Value of the name of Christina and useful signs name


The name of Christina or Christine has Greek-Latin roots and means Christ, Christian. The name was popular in the Middle Ages in pious families. At the moment, the name does not carry a pronounced religious subtext, parents choose him for a pleasant sound.

The name was especially popular in Western countries and is even considered Catholic. It is not quite true, there is a name in Orthodox sacraments, although in the version of reading Christine. In the men's version, the name sounds like Christians or Christian, Chris. People with this name are distinguished by dreamy and strong character and amazing, changeable fate.



  • Planet named after Saturn, sun.
  • Zodiac - Virgo, Leo, Scorpio.
  • Happy colors - all shades of yellow, gold, orange, brown.
  • Plants - Cypress and Mirt.
  • Animal - Pigeon - a sign of peace and inspiration, toad-importance of wealth and happiness.
  • Stone - sunny amber and shining diamond.

Names name

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Affectionate options: Crystina, Cristoin, Krisch.

Other options: Chris, Crysto, Christie, Cro.

Compatibility of names

  • Best of all, the name of the men's names containing the sound "P" are combined, - Sergey, Ingvar, Igor, Grigory, Marsel, Patrick.
  • Relationships with "happy" and "sunny" names are "happy" and "sunny" names - Philip, Kirill, Arkady, Valentin.

Young woman


Christina always remains young. She keeps youth without the slightest effort throughout its long, difficult, exciting and happy life. She is not too attached to people, it is easy to break up if the ways are diverted, but it makes it tactfully and unobtrusively.

Environment, even a glimpse of friends, usually oppose it warmly. But with all the kindness, she will not allow him to ride, she always has its own interests that she defends. A close, my beloved person is capable of forgive me, almost everything. But at a certain moment it turns out that it no longer considers the options for a joint future in which it is given to a non-verbal role. Straight and independent, it will easily move on, allowing everyone to follow his own destiny.

Chris is a worker. Even without having a special giftedness, she is able to develop the skills you need and achieve serious success, to become a respected specialist in any field.

Main qualities - simplicity, straight, sincerity, love, goodwill, self-confidence, inner force.

She can be sincerely and without envy to admire other people's talents, I am pleased to learn from a new one and quickly absorbs knowledge. Despite direct and inflexibility, Chris is a very gentle nature, prone to subtle experiences. At the same time, it does not allow the feelings to overpow the voice of the mind. Sincere equilibrium and calm for her is the main value that it does not come.

Tactical, gentle, modest and hardworking Chris rarely takes the place of the leader. Usually it is satisfied with the place of a valuable and expensive friend, the adviser, a useful and pleasant fellow traveler.

A modest in public life, in love and in Sex Christine reveals from the most unexpected side. She is bright, often power, unbridled and insatiable, greedy to love woman. She constantly improves his sexual skills and with age acquires mastery comparable to the main professional skills. All wines hardworking, adjacent and constancy in everything. She considers sex to be an important part of life and calmly and confidently brings perfection, like everything that does.


Christina Childhood is usually difficult. The smart and bright girl does not get along with peers, but may well stand up for himself. As a result, it gets a wonderful education and rare dedication, the ability to rely exclusively into its strength. At the same time, it does not closes, keeps societies, knows how to find a common language with any person.

But the most important for her will be the desire to find a person. Quite often, she throws his fully established career and hangs on her neck the first and sorry-looking man, ready to provide her to her good standard of living, traveling, ensuring a child. She is happy for a while sinking in saucepans and diapers, engaged in needlework and does not regret the last career of the financial analyst.

Even if the husband starts to behave wrong, she will try to keep marriage. If this turns out to be impossible, blowing it out of time a couple of days, she detects themselves with a fashionable theatrical critic, a restaurant observer, a major online portal moderator with a good salary.

The weak point of Christina is creativity. Endowed with fine creative small and excellent taste, good natural data, it seeks creative success and implement itself as a creator. But with all the diligence, it is rarely obtained by its diligence and efforts to rise above a good average.

Perhaps the overall balance of the nature is prevented, which does not allow neither deep and hopeless depressive states, no bright outbursts of genius. Prudence causes Chris not to get involved in doping, which could break the psyche, she still values ​​his personality and not ready to burn all his fate for the sake of a couple of insights. She prefers a reliable and true way to success. Let not to the stars in the airless space, but to the tops.

In the elderly, Chris retains youthful enthusiasm and climbs on the cliffs of Portugal, hunts to Barracuda in the waters of the Biscay Bay, enjoys steaks and discusses theatrical innovations on Logn Island. She prefers the Youth Society, tactfully avoids young children and does not refuse to themselves in flirting, easily enchanting and young surfers, and gray-haired Donjuanov.

Bright girl


  • Aguilera-Pelevitsa.
  • Stewart - actress.
  • Orbakaite - dancer, actress, singer.
  • Andersen Hans Christians is a great storyteller, a writer.

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