Name of Adrian: Name Day, Fate, Character, Talisman


This name sounds a bit strange for the Russian ear, but nevertheless in our sacraments it is mentioned very often, so in schools the first generation of carriers of this name from Orthodox or Catholic families is already growing. But how do they look at this name astrologers, numerologists and magicians? Is it considered good and successful or, on the contrary, it is better to refrain from it?


Meaning and etymology name

  1. Latin version. In ancient Rome, there was a generic nickname Hadrianus. It meant "Man born near the Adriatic Sea." This value also has this name.
  2. Russian version. This is an option named Andrei ("Mougretary", "bravery" with ancient Greek), born among our ancestors.
The middle name: Adrianovich (Adrianch), Adrianovna (Adrianne).

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Paired Lady: Adriana (this name is the models of Adrian Lima, Adrian Schlalandarikova, as well as the Ukrainian pop singer - in general, it is very popular among modern beauties).

For friends, this guy: Adriasha, Andryukha, Andryusha, Adi, Addi, Eddie.

In other cultures, the name sounds like: Adrian (England), Adrien (France), Arian (Germany), Adriano (Portugal, Italy, Spain).

The nature of typical adriana

Advantages: This is a friendly guy who conquers all calm, harmonious character. A realist who loves also loves (but in his imagination is not dominated by unicorns, but new phones and cars, that is, things that can come into life).

This is an exalted, sincere person. However, if life begins to him "Rake", Adrian will resist all the troubles, and if an unkind man meets on his way, this guy will not be a "ball" and will give a rascal worthy.

Disadvantages: If in truth, then this man, as the hero of all his favorite film "Moscow does not believe in tears", practically weave from solid advantages. To the weaknesses of character, except that it is possible to attribute the strong independence of the opinions, the rejection of the "rapid instinct". Especially dislikes are blindly obeyed by generally accepted standards is expressed in young Eddie.

The fate of the carrier of this name in our country

  • Early years. Miley pupsik, lovers of grandmothers and aunt. He is very sensitive, suffers if parents swear under it. If his life is filled with "nerves" or he is too tired, the boy can become emotionally unstable, start "breaking down".
  • Childhood. The boy becomes inspired, and all thanks to the strong sense of empathy. He will help mom at home not because it is necessary, but because the mother gets tired at work. Parents are very important to tell the Adrian his way, learn not to go on some of some too cunning "disadvantaged", which will surely want to bet on the goodness of this person in the future.
  • Youth. The guy lives a wonderful idea: he dreams of making the world better. He is ready to devote his free minute to devote off and deprived (for example, it can become a volunteer, handing out leaflets for the sake of salvation of a dog shelter, to blog on witnessing problems). Most of all he dreams of freedom. These dreams can push him to reckless actions.
  • Maturity. Putting the "cones" in youth, Adrian will become more careful, more realistic. This strong personality still feels that the world needs help, but already understands that everyone will not be able to save. Most likely, now the concern for this man will be sent more specifically - on relatives, friends. Until old age, he does not lose love for ideals (not only in behavior, but also in beauty).

What will give him good luck?

Blue flowers

  • Color name: blue.
  • Planet Patron: Proserpina.
  • The sign of the zodiac, which is desirable to be born to Adrian: Virgo (August 23 - September 22).
  • A stone that is worthwhile in his talisman or at least keep in the house: marble.
  • Patrons from the world of plants: flower Dolphinium and Omlin tree.
  • Totem animal: these bird, Condor.

Name day

Church name: Adrian

Meaning of the name: Adraya (Read the full name of the adrian)

Nearest Names Adriana: November 8

Name day

strong>Adriana in 2021 for the church calendar
  • February 16

    Adrian Vainsky, Caesarian (Palestinian), Martyr

  • February 16

    Adrian Trinity, Sacred, Archpriest

  • 18th of March

    Adrian Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavl, Sacred, Igumen

  • April 17.

    Adrian, Rev.

  • April 30

    Adrian Corinthian, Martyr

  • May 18.

    Adrian Monzensky, Rev.

  • May 21st

    Adrian Volokolamsky, Rev.

  • May 30

    Adrian Ontrusovsky, Rev.

  • 8 September

    Adrian, Martyr

  • 8 September

    Adrian Uglichsky, Rev.

  • 8 September

    Adrian Ontrusovsky, Rev.

  • 8 September

    Adrian Nikomidia, Martyr

  • November 14

    Adrian, Martyr

  • December 2nd

    Adrian Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavl, Sacred, Igumen (acquisition of relics)

The specifics of the behavior of this person in various situations

  • Love. Adrian loves beautifully and blindly. Even seeing the shortcomings of their chosen, he still will treat her as a beautiful lady. If a girl decides to take advantage of the guy's feelings and instead of trying to become better, it will continue to sin more and more, in one far from a happy day it will lose not only the love of the guy, but also its respect.
  • A family. Marriage is not the main goal in the life of this guy. But since he called the girl to the registry office, it means that everything was very well thought about and decided that he was exactly necessary. Husk and father he will become excellent.
  • Job. He is vividly interested in humanitarian and social sciences. In his youth, parents must restrain this guy, because he can get involved in politics, journalism and become a blind fanatics of his case. He should choose a job based on communicating with people (psychologist, sociologist, teacher, priest). He is also close to creative professions (musician, artist).
  • Health. In general, this guy rarely sick (even in childhood). Its weak place can be called a nasopherler, so it is predisposed to angina. He can also suffer from the nervous tick of the muscles of the face, eye.

What woman will he be happy with?

Successful Union: Alla, Hell, Anna, Vera, Zoya, Lida (Lydia), Larisa, Lyuba (love), Natalia, Svetlana, Polina. Also, this man can be happy with carrier of such a rare name like Bella.

Relations, doomed at the collapse: Valya (Valentina), Evgenia, Zinaida, Katerina, Tatiana. He does not work out with his life and with the owner of the Rare named after Louise.

Theses that worship the whole world


  1. Adrian was the name of the Roman emperor who lived in the 2nd century. He remained in the memory of descendants not as a conqueror, but as a good ruler, a builder and a person who does not suffer from the rights of its subjects. The ruins of Villa Adrian remained to this day.
  2. This name was roman dads.
  3. Adrian Conan Doyle (1910-1970) is the son of a famous writer. He is the author of continuing the stories about his father's favorite Her Father - Sherlock Holmes, as well as his father's biography.
  4. Adriyan Nikolaev (1929-2004) - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut. Hero of the Soviet Union, he worked in orbit without a skatera (first in the world). Born in Chuvashia.
  5. Adrian Dalano Dantley (1956) is an American basketball player from NBA.
  6. Adrian Leli (1949) is the creative name of the American guitarist. Speaking sololy, in collaboration with famous singers (including Bowie, Frank Region) and in the King Crimson group.
  7. Adrian Vanderberg (1954) is a singer and guitarist from the Netherlands. He played in WHITESNAKE.
  8. Adrian Frederick Smith (1957) - English Rock Guitarist from Iron Maiden.
  9. Adriano Celentano (1938) - actor and singer from Italy. The cult figure in the Soviet Union thanks to the film "Bluff", "Taming of the Shrew".
  10. Adrian Fadeev (1977) is an artist of ballet from the Mariinsky Theater.

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