Name name Bella: Origin, vocation, Talents and Fate


How to call your child? This question arises in families waiting for the appearance of offspring. Parents choose all sorts of options, study literature.

Take the name Bella. He has a beautiful sound. And how does the meaning of Bell affect the fate of the girl? Consider in detail questions that arise.

Young woman

General characteristic name

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Three versions of the name of the name are common:

  1. This is the name of Latin descent, meaning "beautiful", "Beauty". The most popular version does not recognize linguists, it is considered folk.
  2. Bella is a brief version of Isabella, which occurred from the French name Catherine. Translated it means "My God - Oath." This option is adhered to professional linguites.
  3. The third interpretation is Slavic roots, meaning "white" or light. " However, in the Old Slavic sources, the word is not mentioned.

If the name is used as a compressed form of the names of Arabella and Anabella, the women inherit their traits inherent in these values.

In European countries, Bella is an independent name. In some cases - Balla.

Abbreviated options: Belleka, Squirrel, Bellock, Bellushka, Belchik, Belli, Ella.

Bella - a symbol of reliability.

Principal and prudence characterize a woman. She is stubborn in nature from the mother, and appearance - from the Father. She can easily make new acquaintances. This contributes to talkative and sociability.

Childhood and youth

Little girl - hyperactive, sociable child. Its actions are impulsive. She is loyal to her thoughts.

At school, Bellechka is no amplification. It is not easy for her studies.

She rarely misses her lonely, her girlfriends always surround her. The distinctive feature is independence, someone else's influence does not give in.

At a young age, his spiritual experiences of the protein trusts the diary. Loves to read. Impressionable.


A mature woman is inherent in the same features as in childhood: impulsiveness, sensuality, temperament.

Bella loves beautiful things, fashionable outfits, sophisticated decorations, make an impression on the environment.

The desire for self-improvement pushes it to visiting various courses and seminars. It shows interest in psychology, Eastern philosophy, foreign languages.

To yourself makes overestimated requirements. Own missions and mistakes lead to strong experiences.

Main features inherent in woman:

  • perseverance;
  • strength of will;
  • stubbornness;
  • Requirement to yourself and surrounding;
  • intelligence;
  • observation;
  • energy;
  • sociability;
  • disability.

Work, business

Bella is a typical business woman. The main motive in the work is material interest. The desire for financial independence encourages her by early work at an early age.

This woman is ideal for creative professions: pianist, poetess, composer, designer, fashion model. Often there are teachers, trade workers.


Love, family relationship

Belleka always surrounds a lot of fans. It contributes to her beauty and impeccable appearance. But the circle of communication consists of weak, non-feasible men in need of maternal care. They rush to Belle, because she likes everyone to pat. The result - she has to undergo sophisticated life situations.

Her jealousy creates tensions in relations with her husband, sometimes the marriage ends with a divorce. The first marriage is unsuccessful.

Bella does not like to fulfill an ordinary job in the house.

If she is met by a man who stands firmly on his feet, she will be a diligent wife and a beautiful mistress.

Unions are favorable with men wearing a name:

  • Artem;
  • Efim;
  • Leonid;
  • Andrey;
  • Michael;
  • Fedor;
  • Ruslan;
  • Arsenii;
  • Hippolyte;
  • Timur;
  • Nikolai;
  • Kim;
  • Abram;
  • Adam;
  • Kupriyan;
  • Irakli;
  • Samuel.

It is not necessary to associate yourself with married bonds with Eugene, Vitaly, Dragomir, Filimon, Alfred, Ludwig, Joseph, Naum, Leonthy, Elizar, Martin, Eldar.


In childhood, Bellechka is noticed by the predisposition to ORVI, sleep disorder.

Health state depends on the month of birth. Consider a few examples:

  • The "February" girl has a weakening of the immune system, frequent angins with high temperatures. Doctors recommend visiting health groups, swimming pool to avoid further rheumatism and heart disease.
  • "Martov" Bella is sick of infectious diseases. For her, it is important not to miss the timeliness of vaccinations. An adult woman can worsen vision, osteochondrosis appear. Recommended observation at the gynecologist.
  • The "September" babe is sick of scarletina, windmill, prone to colitis.

The immune system has a rarely immune system, it is rare.

Love for extreme sports and classes sometimes lead to injury.

Astrological dossier

Zodiac sign - Capricorn. These people count only on themselves.

Planet - Venus patronizes romantic and emotional women.

The color of the name is brown.

People with the "brown" name is difficult fate. They always come in their own way, do not listen to rational advice.

The most favorable color is orange. He gives a person with confidence, nobility of thoughts, creative activity.

Stone-talisman - amber. He is a symbol of happiness, health, faith and optimism, protects against accidents.

Holy Patrons - Saint Belin (Catholic). Name Day - March 4.

Number of name - 8. The desire for power and material well-being is a distinctive feature of the eight people. They are successfully moving at the service staircase, are not afraid of responsibility.

Famous personalities

Bella Ahmadulina fate confirms the correctness of the interpretation of the name. The beginning of her creative path is 17 years old. Published poems reveal the creative potential of poetess. The ability to reveal the inner female world speaks of knowledge of psychology.


Let us continue the list of women with the name Bella:

  • Kurkova, Ezerskaya - journalist;
  • Darvi - French actress;
  • Manevich-Kaplan - artist;
  • Davidovich - Pianist;
  • Rudenko - singer;
  • Divisional - poetess, prose.

It is impossible to give a complete characteristic of a woman or a little girl. But, having considered all these factors, you can use knowledge for a possible prospect of personality development or a better understanding of a nearby person.

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