The meaning of Evdokia is the nature of the carrier, love, husband and fate


This name sounds in ancient times, but nevertheless there is no modern television, and there is no melknet. What does it attract modern parents who choose the names for the daughters? And what advantages have in terms of mysticism, numerology, church?


What does the name mean, where did it come from?

The theory of its origin is only one - Greek. Gone from the ancient name to Eudokia - "Fale". It is also believed that this is the synonym for Euddoxy - "bless."

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In our country, it appeared together with Christianity. It was popular among the highest classes, and among the simple people.

For friends, she: Dunya, Dunyasha, Dusya. Our ancestors also turned this name into a more rustic - Avdota (increasing).

The name has a pair male: Evdokim, "having a good reputation."

In other countries: Jersey (Ukraine, Belarus).

What character does it award a girl, a woman?

Strengths: This is a real diplomat, who does not hurt himself, and for the opponent will find a good word. The main value in the life of the Duni is to live in harmony with the world and so. This is a strong, even punching woman.

In his youth (and not only), she watches the fashion, without sorry for cosmetics.

Weaknesses: This is a real fit. She can adapt to the twist mother-in-law or Tirana-chief, but when it comes, she will help them with pleasure. Sometimes people are so tired by the dus, that she leaves himself and ceases to trust them.

It does not tolerate critics, often acts as a real proud. She tries not to show the form, but inside is very sensitive and wounded.

Fate of modern Duni.

  • Early years. The owner of this rare name can start boasting them or, on the contrary, shy. Mom must be raised in the baby a sense of confidence in herself, but teach her that he is strongly exhibited - it is also bad. Also, this kind crude should be explained what kind of self-irony and humor, then in a more mature age she will not be so touchy.
  • Youth. It is an optimist (if nothing wounds her pride). With friends, she sincere, with her beloved - trusting and open. She almost does not live "head", mainly by the decisions of the Heart.
  • Maturity. She has enough internal energy and disabilities to make a career in his favorite position. At the same time, it will be able to make a family, give birth to children, actively educate them.

That's what good will bring her:


  • Planet Patron: Jupiter.
  • The perfect zodiac sign that was born under which the girl is better to name this particular name: Fish (from February 29 to March 20).
  • Color name: blue.
  • The stone you need to wear in the decoration or at least keep at home: turquoise.
  • A plant that will protect from the troubles: This is a violet, and from trees - Iva.
  • Totem animal: seal.

Name Day, i.e. Angel's Day

  • March 14 (March 1). On this day, they remember the Martyr Evdokia, in the past - a big sinner, but in the mature age - a nun.
  • August 17 (or August 4). Rev. Martyr Evdokia, killed in Persia for faith.

In different life situations, she will do so ...

  • Love. Often this girl from nature gets a lot of external beauty, and she knows how to use it well. In a relationship, he likes to "steer", and therefore the partner chooses obedient and affectionate. She does not want to "half love", she needs either a passionate beautiful novel, or "free!"
  • A family. She chooses her husband very pickily, so in no hurry with marriage. At the same time, the marriage creates very successful. In the house, she loves the comfort, ready to maintain him at least every day.
  • Friends. In life, the girl is truly tightly friendly with one girlfriend, which he believes almost sister. She misses her in the separation, can be jealous to other friends and even her guy. During the quarrel, she is very worried, but the first tool will not run.
  • Job. Good post for this woman: consultant, assistant leader, lawyer, diplomat.
  • Health. The weak point of its body is considered bones. In his youth or during pregnancy, it often happens with teeth. In adulthood, the development of osteoporosis is possible, so that the Dunya should "lean" on the products rich in Calcium.

What kind of man will she be happy?

Successful relationships are possible with a man, worldly or church name: Akim, Averyan, Gerasim, Dementy, Emelyan, Evdokim, Orest, Kasyan, Parfen, Ratibor, Fedoty.

In a partner or spouse, this girl, first of all, appreciates calm temper and stability in everything.

The wife of a woman should be alert: When Dosus is a marriage and she will decide to lose an external gloss, this lady can have a "romance" on the side. So it is better not to bring before that, and all the time wake up a woman in his wife, giving her flowers and withdrawing to a restaurant.

Unsuccessful Union: Artem, Venedict, Vseslav or Vladislav, Izyaslav.

Theses, thanks to which everyone respects the name Evdokia

Dunya name

  1. Evdokia Fedorovna (1669-1731) is the first wife of Peter the first.
  2. Evdokia Chernysheva (1693-1747) is one of the mistresses of Peter the first, the general. Peter gave her nickname "Avdota, Baba Baba."
  3. Evdokia Golitsyn (1780-1850), also known as Avdots - the mistress of the literary salon, which is considered the most prominent beauty of his time; Big patriot of all Russian. I had the nickname "Night Princess" (really wore the title of princess). The young Pushkin was often in her salon, fell in love with the hostess and even dedicated her three verse ("to ***", "edges of a foreign inexperienced amateur", an app to the "liberty").
  4. Evdokia Istiguner (1799-1848) is the famous Russian ballerina. The same Pushkin squeezed her in Evgenia Onegin.
  5. Evdokia Rostopina (1811-1858) - Russian translator, poetess. Most of all loved poems about unrequited love.
  6. Avdota or Evdokia Panayeva (1820-1893) - Russian writer, civilian wife Nikolai Nekrasov. Rolled in literary circles of that time, wrote a lot of memoirs about writers. She wrote under the pseudonym N. N. Stanitsky.
  7. Justoha Share (1885-1988) - Soviet actress, born in Ukraine. Spouse Vasily Verkhovsintsa - Ukrainian composer, choreographer.
  8. Dunya Raiter (1946) - film actress from Croatia, played in Westerns "Winnetu" 1963, "among the Korshuns".
  9. Evdokia Germanov (1959) - Soviet actress of cinema and theater, director. He played in the films "Russian", "Vanechka", "Anna Karenina, the story of Vronsky."
  10. Dunya Ilch (1990) - Serbian pop singer. In our country, she "became famous" by the fact that without demand I copied the song Svetlana Loboda.
  11. Avdota or Dunya Smirnova (1969) - TV presenter, screenwriter, director from Russia. In particular, led the program "School of Crossing".
  12. Evdokia Marchenko - the writer and the poetess from Russia, founding the Public Organization "Radasta", equal to sects.
  13. Evdokia Malevskaya (2002) - Young Russian singer and actress (film "Bird").

Name in Russian culture

  1. "Evdokia" (1961) is a drama of the Soviet film on the novel of the Roman Faith Panova on family values.
  2. Also, this name was mentioned in classical Russian literature. For example, Dostoevsky lovers will immediately recall Avdotia or Dunya Raskolnikov from "Crime and Punishment".

And at the end for all carriers of this name, a small gift is a "registered" song from Belousov's famous singer in Soviet times: "Duny-Dunyasha"!

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