a doctor, she can realize his talent on the field of music and dance, becoming a teacher. It can also master the profession of an accountant, engineer and architect. It is often possible that after the birth of a child, she will leave work to become a housewife.

Love and relations


It's easy to call her relationship. Because of his modesty, Elma may be married enough, the initiative is rare in acquaintance and does not know how to reveal, cautious and observing the distance. Beloved is looking for a more energetic and bright than she herself, but such that would not overshadow it.

The girl's nature attracts men sophisticated, but with such a man she will be nonlaskaya and even aggressive. It is not prone to frequent change of partners, as it is difficult for it to adapt, but, explicitly, it becomes impulsive and sincere, does not hide their emotions, wishes games and romance. Sometimes it can eat, but does not capricious, possesses spiritual generosity.

The girl in relation to his spouse gives a lot, in return, it requires no less, in sex more passive and does not affect the process itself, but it is very well able to explain in words. It happens that the girl takes the role of chapter in the family. It happens to a squeamish, and the guests can infrequently, although they sometimes come to them, more domestic, a wonderful cook.

In children, a woman sees the meaning of life, so the mother of her will be wonderful - she will grow good children. Very often it happens that Elma gives rise to girls.

Excellent combination: Alexey, Maxim, Alexander, Danil, Dmitry, Andrei, Nikolai, Denis, Mark, Stepan, Ruslan, Victor.

Good combination: Atre, Danil, Mikhail, Nikita, Yaroslav, Alexey, Vladislav, Paul, Oleg, Yuri.

Bad combination: Boris, Valentin, Vasily, Gennady, Eugene, Ilya, Lev, Luka, Roman, Taras, Edward.

Name day

Celebration Named Elmira: July 1, March 9, February 10th.
  • Elmira Abdrazakova, 1994, model, Russia.
  • Elmira Medezova, author of many books on cooking.
  • Elmira Zherdieva, 1936, singer, Russia.
  • Elmira Galeev, 1962, singer, Russia.
  • Elmira Antonyan, Soviet tennis player, Armenia.
  • Elmira Skripchenko, 1976, French chess player, Moldova.
  • Elmira Kotlyar, 1925 - 2006, Translator, Poets, Russia.
  • Elmira Zherdieva, 1936, singer, Russia.

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