The meaning of Oleg - mascot name and character


The name Oleg has a Scandinavian origin from Heleg, Helg, Helga. The word means "sacred", "Divine Light". A difficult name forms complex character and conflicting an interesting person with his fate. Good health allows him to survive a long row of dangerous experiments, which he enjoyed with him. But those surrounding and loving him can come sobfully.

In his youth, it seems to him that the resources of the body are inexhaustible. A hangover, fatigue is not about him. Only by middle age gradually comes to understand that health, even the richy, must be preserved. Unfortunately, natural softness and exposure to bad habits does not allow to really take care of health, but Oleg at least stops to put on themselves for survival. Male name Oleg corresponds to the female Olga, Helga.


Names name

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Affectionate names are a lot, like female attention - Olezhek, Olezhka, Olezhek, Olenka, Ollahka, Lek, Aleok, Lekushka, and so on.

Since Olezhek often rotates in advanced creative and esoteric circles, some names of the name are mystical character - Hel, Heleg, Ole, Ol, Olzh, Olzon, Old, Olg, Helga.


  • Planet - Venus, which promises Male a stormy temper.
  • Zodiac sign - charming scales.
  • Color - green, emerald, all shades of green and blue, white.
  • Plant - Overt.
  • Flower - Camellia, Geranium, Lily.
  • Animal - poloz, too.
  • Stone - Pearls, Emerald.
  • Metal - bronze, weapons alloys.


Compatibility of names

The best, although not simple couples will turn out if there is a letter "L" - Lyudmila, Lada, Lena, Valeria, Svetlana. Such couples will be not easy, but it is unlikely to break out, only if a woman get tired of enduring Oleg's kids so much that she won't come back to him when he would be silent.

Character and ability

Oleg Talents are generously endowed with birth. He is easily given to him, he is a bright, attracting attention. Creativity - clings for the soul. Let it be uncomfortable, but firmly. A couple of romances, strong bit - everything you need to hold in the tone of the courtyard company, performances at weddings and birthdays. Sport - certainly in the champions, on the first places with gold medals. I would not skip the workouts behind the garages - would become the Olympic. Beauties from good families with languid sighs themselves fall on his chest and beg at least a minute of attention. He is not sorry for a minute, he devoted it.

Not more, because friends called him catching sand and frogs or diving with aqualung. It seems to him that this is in the order of things, it should be. Light successes make him refer to themselves dismissively and not rush by their achievements. The only thing he values ​​is experience, more and more extreme. He likes to do what no one did, survive in incredible situations. Jump with a parachute, wave from the bridge to the water, go into a cage to the predator, sweep the wild bear on the withers and seduce the daughter of a high-ranking person for him - a boring Tuesday.

He is strikingly lucky, he goes dry out of the water due to magnificent charm and sincerity. Animals will stick to it, the plants flourish when it appears. If he spits a lemon bone to a flower pot - a tree will grow. He, as if conspiracted, does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. But fatigue gradually accumulates, old fractures, the face is losing gentle freshness and naivety, the body loses agility and flexibility. The only thing he remains is a stunning endurance and charisma.

Oleg usually adores sweet, meat, can cook, may be punched gourmet. Unlike most men, it distinguishes the shades of color, often he has absolute hearing.

Strong features of Oleg - the ability to self-irony, dedication, readiness for sincere, strong and real love, willingness to self-improvement under whose wise leadership. He is ready to edit, loves to honor, glory, but desperately needs a leadership, tender, but solid female hand in a strong hedgehog.


It can be said that Oleg is a darling of difficult fate. Life throws him a test for the test. For the sake of justice, it can be noted that most of the problems he organizes himself independently.

In the end, he comes to the conclusion that it is not the main thing. Could study on perfectly, but too loved football, but it's not the main thing. Could achieve stunning success in football, but carried away by girls, but it is not important. Could you have a family with the most stunning beauty and clever, but it is also not the main thing. As a result, he is gradually pushed to the side of life, but it is not frustrated, because it is not the main thing.

If there is a strong woman next to him, which he can wind nerves - first the mother, then a wife, - he will be able to succeed and will be sure that fate finally loved him, so wonderful. He is indifferent to children, but with pleasure pampers, feeds with sweets before dinner, drives to walk in the forest and hunting, can teach shoot, fish, understand the engines and repair the wiring, jump from a 10-meter tower, climb on trees and rocks. In general, he is a good man, at least with him not boring.

And he never sorry for him. Well, if he finds some kind of world of the front, in which the courage is required, the accuracy of the shot and the accuracy, dexterity, recklessness, success, contempt for death. In this case, it is able to achieve colossal heights. In urban conditions, he is usually bored, and he has fun as much as he streams.

Sedoyed man


  • Gazmanov - singer, artist, composer, musician.
  • Dal - actor.
  • Basilashvili - actor.
  • Tobacco - director, actor.
  • Yankovsky - actor.
  • Garquosa is a musician.
  • Divov - Writer.

Day Angel

Church name: Oleg

Meaning of the name: Sacred, light (Read the full name of Oleg)

Nearest Name Day Oleg: September 3

Name day

strong>Oleg in 2021 for the church calendar
  • October 3

    Oleg (in the atocacy of Vasily) Romanovich Bryansk, Rev., Prince

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