Value Name Inna - especially the fate and character


Inna name has Orthodox roots and translated from Latin means "rapid flow of the river", "fast flow", it sounds like "swim, swim, run" in a different interpretation. Name Inna previously male, so called a disciple of the Apostle Andrew, who was later executed for his faith in Christ. In honor of him in the Orthodox church calendar calendar marked the day February 2 - it is the day an angel of Ina.

Other forms of name may be derived from other names: Inessa, Ina.

General interpretation

  • Planet, patronizing name, - Moon.
  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Wood supply power and energy, - a lemon.
  • Color, attracting happiness and well-being - a bright yellow lemon.
  • Totem animal - the dog dingo.
  • Stone Charm - Opal.

General characteristics of the name - behaviors and talents

Meaning of the name Inna is fully consistent with her character. It voiced, energetic and active little girl. Even as a child, she enjoys dancing, skating, drawing, singing, and the main audience and the judges of her work are the parents.

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The girl at the dance

Baby Ina needs adult attention, in their teachings and wise counsel. This does not mean that it is devoid of any kind of independence. She just hurry to live an exciting and precarious fate of perceiving reality a little differently. At this point, it is important that a number were those who in time will direct and show the right path to success.

This child is a child tends to glory. She is thrilled by the applause and admiring glances in her direction. She wants to be in demand and always be in the spotlight. Already at this age she deftly turns relatives manage to suit their own interests. This position will continue in the future. After Inna by nature - the leader.

Despite the fact that the girl Inna vain and stubborn sometimes, it is still very easy, affectionate, simple and sparkling. The older she gets, the more strength of character wakes up in it. It is becoming more demanding on yourself and to others.

Inna tends always to improve life around and change for the better those around her. Sometimes it's the pursuit of perfectionism brings her to a nervous breakdown, and she may be depressed.

This emotion is still not prevent it from being fun, cheerful and a bit frivolous. It has a simple approach to many things, it is either something very fond of, or rejects, no middle ground. Such youthful maximalism continue into adulthood.

High school Ina increasingly shows its independence in behavior and in attitudes. She strongly defends his point of view, is not inclined to change the decision and to succumb to another's influence.

In this attractive lady awake business qualities: she is punctual, concrete, logical and very principled. Which she sometimes is not enough - it's rigidity, assertiveness and the ability to stand up to the end, even in the most difficult situations.

But, on the other hand, you can always count on this person. She is a faithful and reliable friend who will not betray a difficult moment, and always will, because of its features. Inna is not vindictive and prone to conceal resentment.

In high school Ina interested in the exact sciences, and at this age already determined their future profession. She manages to successfully complete high school and enroll in the school of which she dreamed.

Student of Ina is very organized and disciplined, it is aimed at getting a good profession and career. With its potential possibilities can become a successful engineer, a designer, a surgeon. Many other areas are also quite suitable for such a hardworking and intelligent person.

Professional realization, love and health

Whatever profession or chosen Ina, it will be completely immersed in the work. Her dedication and self-sacrifice for the benefit of professional success will bear fruit. Inna quickly can achieve a high position in society, a good salary and a complete financial independence.


Work can be a sense of her life if she just does not realize his solitude. It may well abandon the family, if its successful projects will have more and more continue.

If Ina smiles happy and she falls in love, then at some time of its obsession with careers can be extinguished. There may be several options. Family life may not be as long as she thought, if there is a man who can not tolerate women leadership. And after such a relationship it is unlikely to take the risk to go out again married.

In another case, Inna will be able to save a family union with the spouse, who will take the role of humble householder, performing the functions to be performed by the guardian of the family hearth.

No matter how developed the personal life of Ina, it will always be a loving and devoted mother. Having children can change her life values. It will be the embodiment of kindness, care and motherhood.

During the period of maternity leave, it will attract the role of a gentle and affectionate spouse. Such a woman is able to assess only a very wise and self-sufficient man having a good life experience behind the shoulders.

Ideal compatibility for marriage in Inna is possible with men named: Arkady, Victor, Artem, Gennady, Veniamin, Nestor. It is worth avoiding serious relationship with Arsenia, Eugene, Kuzma, Efim, Matvey.

Inna is capable of becoming happy next to those who become her friend, a temperamental lover, honest and frank companion. To strive for women's happiness, she will be in a mature age when she no longer have to prove someone. But at the official union, this woman will not dare. It is quite satisfied with civil marriage and partnerships.

Inna will be very good and generous to their little offspring. But her love will often be expressed not in attention, but in expensive gifts. Over time, it can turn into a problem. The older they become, the less it will find a common language with them.

But with age, Inna will learn to cope with difficulties, including personal troubles. She is already able to deal with stress, show restraint, tolerance and indulgence. This independent and secured lady is able to find a new occupation, the passion, which will help her not only distract, but also diversify her life, bringing a stream of fresh air.

Over the years, energy and optimism is not reduced in Inna, it is still cheerful and active. It is not surprising if she will win a new type of activity capable of bringing good income. It can also be captivated by travel and travel, studying the culture and traditions of different nations. In general, she will try to find that optimal life balance that will make it happy.

Inna's health from childhood is weak. A girl with the same name, born in winter, may suffer an angina, sinusitis, inflammation of the kidneys and the urogenital system. A born in the spring-summer period is susceptible to allergic reactions and diseases of the nervous system.

Famous women named Inna

  • Inna Gomez - Fashion model, actress Cinema.
  • Inna Zhukova - Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, which conquered a silver medal in single speeches, a native of Belarus.
  • Inna Suslin - Professional handball player, is part of the Russian national team.
  • Inna Glata - actress of cinema and theater of the Soviet period, deserved artist of the USSR.
  • Inna Volkova - the author of songs, singer, participant of the Russian pop group.

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