The meaning of Aigul - character traits and options for fate


The name of Aigul is very popular among Muslims. It has Turkic-Persian roots and means "lunar flower", in another interpretation - "Beautiful, like a rare flower." A similar shape can be found in the names: Gulnara, Gulshat, Gulmir. But all these names are independent and have a different meaning.


The name of Aigul is customary to call girls in Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan. It is also used in other countries of Central Asia. Aigul does not mark the day of the angel, as it is not listed in the Orthodox and Catholic calendar of the Saints.

General interpretation

  • Planet, patronizing name, - Mars.
  • Zodiac signs, suitable name, - Scorpio, Aries.
  • Color attracting good luck and happiness - red, scarlet, tomato.
  • A plant favored by health - heather.
  • Totem animal - wolf.
  • Stone-charm - amethyst.

Childhood and Youth Aigul - Main features and behaviors

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In infancy, Aigul - a quiet, meek and downtown child. She begins to talk lately, often shy and fearful. Reluctantly goes to the hands of strangers, if fear is trying to hide behind the parents.


This girl is very susceptible and sensitive, she does not tolerate noise, cry or loud statements in her address. To convince this sometimes a stubborn and persistent child, you need to be as gentle and kind and good to it.

Due to excessive pride of the baby, the baby is hardly perceived by criticism, but it can be found with it a common language, if you are interested in it, without showing negative emotions.

Aigul loves compliments and affection. She is charming, graceful and gentle. In this girl there is a specific charm and the raisin of the East. It feels traditional parent education, it will honor the order and traditions of their ancestors.

The older becomes Aigul, the more the nature of the name is revealed. It is active, brave and temperamental feature, which can be easily excited and touching. It is light in it, which is easy to turn into a dangerous and all-consuming flame.

In the school years, Gulechka is well studying, but not allocated to outstanding abilities among peers. The girl is sociable, friendly and positive. If there is a chance to take the position of the leader in the classroom, it will rather avoid this opportunity, preferring the role of a slave than the guide.

Aigul has some creative vest. She draws well, dancing, is engaged in needlework, but it will rather remain a children's hobby than to have a professional continuation.

In high school classes, the Guli will have a tendency to accurate sciences. This girl is not a master of oratory art. A public speech and the answer at the board will prefer the solution of the mathematical task for the desk or work at the computer.

The girl Aigul is proud of its external data. This feature usually has long dense hair, bright bright eyes. She knows the price and with dignity bears his beauty in people.

After school, this girl may not immediately decide on the professional area where she would like to realize themselves. She often prefers to learn in absentia and work to gain some independence.

Young years is a difficult one, but an interesting period for Aigul. Throughout life, it does not stop in its development and improving skills. Success to her, most likely, will not come immediately, but this will be a deserved and decent victory.

This young beauty has a lot of fans, but it never blows with frivolous and immorality. She is reasonable, restrained and calm. Even by the wave of popularity, Aigul is not ready to spoil his reputation by random relations.


Pupil on the example of the relationship between father and mother, this girl really appreciates in men decency, loyalty and honesty. Aigul is quite practical and pragmatic, but she will never choose a satellite, pursuing exclusively mercantile interest.

From the student years, this young person is used to achieving everything herself, not counting on the help and support of parents. Therefore, in the future, she will appreciate independence, financial independence and reliability.

Fate and Opportunities Mature Aigul: Choice of Profession, Love and Health

It is possible that the professional environment of the Aigul will be associated with science, information technology, engineering, where accuracy, scrupulousness, logicality and good faith, which undoubtedly has a guil.

But it is possible that it will choose a creative path for implementation, preferring an active and dynamic lifestyle. Whatever the profession is neither interested, Aigul will experience both ups and falls.

She tries to avoid unnecessary responsibility and does not claim a high position. The guil is not inclined to thoroughly think over the tasks, hurrying with their execution. Sometimes the girl is too inspired by the new project and does not bring the same thing to the end.

Although the gulya does not seek to become the director, it does not cease to develop and improve their skills. This applies not only to the main work, Aigul is a versatile person and hurries to live an interesting life, full of impressions and bright stories.

In relations with men, Aigul is looking for love. For many representatives of the opposite sex, it will seem strong, strict and independent special, but in the soul it is very trembling, sentimental and wounding, capable of passion and tenderness at the same time.

Gulechka is usually happy in marriage, as herself dreams of harmony in the family. Even in an incidence of anger, she tries to be very judicious, not to make cardinal speaking solutions. Using the liberal approach, it is not prone to provocations, jealousy and intrigue.

Gulya is a good mistress and a responsible mother. Her kids will always be dressed and tasty fed. Spouse she also does not deprive attention. Caring for loved ones gives her pleasure, and in part in this she sees his calling.

Aigul - a sophisticated nature, which has a good taste. In her house is always cozy, modern and comfortable. She strives for well-being, wealthy, loves dear refined things. But the main minider in the family considers the spouse, pleaseing the situation that she is a good wife and mother.

Guly - responsive and reliable comrade, who will find time to listen to a girlfriend, support and give advice. It is sensitive to someone else's pain and can empathize problems around. In order to strengthen the Moral Spirit of Aigul and motivate to a positive result, she needs to feel his own demand, understand that they appreciate and love.

Aigul prefers an active lifestyle, is not inclined to harmful habits, so its health throughout life is fairly stable. It is fruitful and has a high pain threshold. Name energy indicates that Aigul should avoid open fire and high speed, since there is a chance to get into a dangerous situation.

Famous women named Igul

  • Aigul Solovyova - deputy, socio-political figure, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Member of the Expert Council under the Government of Business Development, Candidate of Chemical Sciences.
  • Aigul Mukay is a journalist and a popular TV presenter of Kazakh television, director of the famous TV channel in Kazakhstan "El-Arna".
  • Aigul Toksanova - a successful businessman, entrepreneur, economist, head of scientific projects, the author of scientific publications, is included in the list of the best women in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Aigul Bariev - Tatar singer, a performer of traditional Tatar songs, deserved artist of the republic.

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