The meaning of the name: character, luck, love, fate, talisman, name day


Many people try to give the child a long and intricate name - in childhood the kids are reduced, and Alexander becomes Sasha, and Clementina is a strip. However, sometimes in the birth certificate immediately affected by a short name. Is it correct? How does this laconicity affect the fate of the girl?

Young woman

What does the name of Leia, where did it come from?

This biblical name gave us ancient European language. It is so older that it is even difficult to say what kind of word it was the "push" for his appearance. Philologists are confident - it went from the word "cow", "Lan", "Gazelle", therefore, it can mean both "cormalts" and "slim". It is still considered very popular with modern Jews.

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The Bible was so called the sister of Rebeki, the spouse of Jacob, the Rodonarchist of the knees of Israel.

Friends refer to such a girl: lawyer, lying, facial, lily, lawyers, league.

In other countries, there are such versions of this name: Lee or Lia (England, USA), Lea (Germany), Lea or Le (France), Lia (Spain, Italy), Ria (Japan).

What character gives this short name?

Advantages: It's kind, cheerful, able to joke and laugh a woman. Friends consider her downtown and reliable. Externally, it is a modest, but in your power the girl is always sure. She knows well what it costs and what is worthy. If someone wants to humiliate her, he will not succeed. Soft and good liar will not let the descent of the offender.

Disadvantages: She does not trust people, waiting for her meanness all the time. Even with closest it on the "semi-explode", ready immediately give delivery. Also, this is a skillful manipulator, at times absolutely not paying attention to morality and decency.

The fate of carrier name in our country

  • Childhood, kindergarten, first classes. This girl is like a pendulum: just laughing, already crying. This is a very curious baby, falling asleep mom's hundreds of questions on the topic "Why the sky is blue" and able to easily fit into the booth to an unfamiliar Barbos to find out if there is a pillow there, so that parents should not let her from their field of view. It is difficult to educate it, but if you make a lot of love and patience, my mother will succeed.
  • School years. The girl of the unfortunate, poorly controls his character, so it is difficult for her school. But she wants only the best estimates, so it can easily be able to contemplate with the teacher.
  • Youth, student. This is a little selfish girl, never hiding his emotions.
  • Mature years of life. The biggest problem of this woman can be called the collapse between expectations from life and real Lii achievements. However, it is impossible to say that she failed a full fiasco in his life: she is a real actress (and knows how to use it), noticeable, bright person, very feminine.

Talismans and astrology


  • Planet of this name: Sun.
  • Color name: scarlet.
  • The zodiac sign born under which this name is best suited: Aries (Birth from March 21 to April 20).
  • Stone-talisman: amber.
  • Totem animal: Antelope.
  • Plants-Alerts: Camel Kolya and Palma Palm.

Angel Day: March 22 - But only in Catholic sacnesses. On this day, it is customary to read the holy lei Roman. Ovdov, this rich Roman retired to the monastery and led a very pious life there, referring to the sisters for the example of piety and mercy. Traditionally, this saint prayed widows.

Leah's actions in different life situations:

  • Love. In a pair, this girl prefers to dominate, but does it unobtrusively, so that his partner feelings do not hurt. Starting to meet with a guy, she sincerely takes care of him and, if he really loves, maybe to go for many sacrifices for him.
  • A family. Everything is difficult here. Leah is waiting if not a prince on a white horse, then at least an oligarch, and such guys are in no hurry to pay attention to it. Well, to build fate in the "bundle" with the middle manager, the girl does not want. And even if she finally agrees to go to the registry office, in most cases it remains dissatisfied with its choice.
  • Children. She wants them, but when it turns out - disappointed. After all, it turns out that kids are not only happy pictures in instagram, and sleepless nights, eternal launched, snot and hysterics. Unbearable!
  • Job. This breakdown lady almost wants to lead from the first day. And if the director will put it on a leadership position, he will not be mistaken: the led will be strict and even a little authoritarian and quickly achieve the best results (and in general, in some organizations only on such people everyone is holding). And maybe in school this woman had weak marks, but thanks to the smelling it always guesses how and when to do.
  • Choice of profession. If she does not go to the bosses, from Lii will be a good notary, accountant, bank manager. Also, it will be accepted in the theater or film studio.
  • Health. It is especially gentle in childhood. As soon as the girl is very smaller, he immediately gives her immunity, and begins to "get out" colds, viruses. Also, its weak point may be the gastrointestinal tract.

With what kind of man build relationships, but with what - no

Roman, similar to volcanic eruption: Andrei, Artem, Boris, Valery, Gleb, Dima, Egor, Igor, Kirill, Lev, Leonid, Kolya, Nikita, Rostislav, Sasha, Taras, Fedor.

Successful novel, marriage: Anatoly, Bogdan, Boris, Vasily, Valentin, Veniamin, Vitalik, Victor, Gena, Gleb, Dmitry, Daniel (Danil), Yegor, Zakhar, Ilya, Kostya, Matvey, Mark, Kolya (Yes, this is this The man can be called the best partner for Lii), Peter, Ruslan, Roman, Semen, Svyatoslav, Edward.

Unsuccessful relationships: Adam, Anton, Arthur, Vladimir, Georgy, Denis, Ivan, Oleg, Stepan, Stanislav, Philip, Yuri, Yaroslav, Yang.

Theses, achieved recognition in their country and abroad


  1. Liya Mara (1897-1960) is a silent cinema actress from Germany. Born in Riga (at that time the city was as part of the Russian Empire).
  2. Lia de Putti (1897-1931) is a silent cinema actress from Hungary. Performed very fashionable on the times of the role of women vamp.
  3. Leia Eliava (1934-1998) - People's Artist of Georgia, starred in the cinema and performed in the theater.
  4. Lia Bugova (1900-1981) - People's Artist of Ukraine, performed in the theater.
  5. Lia Ahacedzhakova (1938) - actress of cinema and theater. Born in the Dnieper, grew up in Maykop, starred mainly in Moscow. Her talent was opened by the director of Ryazanov (the best roles were considered the role of the secretary of faith from the "Service Roman", a single mother in the "Garage", Luba in "Old Klyach").
  6. Lia Vladimirov (1938) - the creative name of Russian poetess. Born in Moscow, an adult emigrated to Israel. Her verses went out in Russian and Hebrew.
  7. Lea Goldberg (1911-1970) is a writer, poetess from Israel. Received a state award of his country.
  8. Leah Kim is a modern choreographer from Korea.
  9. Leah Steel is a modern Ukrainian pop singer.
  10. Leah Kebady (1978) - Supermodel from Ethiopia. Also famous for filming of cinema and clothing creation.
  11. Leah Dyson (1986) is a Japanese model, a singer in a genre of popular music. Born in the USA. In Japan, her name corrupt "Ria", since in this country there is no sound "l".
  12. Lia Michel (1986) is the American singer and actress (starring in our famous Luzera series).
  13. Lea Pipes (1988) is another actress from the United States ("Creek in a hostel").

If you are a Christian and chose this name for your daughter or you yourself wear the name of Leah, you will be pleased to know that the churchmen have created a special prayer for you. Turning to her to the Lord, you will get good health, and if the disease is already bothering you, she will quickly leave. Words of prayer, as well as the icon of your heavenly patronage you will see in this video:

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