Name of Vitalin - What fate does a girl predict

  • Zodiac Vitaly - Capricorn.
  • Planet - Uranus.
  • Color named Vitalin - purple.
  • A favorable tree - aspen.
  • The cherished plant of Vitaly - Camery.
  • The patron of Vitalin is an electric eel.

What does the name Vitaly (Vitalin) mean: "life" (the name of Vitalin Latin origin).

Vitaly Angel Day: Vitalin's name does not have a name.


Vitalin character

A rare name, it is understandable - if you give such a name to the girl, then provide it with excellent fate, various creative resources that it can easily use in your life. The girl will be grateful to you, and you can constantly be under her support.

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The girl even in the adolescence does not plan to work on himself, it only contemplates for his part, that is, does not have the ability to "sharp" changes in his body and psychological motives.

Never a chief of Vitaly will not be a peer, as it is too smart for a similar person. She needs precisely the superior of her man who will not allow mistakes and will be able to correspond to her by the mind. After all, if girls always grow faster than boys, then independent Vitalin will grow even faster, so the husband must be at least 5 years older, and even 10 for complete superiority and patronage.

Practical thinking that dominates Vitaly, allows her to do what she does not know how, or that she is not interested in a little, for example, the use of various female things in order to keep her husband in sight.

Vitaly is often a good owner who will not be swapped in line - most likely, just send a husband to the store. Yes, and in general, she is more like male professions for which a strong hand and practical thinking are needed, and somewhere and creative thinking for which the use of force and its approach is characteristic. After all, there are cases of cases when it was the creative approach that conducted the road between creative and ordinary people.

Rarely Vitaly finds a common language with mother-in-law and does not understand how to obey the same woman as she. Yes, and at all does not support the idea of ​​obeying another woman. Often it is quite practical and does what it is unusual for it - for example, carefully calculates the money of the family budget with mercantility.

The choice of professions for Vitalina is extremely large, but often they are related to work in society: social worker, writer, dancer, bartender, hairdresser, seller, business Wanman, entrepreneur, realtor.

The number 1 is often tied to the name of Vitalin, talking about her like winner, which allows her to win without much effort. Vitalin will not conflict in the slightest occasion, but will begin to demonstrate his skills in order to further rejoice in the first place, because for the victory to overburge her throats for nothing, she always considered himself a real queen. But, even despite her royal shuffles, it will not use "low" ways to achieve victory - only an honest victory, only so.

Vitalin is always used to winning, and if she does not have to achieve a particular purpose, she does not despair and understands well that not all the goals are reasonable to set themselves. However, it is characterized by enthusiasm in achieving any purpose, and if she could not achieve something once, then coming home, it will definitely try to do it again. She can even score on their own fatigue, but goals will reach.

Practical thinking helps this girl invent new ways to achieve its goal, which may not immediately be given. It can even resort to extremely dangerous methods, and can go through the heads a little bit. Nevertheless, it will not affect her karma. This girl was always good to people and did not deny it. For her, the roles of rivalry does not play. She really wants to become the woman who will admire all men.

But even for any of its goals, Vitalin does not resort to the use of methods, which would spend half a life of some Timur, not deprived by the militant temper and the desire to defeat absolutely everyone, he also has a number 1 tied. In contrast to the name Timur, the figure 1 Vitalyn got not for her warlike temper, but for the skills that allow her to achieve their goal and take only the first places in its activities that constantly border with various creative classes.

If you say trust, then the name of Vitalin is extremely rare, it is very unsightly leaving to the light with the same name, and she often takes some pseudonym if, for example, writing activities, directed or just dancing in public. Most likely, she will have interesting pseudonyms associated with the strength and power.

Name Vitalin

Vitalin in various spheres of life

Since childhood, Vitalin seeks independence and does not understand how to obey anyone. Even parents do not have so much power over it, how much she is over himself and bosses that are above it in terms of the hierarchy of some company.

Often, Vitalin in his dreams leads some great woman, which, thanks to creative resources and independence, was able to achieve much more, and wants to fit her in all plans. As a rule, this practice does not give anything other than a bad self-esteem, which, inclined, leads a girl to the inevitable compound and disappointment.

The girl can try his hand in pedagogy, however, she has more to her creative professions, such as acting skills and writing.

From the young age, this girl is very self-independent and can even be closed in himself for a while, if you do not constantly maintain it and try to draw into active joint activities, then it will not cooperate with you and simply will work out on yourself, " At the same time turns hard complexes.

In their affairs, the girl behaves extremely confident, always knows what she needs. It will not be exchanged on trifles and trifles, can put a man in place, even if he settled as the head of the family.

In a man, above all, a young girl appreciates education, the cultural value of which is impossible to overestimate. She also understands that a man who can support a dialogue on any topic is very important for her. Nevertheless, the physical development of a man is very important, and if it leaves much to be desired, the girl will not even look at you.

The girl is very smart, nevertheless trusting. She can trust you without various requirements, but if she ever learns that you used her trust in their own mercenary purposes, she will no longer trust you. In this regard, it is very angry and can not just start new relations with a person who literally used its psychological resources for its purposes.

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