Name of Ignat: character, dignity and disadvantages, fate, luck


This Russian name is honored by Christians (and both Orthodox and Catholics). And how do they include numerologists and astrologers? This you will learn from this article.


What does this name mean?

He has only one version of origin. The name of Egnatius (by the way, Etruscan origin) was common at the Roman Romans. Later it changed to Ignatius, because such a sound was for the Romans closer ("Ignis" meant "fire", and this name for the Romans rang like "Fiery").

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The abbreviated version "for their own": Gnatyusha, Ignatki, Ignatych, Igosha, Ignatushka, Ignash.

Patronymic: Ignatovich (Ignatich), Ignatovna.

In other countries it sounds like: Gnat (Ukraine), Ignacio (Italy), Ignas (France).

All the faces of the character of a typical ignition

Positive sides: he is an optimist with a strong internal straightener. Nature is endowed with a sharp mind and intelligence. Even if his heart is broken, this guy will smile fate. This is not a hollow, he will never give a promise that is not going to do, and in general in vain, it does not rush.

Being an adult, he is inclined to decisive, responsible actions. It looks important, reliably - this chief. Colleagues and friends love to listen to his delometric advice.

Negative sides: it is too strict. This guy can be greedy to feel even for relatives. Constantly "swallowing" anger and resentment, he eventually can explode in the fountain of the negative. Ignat is selfish, a little arrogant, tries to command, be the leader.

What fate awaits him?

  • Early childhood. This is the joy of mom - a quiet and obedient boy. And in the kindergarten it is almost not offended, as the parenchy has a strong self-esteem and willpower. Others (weaker themselves) he does not hit, but teaches to stand up for himself. This is a very independent child.
  • School. Since nature simultaneously endowed the guy with the tenders to creativity and analyst, he learns great, receiving higher marks in all subjects. He does not "zubrila", and the one who wishes to really understand the premited house. He does not like physical culture, but his parents would be nice to drive him in a sports circle.
  • Mature years. This is a serious man who always thinks in advance. Friends have little friends. In work, it is important for him to constantly "grow", learning something new.

All patrons of this name

Zodiac sign

  • Planet named: Saturn.
  • Luck color: gray, like ashes.
  • The sign of the zodiac, under which luck is guaranteed: Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20).
  • Talisman from the world of minerals: Onyx.
  • Totem animal: Antelope.
  • Plants that can serve as a carrier of the source of power: edelweiss and fir.

Name day. Orthodox: June 10, January 2. Catholics: May 28, December 20.

Ignat's actions in different aspects of life

  • Love, relationships. This is a love guy who is pretty rapidly annoying partners. Journal of his girlfriend, he can even dissolve fists. And in general, he is terrible in passion. Girls may not like that this guy does not know how to make compliments and care for - many of the reserved Uhager, many believe and are not in love at all.
  • Family life. This is the head of the family, he will never give this role to the spouse. It will easily help her at home or with children. It does not argue from the mother-in-law, because these scandals are simply uncomfortable. If they are cooled with his wife, Ignat will not think about divorce, because in life it appreciates stability, and he is already used to marriage. In order for the marriage to work well, a man needs to be left into the registry office, a balanced, discreet woman, such as he himself. If he is "surviving" with an explosive, capricious special, the marriage is doomed, and very quickly.
  • Children. With them, he is a real "Batka": children should obey each of his words. If they become stitched or kept, he does not blink with the eye strictly punish them. This is exactly the father who believes: if you pour children, they will grow spoiled. Therefore, he raises them as Spartans.
  • Job. It will reach vertices anywhere: both in music, and in politics, and in the army can become a good commander. True, it is best to work this name with electronics or technique. At work does not like when he helps. It is more convenient for him to do his job without external intervention.
  • Health. In general, problems with the internal bodies of Ignat is not. But due to the fact that he is wearing a lot of "nerves", it is angry with a man with insomnia, nervous tick, and in old age can grow into paralysis of legs or hands.

What kind of woman he will be happy, and with what is just scandals are possible?

Happiness: Vera, Nastya, Masha, Rosa, Emma.

Failure: Elena, Nina (and variations from this name - for example, Ninel), Tonya, Elsa.

Theses that were respected in their country, and not only


  1. Rostov bishop of St. Ignatius. His relics are known by many wonders.
  2. Ignatius Godproof, Holy Great Martyr. During the persecution of Christians in Rome was thrown lions.
  3. Gnat Hotkevich (1877-1938) - Ukrainian composer, writer, playwright.
  4. Gnat Yura (1888-1966) - actor, theater director from Ukraine. For his performances received the Stalin Prize, the Order of Lenin.
  5. Ignat Dwariaman (1895-1937) is a public figure and writer from Belarus.
  6. Ignat Buinitsky (1861-1917) - Actor, Theater from Belarus. Founded the first professional folk theater in his country.
  7. Ignatsev or Ignatius Domeiko (1802-1889) - geologist and ethnologist from Chile, the National Hero of this country.
  8. Ignat Solzhenitsyn (1972) - American pianist and conductor. Born in Moscow. Son of the writer Solzhenitsyn.
  9. Ignatius Akrachkov (1976) - Russian actor (MCAT named after Chekhov). A lot is filmed in the cinema (the series "Soldiers", the film "Inhabited Island").
  10. Ignat Zemvchenko (1992) - hockey player, played in Russia and Ukraine.

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