Meaning of the name of Valery - the nature and destiny of Lera


Valeria - Latin name, which is based on the word "valeo", meaning health and strength, translates the name as "strong", "strong", "healthy". A female version of the male named Valery. So calling the girl's parents did not only lay in her good health, but also the inner toughness and great creativity.

With Valeria is not boring, it is very emotional, unpredictable.

Small and insignificant occasions of happiness or sadness for Lera very weighty pleased or upset it extremely rapidly, but easily appeased. On the one hand, in their emotions she is honest and sincere, can not and do not consider it necessary to disguise the other hand, very often, even she can not unravel the reasons for these mood swings, so Valeria open and mysterious at the same time.

Cute girl

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Positive features Valeria - sincerity, love of truth, vitality, perseverance, self-confidence, sense of purpose. It will never be bored, always find something to do, and if it would please her to reach in it heights. Valeria is very capable to get involved and be given to a favorite cause with all the impulsiveness of his character, rich in emotions.

Negative traits - giddiness, lack of balance, irascibility, moodiness, petulance. Due to the unpredictable nature of Valeria difficult to communicate - it can be terribly offended by finding in your words or actions something offensive when you did not think somehow it hurt, and then give you know about it, raising his voice and not mince words.

Find a way to Valeria easy, but when it fails, Leroy became a devoted friend, who not only will not hide anything from you, but also will sincerely rejoice in your victories, not jealous, and it is not given to everyone.

Other variants of the name of Valery

In a beautiful aristocratic name of four syllables have shorter and simpler options: Valera, Valery, Lera, Ljerka, Lerchik Lerochka, Lerunya, Lerusha, Lerusya, Leruha, Valya, Valesha, Valyunya, Valyusya, Valyuh, Valya, Wawa.

Name spread enough of the world, passed in different languages:

  • in English - Valerie (read as Valerie, the emphasis on the last syllable);
  • in French - and Valérie Valère;
  • in Spanish - Valeria;
  • in Italian - Valeria;
  • German - Valerie, Valeria;
  • Polish - Waleria;
  • in Ukrainian - Valeriya;
  • Belarusian - Valeryya;
  • in Serbian - Valerija.

character Valerie

The nature of a woman named Valeria difficult, but pleasant, it can not help liking for sincerity and the inability to lie. Sometimes it is able to infect others with their emotions. If Valeria admire you and praise you, and she does it wholeheartedly, without intent to buy at this price your location, it could not raise self-esteem. But if she is angry at you, it will cost you a lot of nerves, and even if you are sure they are right, no, no yes and begin to look for, what you were wrong.


However, Valeria judgment about people are often variable and not always fair, based more on emotion than on the analysis of the situation. Angry at you Valeria is a moment of fun to start something with you to discuss, and it should take for granted, the insult she could not remember.

It can be mistaken for flippancy Valeria, but not so simple. Your small miscalculations it is experiencing as the end of the world, but moves quickly, but betrayal and lies do not ever forgive. Valeria traitor could retaliate, and in this case to replace the lightness of character comes cold calculation, and if it is decided to punish those who have not lived up to the trust, she will achieve her.

The fate of Valerie

Since childhood, Lera - active child, she likes to have fun and play outdoor games. It is difficult to get her to sit still, but also bored and loiter because nothing else to do, she will not. Though Lera restless, she was very obedient to his childhood loves housework, which allows it to be a good hostess, when old enough.

Parents should be mindful of Leray - minor comments and negative assessments of her personality might offend her and engender suspicion of people.


At school, it is important to awaken interest in learning - Lera will not be wasting time on something that she is not interested. Getting excellent grades in order to get on the board of honor, or for the sake of pride parents - it's not for her, but if she realizes how beautiful and logical rules of the Russian language, or mathematical formulas, will disappear by the need to sit her for the lessons - she will make every effort to independently solve the most complex and interesting tasks.

In love, Valeria will be hard - she was very jealous and touchy, can break off relations, even if they have gone too far, and not every man stand such a frivolous girl with a strong and proud character. But if she does find that very, these relations will be fruitful - in love, as in everything, Valeria is given without a trace. She is also very fond of children, and children so mom does not seem old-fashioned or too strict. Even if it is severely punish their children Valeria will always know that mother for them the mountain.

Different characteristics of Valery

  • Gemini;
  • Planet - Mercury;
  • Color - purple;
  • Tree - figs;
  • Lily flower;
  • Animal - Varan;
  • Stone - grenades.

Different aspects of life

Because of frequent stresses and excessive emotionality, Valeria may have health problems - lack of sleep, nervous breakdowns, the habit of eating the stress that you need to prevent or balance, having instilled love for sports so that it does not lead to unpleasant consequences in excess weight .

Valeria happens to be successful in financial affairs, it knows how to adapt to the variability of the situation and is not afraid of unexpected decisions. In general, Valeria is not afraid of anything, therefore it happens to be lucky in professions related to extreme or sports, travel and adventures. She is not afraid of the adventure, but the monotonous activity is boring, so it is contraindicated. Because of the developed emotional life and creative began, Valery is waiting for a great success if she connects life with the scene.

Name Day Valeria

Valeria celebrates the day of Angel twice a year - May 6 and June 20.

Compatibility with other names

Happy for Valeria will be union with Adam, Andron, Anton, Anatoly, Boris, Valentin, Evgenia, Lvom, Maximilian, Semyon.

Unwanted relations with Gregory, David, Ilya, Ippolite, Zakhar, Rodion, Ruslana, Peter, Trifon.

Famous Valeria

Directed by Valery Guy Germanica (Nazi Name Dudinskaya), Public Actor Valery Novodvorskaya, Female Athlete Short Trekiste Valery Potemkin. In antiquity, this name was also known - Valeria Mesalin was the third wife of the Roman emperor Claudia (I century. BC. E.).

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