The meaning of Amalia is an angel day, fate, famous names, character


This is an excellent solution for parents who come up with the original name for her daughter, but not wanting to choose too foreign or ridiculous (type Nicole, Josephine, Medele). This article will tell you whether it gives good fate. And if you already boast that Amalia called you, learn what men should pay attention and what life path awaits you.

Redhead girl

What language gave us this name what it means

  1. Ancient Memerman version of origin. The name went from the word "amal" - "work." In this case, it translates as "diligent", "hardworking".
  2. Latin. This is the version of Emily, which is translated from Latin as a "good opponent", "worthy rival".
  3. Jewish. This is the version of the name of Amal, translated as "diligent", "diligent".
  4. Arabic. The name went from the same name of Amal, only in this case meaning "hope", "desire." By the way, the name Amal - Male, Women's version - Amal.
Friends call this girl: Leah, Amy, Mali, Mel, Malya, Amelochy.

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In other countries, the name sounds: Amelie (France).

What character is Amalia

Strengths: This is a modest and patient girl. Showing such a "Alenushka" from the Russian folk fairy tale, she knows how to place people in whom he knows perfectly. At the same time, she has a strong will, a very developed sense of duty. She is often lucky - life brings her gifts on a sowing.

Nonoidal sides of character: it is often closed, and it's hard to guess what she thinks about. Despite the visible meekness, it is a drooling girl, which is very difficult to convince.

Life Path

  • Childhood. She loves to be friends with the boys, as adores active games in clean air, as well as fantastic books and films. Friends of this responsive good girl are always a lot. In character, she went to mom, appearance - in dad. At home is a small hostess, sincerely helping mom.
  • Youth. This honest girl will never seek about girlfriends or classmates they have behind them. She loves to give advice to friends. Mall is very trusting, because of what it often suffers.
  • Maturity. This is an optimist from which faith in all good and surrounding. She never dips, and whatever problems have met her on the way to goal, they will not stop her.

All happy signs for Amy


  • "Personal" Planet: Uranus.
  • The ideal sign of the zodiac: Aquarius (of course, called girls born at any time of the year, but astrologers are confident: it "as the blame" will suit the babies that appeared on June 20 to February 18).
  • Color name: purple.
  • A happy number: 9.
  • Stone, which is obliged to be in the decorations of Amalia: Mountain Crystal.
  • Patrons among plants: Barbaris and Aspen.
  • Totem animal: This is a very exotic seas inhabitant, electric slot.

Angel Day: He is not. However, with baptism in Catholicism, most of the carriers of this name receive the church name of Amalberg, in honor of Holy of Belgium. In the people, this holy, by the way, is called Amalia. Name Day: June 10, November 21.

What a girl happens

  • Love. This charming modest really likes guys. But she "crosses" the boy for a long time. The fact is that the girl is looking for the biggest and light love and ready to wait for it for a long time. Amalia will never marry a "ATM" only. The registry office can get later girlfriends.
  • Family life. A strong marriage This woman considers the most important task in life. She loves children, although it is difficult to call it an ideal mother. But she is an exemplary hostess, adoring to invite friends and cover the table for them. She loves purity very much. The mother-in-law adores this non-conflict host. With Mom Amalia also supports excellent, friendly relations.
  • Children. Very often, her firstborn is a boy.
  • Career. It can succeed in teaching Niva (especially at school), in medicine. In addition, it may turn out a good athlete.

With which man she will be happy and vice versa

Successful relationships: Alexander, Andrei, Gleb, Grigory, Georgy, Dmitry, Denis, David, Vladimir, Victor, Ivan, Igor, Maksim, Matvey, Makar, Mark, Leonid, Ruslan, Roman, Sergey, Stepan, Peter, Timofey.

Very complex relationships that may not be married: Artem, Alexey, Anton, Vladislav, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Danil, Mikhail, Nikita, Lev, Konstantin, Pavel, Yuri.

Theses that made everyone learn about this name and love him


  1. Amalia Freud (1836-1930) is the mother of the very psychologist who made his career on the study of the depths of the human soul.
  2. Amalia Mordvinova, also known as Amalia Amalia (1973) - the creative name of the Russian actress, well-known roles in the films "Radio Day", "Generation PI".
  3. Amalia Goghesevvilvili is the Russian opera singer.
  4. Amalia Margaryan is a young singer, started a solo career in Russia. Born in Yerevan.
  5. Amalia Krymskaya - Malyshka-singer of young age. The famous became 6 years after the victory in the "Mini Miss Ukraine" contest.
  6. Amalia Friedrich-Matena (1844-1918) - Hungarian Opera Singer.
  7. Amelie (2001) is a French lyrical comedy, named after the main character. The first star role Audrey Tuo.

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