The meaning of Angela is fate, love, career, character and luck


Many parents like this "Angelic" name. But such an angelic temper gives her own owner?


The meaning and origin of the name

The "great-grandfather" of this name was the Latelatinsky male angelus. It meant, as it is not difficult to guess, "Angel".

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In Christian books, it is more often mentioned that is this male name. But in the people, his female version gained great popularity, and the emphasis in the name can stand both on the first syllable and on the second.

Among friends and relatives, it is replaced by: Angie, gel, desire, despite.

In other countries, it sounds like this: Angel (English-speaking countries), Angel (France), Angel or Angela (Spanish-speaking countries), Angela (Germany), Angelka (Serbia), Anel (Poland), Angela (Bulgaria).

All sides of the nature of Ange

Advantages: hot temperament, self-esteem. She loves everything beautiful, comfortable life. She has excellent fantasy (it may even come up to the point that the girl begins to live in his own world, not wanting to make a flaw real). The girl is prone to self-sacrifice. It has good intuition and, if it starts to develop his inner voice and obey it, will achieve success at work.

Disadvantages: This is an intolerant girl, often conflicting with others. She is very envious. This is a fierce intrigue and a gossip, often not having friends because of these unlucky qualities.

She has many fantasies, but there is little hardness, so they all remain dreams. She is indecisive, often falls under the influence of others. This is an irresponsible, unbalanced person.

The fate of carrier name in our country

  • Childhood. We are more likely called the youngest girl. She can be born up to date, but in the first year of life to overtake their "nine-month-old" peers. Baby loves to play, and if not to call her at the table, she is ready to take it all day in his puppet world (and she has an excellent appetite). She cannot live without communication, so Mom should be alert: in Anji Park, it can easily take a stranger grandmother for the hand and go home to her.
  • School. The girl "is punctured" an independent temper. It can stop listening to mom, but dad still respects (or is afraid). With this caprizuly, you can not talk in the language of your hysteria, only calmly and balanced.
  • Youth. The girl becomes eccentric. If this feature comes out from under its control, problems immediately begin to raise the problem - both with friends and study. But, even though Enti and does not seek to stand out by their appearance, her natural beauty and charm make the guys intently look closely towards her figure.
  • Mature age. It is strong, although a little proud woman. Loves to seek the targets. With its priority, it does not consider an external gloss, but education. So I will spend the prize not on a fashionable skirt, but to visit courses for advanced training. She loves to stand out from the collective - if not appearance, then behavior.

All happy signs for Angela


  • The ideal zodiac sign: Lion (from July 23 to August 22).
  • Planet named: Venus.
  • Loving color: purple, and even stronger - blue.
  • Stones that in the hands of Angela will turn into talismans: turquoise and lapis.
  • Happy plants: Rose (necessarily alpine) and aspen.
  • Totem animal: inhabitants of the seabed - electric acne and scat.

Angel Day: July 14.

How does this woman come in different situations?

  • Love. She is a little mysterious, thus attracts guys. But in the partner, it just appreciates not seminka, but full spiritual openness.
  • A family. From her spouse she has no secrets. For Angela, it is important that the beloved always listened to her and sincerely interested in her inner world. If he starts to shove away from sincere talks with his wife, she can even disappear him. The perfect marriage for her is the Union of the two best friends.
  • Job. It is better to choose a position on which it is not necessary to solve anything and anything to respond. It can be a good writer, actress (dramatic plan), journalist.
  • Health. Still at school, this baby may face scoliosis. As for typically children's colds, they will be afraid baby if parents start hardening it from the diaper. The only thing: she can start sick by Farnigit. Moreover, as soon as this disease appeared, it must be cured to the end, otherwise it will turn into a chronic form. And in general, her throat is quite weak. It would be nice in childhood more often to export it to the sea.

What kind of man (name) build a joint life?

Successful Union: Alexander, Artem, Arseny, Anton, Victor, Daniel, Egor, Lev, Mikhail, Igor, Konstantin, Yuri.

So that the union was successful, the Ange's spouse can not be forgotten: secretly in humans, this woman is becoming just an energy volcano. Yes, she will never bring back in criticism, will acquaint her beloved with all his experiences, fears and hopes. But Angela is an excellent owner!

Unsuccessful Union: Arkhip, Mark, Matvey, Thomas.

Theses, because of which the whole world looked at the name Angela


  1. Angela Lansbury (1925) - Singer and actress, played in the theater and cinema. He received an honorary "Oscar" for the contribution to the cinema. Known to us thanks to the series "She wrote the murder", the films "Mrs. Santa Claus", "My terrible nanny". Born in London, emigrated to the USA, where he worked.
  2. Angela Davis (1944) - African American, Communication, Public Worker and Writer. It was she who dedicated to the famous song of our countryman, Garik Sukachev. And there is a cake, named after this famous human rights activist.
  3. Angela Merkel (1954) - politician from Germany. Party leader, Chancellor.
  4. Angela Vieyr (1952) - Actress from Brazil. Removed mainly in melodramas or dramatic films.
  5. Angela Molina (1955) - Actress from Spain. Removed in the films of almodovar "Live flesh" and "open arms".
  6. Angie Evergra (1969) is an American fashion model and actress ("time of mad dogs", "Love in Paris").
  7. Angie Hermon (1972) - fashion model and actress from the USA. Removed in films and TV shows (its most famous role can be considered the role of a detective Jane Rizzoli in the series "Rizzoli and Isles").
  8. And young girls will like the game "Talking Angela", which can be downloaded to your phone, tablet or use online. The main character (snow-white kitty) can be the best "girlfriend" as a one-year-old crumb, and the "adult" decade.

Well, at the end of the article, we traditionally offer a song performed by the famous Soviet pop singer Valery Ozodzinsky. And let it drink not in modern, but in a classic manner, she will warm the heart to all Angelam, because it is written for them:

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