Meaning of the name Carolina - sociable nature beauty with excellent health


Interpretation of the name Carolina explanation is based on the old Germanic male named Karl. Associative with the man the feminine form of the name gives the bearer is not feminine quality - courage. Meaning soft form female name Carolina light male Charles both analog regal royal endows bearer qualities.

Young woman

The character of the royal name

A distinctive feature of all Caroline - an unusual look in his eyes a dreamy person hovering in a dream world. Emotional and good, but a little half-hearted possessor name fate awarded a well-developed intuition and creative abilities. Despite the dreamy, Carolina can be called bold and decisive, her lack of willpower and perseverance.

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From childhood child cheerful surprise parents with their talents, becoming with age in a sophisticated lady that owns the elegant manners. However, sociability and communication skills extinguished excessive suspiciousness, manifesting itself in the nature of negative features:

  • redundant vanity with high self-esteem;
  • ego with signs of pride;
  • lack of flexibility in the nature.

Tendency to pathological fear spoils Carolina life, it is prone to the existence of an imaginary reality, believe in their dreams and fantasies. To smooth out the effect of the negative traits of the girl should be brothers and sisters.

Short form of the name Caroline enough. Adult bearer can be called the crust, Lina, Nana, Kerry or Lotoy even Carly or Lolita. Among the common name synonyms Charlotte, Carole, Caroline, Charles, Charles or Carlota, Karol. Baby can affectionately call Karolinochkoy, Linochka or Linus, Lola, Shari, Kara.

As the name Carolina does not appear in the lists of Orthodox church calendar, name-day of bearer notes on Catholic canons - 20 May. Therefore, at the baptism of a child will receive one of the names on the church Orthodox church calendar. But at the bearer has a patron saint, it is called the blessed Carolina Cuzco.

Childhood and youth

  • Childhood. An active girl with a bright character is easily given communication, but the parents invented the world of Carolini with ghostly friends, visible only to her, is alarming. Stormy communication with peers is stopped after the first conflict, fate endowed the baby with disapplication and capriciousness. A charming child has a lot of talents, but the success comes, if leaning is growing in a large family. The only child demonstrates an overestimated self-esteem.
  • The youth of the carlota is in communicating with friends, which it appreciates high. Despite the strong character, presented by the royal meaning of the name, the girl is influenced by the environment. Fate knew Carol an attractiveness that she begins to realize, an adult, which increases her self-esteem. Guys behind the girlfriend go to herds, and the girlfriends are jealous, and self-defense and self-confidence appear in the character of Karly. The young queen dreams faster to become an adult to start the realization of children's dreams.

A dreamy girl who is better to choose a creative profession grows from a curious and constantly speaking girl. From a charming woman, not deprived of enterprise, which is like to rule, will be a good diplomat, head, actress.


Name Carolina in the light of astrology

  • The corresponding sign on the zodiac is Virgo.
  • The Patron Planet is the moon.
  • Among the color variety the name corresponds to brown.
  • Stone Talisman is the Jasper.
  • Carolini's overave plants will be an iris and forget-me-not.
  • Totem animals Astrologers call the cat.
  • Favorable day of the week - Friday.
  • Zodiac compatibility with a sign of a virgin or scales.

Hobbies and professional bias

Creatively gifted nature has a wide range of interests, fond of dancing, having fun with pleasure, engaged in vocals. However, the inattentive Caroline was difficult to study, so in a professional sphere it will be difficult for it if the work is not related to creativity. The lady does not make critics, the comments are offended, with the authorities conflict, so it often has to change the job. With the intuition, Charlotte career will be dizzy, if it is not related to finance.

Health status

A pleasant appearance woman with impeccable taste on health does not complain, rarely suffering from ailments due to endurance donated by fate. The health of Carolina is rapidly restored after the disease, but it is still recommended for breathing organs.

In love and marriage

It is in love that the carlobes reverses his indecision, forgetting modesty. An excessive impulsiveness of the jealous bark often ends with disappointment, because it does not forgive betrayal. Her ideal is a prince on a white horse, but the admirers of the Namer have enough, which she does not really appreciate because of their intention.

Selected Charlotte must be reliable, appreciate and understand it, not devoid of romance. A good mistress and a caring mother will be released from Carolina, it will be to tremble to her husband to deep old age.

Compatibility of names

A rather complicated problem is considered to compatibility of the names of Carolina with male names:

  • Passionate relations will tend a connection with Gleb, Ostap, Dmitry, Rostislav or Casimir;
  • A durable marriage foreshadows marriage with Nikolai, Vasily, Vitaly, Ernst or Ruslana;
  • It is not recommended to start a relationship with Luka or Naum, as well as Felix, Herakli.

Famous personalities, carrier of the royal name

  • The youngest of Napoleon's Sisters Bonaparte was called Carolina (1782).
  • Modern Italian figure skater carries the name of Carolina Costner (1987).
  • The famous Spanish poetess was called Carolina Koronado (1821).
  • Lucretia Carolina Herschel (1750) was an English astronomer.
  • British aristocrats and writer Lady Carolina Lam (1785) was a novel with Lord Byron.
  • Czech supermodel Carolina Kurkova (1984) recognized the sexiest blonde of Europe.
  • The spectacular beauty of Princess Monaco is called Carolina Grimaldi (1957).


The name of Carolina on the horoscope

Each sign of the zodiac awards the girl with a certain fate, unusual features of the character, beyond his patronage:

  • Aries - cheerful, friendly and smoking baby with changeable character.
  • Taurus - obviously named carrier, prone to loneliness and dreams.
  • Gemini - charming, but emotional cortex more like freedom.
  • Cancer - fate gives responsibility and hardworking, but difficult in communication.
  • The lion is a talented, erudite fume character leads to his own goal.
  • Virgo - reliable and working Carolina lacks travels and impressions.
  • Scales - independent carrier harmonizes with male representatives.
  • Scorpio is unbalanced, but a strong spirit man without a gift of eloquence.
  • Sagittarius - Active Carrie is destined to become a leader with high principles.
  • Capricorn - persistent, not deprived of the arrogance of the lady fate ended the chance.
  • Aquarius - deprived of leadership capacities carrier with the will of a man.
  • Fish is an arrondant lonely lover, requiring full obedience.

If today the choice of a name for the girl is based on fashion trends and benevolent sound, then in the old days focused on the belief and the value of the names. You can refer to the nameslo in which the names of different peoples of the world are included in the list. However, for representatives of Slavic peoples, it is better to choose a name for the Orthodox Scholes, so as not to deprive the baby of the divine intercession.

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