What does margarita name for a woman and what fate is prepared


Margarita, or Pearl, as a name with Greek translates, - a rare and amazing woman who can shine in the most incredible situations. Dangerous by its beauty, brightness and unpredictability, she herself often falls into their own traps. The fate of Margarita is usually associated with men who could not resist her femininity and passion. Margot itself rarely enters the dependent relationship. She prefers to inspire, inspire, take gifts, keeping their independence and independence.

With tigrome

Names name

Margosha, Margaret, Greta, Margo, Margaritka, Megan, Gita, Margon, Monia, Mara, Rita, Ritun, Ritochka,.


  • Zodiac sign - secret and sensual fish.
  • Managing Planet - Venus.
  • Tree - Pine, cedar.
  • Happy colors - purple, red, black.
  • Flower - daisy, lily.
  • Stone - Pearls, Emerald, Sapphire.

Compatibility of names

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Margarita chooses prominent men with a beautiful name. For her, it is important that the "happy" pair names could be without much difficulty and without a stick to pronounce in a row. Philip, Vladimir, Alexey, Andrey, Sergey, Richard, Theodore.



The main black character should be considered impulsiveness, straightness, sharpness. Margot is capable of naughty actions that she herself perceives as impossible nonsense and mistake. But she does not change his mind. Rather, the sky will fall on Earth than Margarita will change its decision, even 100 times the erroneous, wrong, stupid and even destructive.

In the women's team, it is usually disliked, considered arrogant, arrogant, closed. When women are divided by secrets and with pleasure, we are brightened to each other bones, she desperately misses. She is not too interested in other people's lives, she is angry with her beautiful memory, because all the smallest details of unnecessary discussion of foreign people are forever imprinted in her brain.

With the moment she prefers to work alone. If in order not to listen to the gossip, you will have to become the boss and get a separate office, it will do it.

In her house she often mess. If she lives alone, the cigarettes are lying on the floor, crumbs, can stand the dishes in the way with the dresses. She needs to be needed for someone to look after her in everyday life. One it will eat semi-finished products or go to the restaurant. A variant of the incoming service is possible.

The share of nanny, which looks after the children, may fall and care for the economy. Margo can maintain order, even perfect, but strongly in standard women's responsibilities. From a sense of debt, it is able to create even the perfect sparkling purity and grace of the nest, but it will be the same version of purity as in the hotel. The main thing for it is functionality and personal comfort.

Fortunately, Margarita can be grateful. Noticing a change for the better, she immediately seeks to pay for efforts - will raise the salary or give a premium. Itself often devoid of justice, understanding how little it is in the modern world, she strives to be honest and fair if possible.



Fate can be changeable. Activities from early childhood is looking for adventures and answers to millions of various "why". It is interesting for her everything is shipbuilding, art, history, mathematics, natural sciences, space, sport. In all, it seeks good results. She constantly complains about the lack of peace, home comfort, comfort, the possibilities to be saturated - and immediately disappears into another business trip or expedition. For her, it's necessary to sleep on the bump, jump on the flames, reign on the ball, to be in the operator booth on filmmakers. The usual boring life is not for her.

Relationship with men is not easy. As a distant beloved, unattainable ideal and the muse, it is perfection. But if she get married, even with the intention to become an exemplary wife, everything changes. Margo does not tolerate consumer and indifferent relationship, which often accompanies marriage.

With the first hint of cooling, it can make a steep turn left. In order for marriage to be successful, the husband continuously should delete her attention, give her little, but pleasant surprises, independently solve issues with the household or at least participate in equal and acting the initiator of the cleaning. But it is easier to learn the phone of the cleaning service.

Children Margot loves and gladly smokes in macushi in the breaks between trips, brings souvenirs, gifts, exotic things. When the children grow up, takes them with them, providing stunning and unique childhood, full of real adventures. Strong, beautiful, deft, surrounded by delighted fans, she delivers an excellent example of femininity.

In the elderly, Margo usually remains alone, but with pleasure takes guests, friends, children and grandchildren. Mondering her character, children do not seek to shove the grandchildren on her care. It can be said that Margarita is born under a lucky star. Her life is definitely not boring.


  • Terekhova is the famous actress of the theater and cinema, Milady in the "Three Musketeers", Diana in the "dog on Seine".
  • Tetcher - "Iron Lady", Prime Minister of England.
  • Valua, Navarskaya - the famous "Queen Margo".
  • Tudor - Queen of Scotland.
  • Pushkin - Poets, Poet-songwriter of Kipelov, Aria.
  • Simonyan is the chief editor of the RT television news channel.
  • Nazarova is a famous trainer of Lviv and Tigers, an actress of the circus and cinema.

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