Conspiracy from hemorrhoids - a folk remedy for the treatment of an unpleasant illness


A conspiracy from hemorrhoids will help get rid of an unpleasant illness. But do not forget that the people's healing is only an addition to traditional medical treatment. The rite will help to accelerate the effectiveness of drugs and procedures several times.

How the hemorrhoid conspiracy works: Important Ritual Rules

Before you begin to read conspiracies, read these rules and follow them strictly. It is necessary that the rite has affected.

Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Do not be afraid. It is believed that magical interference with life and health can lead to negative consequences. But this applies only to the methods of black magic, and healing is white, therefore it works only for good.
  2. If you are a believer man, then first use plots-prayers. Holy Appeal often has a greater effect if you sincerely and certainly believe in their help.
  3. Believe in the magical power of the conspiracy. The placebo effect has not been canceled - the more you are confident in a favorable result, the greater the likelihood that the plot will work.
  4. If you feel psychological discomfort and distrust, leave attempts to speak the disease - they are not crowned with success.

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And the most important thing: do not only be conspiracy. Use the traditional methods of treatment, follow the prescriptions of the doctor.

Orthodox hemorrhoid conspiracy

This version of the healing rite is suitable for baptized people. But little wearing a cross - you need to believe in God and his help.

To make a rite you will need the icon of the Virgin. This holy in the Christian world is not found to be a patronage of people's health.

Make sure that no one prevents you from committing a rite. Make sure the household will not come to the room and pets do not penetrate.

After you tuned, try three times the prayer for each Christian "Our Father". After that, prepare a glass of water or your favorite dish. Ideally, you need to use holy water.

Stand over a glass of water or dish so to breathe directly on it, and say a prayer conspiracy from hemorrhoids:

Conspiracy of prayer from hemorrhoids

Copy water must be used to eat (or to eat a kushanye). After that, the conspiracy will come into force. It must be repeated daily until the disease is completely retreating.

Important: Such a rite needs to be carried out early in the morning, before the onset of dawn. Necessarily an empty stomach. Do not drink water before the ritual. And be sure to read the conspiracy only at that time when the moon is in a decreasing phase.

Conspiracy-prayer from bleeding with hemorrhoids

This variant of the healing conspiracy is used if the disease is accompanied by bleeding and acute pain. With a conspiracy, you can remove the attack and to lose blood.

You will need holy water. The liquid must be typed in the spring or a clean river in advance, and then consecrate in the temple.

Bounce on the water, read the prayer:

Conspiracy from hemorrhoid

Through the sacred text three times, and then slowly drink water, making very small, leisurely throats. Water remnants can be irrigated face.

This rite can also be repeated daily until complete cure.

Conspiracy on the bumps

This version of the conspiracy has great power. But it is only available to those people who will be able to find and recruit fresh olhovy cones at that time when they are still green.

Olha is not good for treatment in folk slander rites. This plant has long been considered capable of drawing all sores, making a person healthy. In antiquity of patients led to young alder. Leaning against the tree, a man was gaining strength and healed.

You need to score twelve cishechs and prepare a deep tank of clay. Also buy wax candles in the church shop. To come to the temple for purchase is needed on Friday in the morning.

Prepare everything you need and proceed to the rite. Place the bowl on the table, pour the cones into it, and burn the candle and put it nearby.

From the flame of the candle, burn Olkhovy bumps and start reading a plot:

Conspiracy from hemorrhoids

Wait until the bumps are completely ruined. Go out to the street with the mission and entee the ashes in the wind. Important: Do not talk with any of the people who will meet on your way.

Take home bowl and hide into a secluded place. As long as you do not fully healed, it is impossible to use conspired dishes. When the disease is retreating, it must be buried to the ground.

Staroslavyansky plot

In pagan times, people often appeal to the forces of nature to heal. You can also take advantage of these ancient treatments.

This version of the conspiracy can be used both for self-treatment and for the healing of a loved one. It is important only to sincerely believe that the magic rite will work - nothing else is required of you.

Conspiracy Next:

Old Slavonic conspiracy from hemorrhoids

Increase the effectiveness of such a conspiracy, if you read it to the full moon. On such days, all the power of the moon energy "works" to healing, delivering a person from all extra and unnecessary.

Important : Resorting to conspiracies, do not forget about the usual methods of treatment. Then you increase the speed of recovery several times.

Believe in the magical strength of the ancient rites, set up a positive way, read the texts clearly and without a stick - it is best to memorize them in advance by heart. And then everything will definitely.

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