Features of the character and behavior of a twin woman


The twin female is truly a multifaceted person. Not one man will not be able to miss such a representative of a beautiful floor, because it does not get tired to surprise your chosen by constantly changing roles: they are easy to fulfill the role of an exemplary housewife, and a luxurious festival, and a soldier in a skirt. Such a girl simply cannot leave a single man indifferent, and we will talk about it in more detail further in this material.

Twin female

General Characteristics of Gemini Sign

Gemini (from May 21 to June 20) are very bright, intellectual sign prone to adventurism. Such people are distinguished by constant mood change, also often they face a real mental confusion, tend to look for themselves and often fond of different dubious checks.

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Gemini belong to the volatile and moving elements of air, they patronize the "restless" planet Mercury, which gives representatives of the sign of society, dexterity and a living mind.

In most cases, such people are difficult to achieve the state of full satisfaction with life and happiness, as they constantly pushed forward their own ambitions and endless ideas. The twin can feel comfortable only if there is a constant movement and conquest of new vertices in his life.

Representatives of the Gemini sign are distinguished by mobility, sociability, external welcome, they are also dependent on society and obtaining new information. Such personalities are distinguished by moral strength and determination, and thanks to their tricks and good intellect they successfully "go dry from the water."

Due to its ability to always fall into the very center of important events, complemented by the right handling of the information received, the people of this constellation deftly manage facts, and therefore often choose the profession of a lawyer, journalist, a public figure and even a public person.

There are a lot of twin people as geniuses and fraudsters. Although it seems to seem to see that the twin is invulnerable to morally, in a truly mask of the indicative indifference hides very sensitive nature. Suffering from impassional and lack of stability, twins can lose their talent. Also, most of these people are not distinguished by too good health, they are inclined to fall into depressive states and are often sick of allergies.

Gemini girls: what they are

The twin woman is distinguished by impermanence and unpredictability. Because of its sometimes unforeseen reactions, conflicts may occur. Since the mood of such a lady is changing quite often, it may experience that indescribable delight, then offended and be sad due to the little things.

A twin girl is distinguished by witty, nervousness, on the one hand, it lives only in a real moment, and on the other hand, it has a job, well-developed thinking, can mask his true intentions for displacement frivolity.

With such a woman, a man simply will not be able to bother. After all, thanks to its elusive, the indomitable temperament, it will constantly strive for travel and adventure. She is also a wonderful friend, a diversified personality, is distinguished by dreametime, kindness, demanding, informity and inflexibility.

It is easy for her to find a common language with other people, and she is able to support conversations on various topics. Such a fair sex is impressive of men with its attractive appearance, fun in temper, cheerfulness, initiative and activity.

She always comes to the help of other people in difficult moments and will not ignore someone else's mountain, plenty of help.

A twin woman cannot be silent in those situations when her pride is touched.

Gemini girl does everything very quickly: moves, thinks, performs some kind of work, and also makes decisions. In the day, she managed to make a huge amount of affairs and does not feel exhausted. To see such a young lady of a calmly sitting, dealing with papers or aimlessly strolling practically unrealistic.

Twins life is a constant movement.

Very often, the twins suffer from their own thoughts, because they are lightningly rush in their heads and tend to beat her 24 hours a day.

The desire for excellent motivates women-twins to change the situation of their dwellings. Such ladies can turn their apartment in a real paradise.

Features of the appearance

We reviewed the character of the representative of the sign of the twin sign, now it's time to turn to her appearance. The entire gentle face of the twin women speaks of their mobility, variability and unpredictability.

As a rule, twins are distinguished by slightness, medium or closer to high growth and a young appearance even in old age.

Such women have a good taste and know how to expose yourself in the best light. In gray weekdays, they prefer more comfortable things that do not constrain their movements.

Gemini Woman in Career

In most representatives of this constellation distinguishes ambitiousness in career issues. This means that such a woman will strive to move up the career ladder, which, unfortunately, it is not always possible for her.

This happens for several reasons:

  • Gemini experience difficulties with a long concentration of attention on one object, especially if we are talking about monotonous activities;
  • Due to the characteristic impulsion, such a lady tends to act threatening;
  • And yet - optimism and faith in themselves are often the cause of the problems, because the twin girl often squises its forces on dubious enterprises that do not bring benefits.

But with all this, this lady carefully examines all the details of the question, seeks to receive new information regarding its activities, and also convincingly defends its position. Plus, it is distinguished by independence and prefers personally to seek a solution to the issue, and not loaded his colleagues.

Therefore, under favorable circumstances, it is quite possible to talk about a successful career growth.

Gemini Woman in Love

Charming young twins will never allow a man to take their precious freedom. But at the same time, they, of course, seek to find real love and want simple female happiness.

The problem is concluded that such women are very difficult to find a suitable partner for themselves, because they dream of an ideal life satellite. In some cases, such searches can continue long enough (sometimes even a lifetime!) And not always crowned with success. All this is fraught with a deficit of feelings, feeling the incompleteness of life due to the lack of a second half.

But when the twin woman is finally lucky and she will find that he has been looking for so long, she will be able to become very happy and instantly wishes his chosen one.

Sometimes the illusion of sweets and the frivolity of Gemini girls is created. In fact, they are never guided by insidious motifs or insincerity.

In relations, such a lady is distinguished by nobility: it will never leave her beloved in trouble. But to achieve unconditional loyalty and trust will be able to only a very extraordinary person, with whom the twin will be really interesting. Such a woman will never choose a mercantile relationship format if a man is antipatitis.

But, entering into relations with a twin girl, you need to remember that it is often distinguished by waste, as there is also no calculation of it, it is also characterized by the reluctance of the family budget planning.

Twins features some frivolity

Gemini Woman in Sex

For such representatives of an excellent sex, sex is not just physical enjoyment, it is very important for them to have a spiritual and intellectual balance with a partner.

At the same time, the incessant thrust for the new pushes women twins on the passion by representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, even being faithful to her beloved person, they can show interest in other men.

With whom the relationship will be successful

Speaking about the most appropriate for women twins partners in the horoscope, you need, of course, to put a twin male to first place! In such a pair there will be an ideal harmony and mutual understanding. But at the same time such an alliance promises to be very emotional and eccentric.

In addition, from other signs of the zodiac to twin women are suitable lions, aquarius and fittings.

Now you know the entire essence and character of twin girls. And even more useful information you get from the following video:

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