The meaning of the purposeful name of Boris - Career, Character and Fate


The name Boris occurred from the Slavic word "struggle." So in the ancient Slavic times they called men fighting for anything, for glory, for money, for the honor, proving their physical superiority over the opponent.

There are still versions of the origin of the name Boris: from the Turkic word "Barysh" - translated "Benefit", from the Arabic word "prominent". In ancient Persia, Boris was pronounced as Bariz - from the word "heir".

Affectionate form of name: Borischka, Boria, Bow, Borisk, Angry.

Day of the name of August 6 on the day of St. Martyr Boris, Prince.


  • Depends on the birth time of Boris:
  • Winter is unbalanced, purposeful.
  • Spring - disgusting, pedantic.
  • Summer is kind, calm.
  • Autumn - serious, balanced.



From early childhood, Boris pleases parents with success, ingenuity, but grows secretly, they will learn about his plans last. The friends are elected for a long time getting used to the team for a long time, will not be friends with whom it fell, real friends will always come to the rescue. He learns well only on interesting subjects to him, since childhood knows who wants to become in adulthood, usually reaches this purpose. The quality of the leader exhibits in childhood. In adulthood becomes a valuable employee. For the sake of idea is ready to go to everything to achieve results.

A family

In love with easily, women prefers to conquer. If the woman rushed easily, she is no longer interesting for him. Easily changes women, instantly forgetting the previous one. His wife will be the woman who he has long and stubbornly conquered, he will love her all his life, take care of her. His children will feel like him as a stone wall.


Boris is a militant, strong, abstract person who has a strong energy. It is not surprising that among them many leaders and famous people. Do not know how to recognize defeat, ask for forgiveness. In the first place all life put a job that completely gives up. It can successfully discover its business, but does not know how to save money. Boris is born for success in almost any profession.



From early childhood, hyperactive Boris gets injuries, until the oldest, the navel belongs to their health, are subject to nervous breakdowns. There is a tendency to alcoholism, drugs.

Horoscope named after Boris.

Aries - a gusty, sensual, temperamental man. It goes to the goal, desirable everything on the way, it is advisable to talk to direct text with it, avoiding diplomacy. Optimistically, manifests the initiative, in the battle is first, there is no patience. Successes will achieve professions: coach, policeman, military, fireman. In love, women scare away with their excessive passion affection.

Taurus - stubborn, rude, decisive, conservative, does not like sharp changes in life. It will feel confident in agriculture, art, trade. Knows how to make money, no money will never remain. The family creates once and for life, the spouse will have to completely obey him.

Gemini is an impressionable, resourceful, frustrated, wondering to everyone that happens in life, loves to study science, book-book. The promised does not fulfill, because it forgets this in five minutes. Professions are perfectly suitable: telecommattomator, TV presenter, lecturer, observer, writer. Up to old age will remain a frivolous, frivolous man, the marriage will not be able to fix it.

Cancer is a nervous, aggressive, pessimistic, boring. The mood changes several times a day. Loves to rejoice at your alleged life. If it feels good attitude towards himself, then in response it can become a pleasant, cheerful interlocutor. It realizes itself in any field of art. For him, the family has always been and will be in the main place.

Lion is a successful, open, friendly. Loves when they admire them, fall in love with him. Remarks perceives as a knife in the heart. Lives on a wide leg, so often happens in debt. The career often occupies a high post, it is listed on a good account at the bosses. Family life will be perfect only with a woman who loving him and without tired of praising positive qualities of her husband.

Virgo is an insecure in itself, the economic, organized. In the character prevails uncertainty, shyness, caution. He wants everyone to please, please, be useful and necessary, it is suitable for a specific highly specialized profession, best of all of the science. With women, herself behaves honestly, one will never betray. The husband will be perfect, not prone to jealousy and scandals.

Scales - calm, balanced, has the talent of diplomacy. It delicately feels beauty, appreciates comfort, trying to create comfort around him. Adapts to everything in life gives useful tips. In the profession, he is better to avoid leadership work, I can be satisfied with the place of submission, where he can realize himself. It becomes married late, slowly parting with freedom. It will never worry about the spouse, distinguishing from her problems.

Scorpio - fearless, volitional, energetic. Intuition is well developed, it will not be deceived, false and unreliable people sees immediately. In an unsuitable profession, it can turn into an aggressive, dissatisfied with the life of a man. Therefore, it is important for him to choose the appropriate profession, in which the joy is glad to the head. His wife in family life will be difficult with him.

Sagittarius - noble, cheerful, lucky. Since childhood, dreams of travel, an excellent traveler, a geologist, a soldier, researcher will be released from it in adulthood. The promised always performs. His wife will be the one that calmly refers to his frequent ralkham to friends, on a trip, on a business trip.

Capricorn is a patient, ambitious, workaholic, hides his thoughts from all his thoughts. In the work of success reaches almost always, an excellent economist will come out of it, an accountant, lawyer. Behind the beloved woman carries beautifully, capable of insane romantic deeds. His wallet will never be empty. The spouse will choose a household, economical, loyal woman. The old age becomes more open, sociable.

Aquarius is a naive, modest, fair, every person sees only positive. It will not be able to get rich, because it does not know how to dispose of money. Ideal profession for him: People's Deputy, Teacher, Lecturer, Journalist. His family life is often unsuccessful, because he does not respect the interests and opinion of his wife.

Fish - capricious, suspicious, romantic man. I know how to adapt to society, it feels his mood, it does not take criticism badly, may be offended for a long time. I do not know how to defend your opinion, during a quarrel leaves the battlefield. From it will be a talented actor, responsible social worker, hairdresser. His wife should be strong, volitional to grab his family management breeders.

With grandparents

Compatibility with female names

Good: Tamara, Daria, Margarita, Eve, Yana, Svetlana, Olesya.

Bad: Julia, Nina, Love, Alice, Hope, Elena, Tatiana.


  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • Element - water.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Mineral Talisman - Amethyst
  • Metal - zinc.
  • Totem animal - cuckoo.
  • Plant - Iris.
  • Tree - mulberry.
  • The name of the name is blue.
  • Time of year - Spring.
  • Happy week of week - Wednesday.
  • Happy number - 2.

Famous men named Boris

  • Boris Pasternak - Russian Writer.
  • Boris Spassky - Soviet chess player.
  • Boris Khmelnitsky - Russian Actor.
  • Boris Yeltsin - the first president of Russia.
  • Boris Akunin - Russian writer.
  • Boris Grebenshchikov - Russian musician.

Name Day Boris.

Church name: Boris.

Meaning of the name: struggle for glory, wrestler for glory fighting for glory (Read the full name of Boris)

Nearest names of Boris: November 6

Name day

strong>Boris. in 2021 for the church calendar
  • February 7

    Boris Zavarin, Martyr

  • February 17

    Boris Nazarov, Sacred, Archpriest

  • May 15

    Boris (in baptism Roman), passionier, prince (transfer of the relics)

  • June 13.

    Boris Ornahsky, Martyr

  • August 6.

    Boris (in baptism Roman), passionerpiece, prince

  • October 1

    Boris Bogolepov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • October 15

    Boris Kazan, Martyr

  • November 23

    Boris Semenov, confessor, deacon

  • November 25

    Boris Uspensky, Martyr

  • 5th of December

    Boris Kozlov, Martyr

  • December 6

    Boris Voskoboinikov, Sacred, Bishop, Ivanovsky

  • December 10th

    Boris Ivanovsky, Sacred, Archpriest

  • December 15.

    Boris, Martyr

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