Customs and traditions for the holiday of Palm Sunday - what can not be done on this day


Often plots of church holidays closely overlap with folk traditions, for example, Palm Sunday. The Orthodox Tradition marks an important event for Christians - the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. The holiday symbolizes the entrance of the Son of Human to the gate of Paradise, recognizing Jesus Christ by our Savior. With a Sunday event, the people associated a number of adoption and customs who explain that this day could be done, and what could not be done.


The essence of christian history

The event, to which the holiday of Palm Sunday is timed, is associated with the resurrection of Lazarus, when the people called Jesus Christ with his king. As a long-time, the ruler who came with the world was supposed to enter the city's gate on the donkey. Compliance with Jesus this tradition led to the recognition of his Messiah, the demonstration of popular delight.

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However, local priests who did not recognize the new faith, who ordered the Messiah to death after the trial of him. The Roman procurator appointed a penalty after five terrestrial days. Therefore, the celebration of Palm Sunday does not have a permanent date, but falls on the last Sunday day before the Easter Orthodox holiday.

What is the number in 2018 to celebrate Easter? The biggest and bright holiday of all Christians falls on April 8. So, the celebration of Palm Sundays falls on April 1, 2018.

Folk traditions on the eve of the church event

On the recall

Since the Orthodox Christians follow the Easter to the tradition of the Great Post, the Pasting Week is considered his sixth week. According to tradition in churches, solemn services are sent daily, and parishioners are preparing for the festive celebration of Sundays.

  • For folk customs, Monday is considered a destroying day - the son-in-law goes to visit Mother. According to the visits of the first day of the Verbal Week, households give each other with gifts. This is the key to family grace.
  • For a long time, the main symbol of the week was the willow. The sprigs of the plant are placed all over the dwelling, watching their condition. On folk traditions, you should harvest the branches with the kidneys so that they are blossomed at home

According to customs of different nations, the willow is used by the type of home overag, turning into the braids, the wreaths gossipped from it. With the approach of the Piteling Sunday, the importance will increase, the weather and wealth of the future harvest predict.

On the last day before Sunday

The day is called Lazorus Saturday, when Jesus raised his companion of Lazarus from Viph. After a diligent Jesus prayers, the miracle came to the scene of the burial, and Lazarar came to the people, buried four days ago. Saturday's Day Christians celebrate a special canon of worship services in honor of the miracle, but not random, but expected for faith.

According to the Christian tradition, at the evening worship, the verbal twigs are sanctified on the churches, which is associated with the beginning of the celebration of the wonderful event - Palm Sunday.


Light traditions of Sunday

Folk signs report that the recrepitated twig in the evening worship acquires healing properties. However, the main services in the church are sent by Verbal Sunday. The Willow Tree Self itself is associated with the awakening of nature after a long winter sleep, and blooming fluffy kidneys - with the beginning of the spring procession.

According to custom, after the church service, the Verqu bring home to symbolically, to fade by a branch of households. Such an unusual ritual gives man health and grace. The twigs themselves are installed in the red corner, where home icons are located. The sanctified willow must have a year, on the eve of the next holiday it is solemnly burned.

Arch of folk customs

  • In the old days it was believed that the Verba gives a man bravery and force. Therefore, representatives of the male half followed the day of the holiday to make an overlap to wear the whole next year.
  • Signs about Willow twigs endow their kidneys with healing properties. They were put at the headboard of the bedroom, the talisman should have been protected from disease during the year, especially the children concerned.
  • Slavic customs prescribed Orthodox believers from the kidneys of a tree to cook champs, from dried raw materials to make a powder for adding to bread. Some Slavic people adapted to cook porridge from the willow.
  • Burned branch of the sanctified willow defended the house from fires. The twist-wetbed twist was used for the magic rite to purify the dwellings from uncleanness, improving karma.
  • Popular pain was removed by the folk carrier. For this, combing her hair, filmed the hairs with combs, and then threw them into the water, where the twigs of the magic plant were stood.

Sanctified on the Palm Sunday pluts attracted wealth, lowering them into the river. To increase the livestock of livestock, the kidneys was added to the animal. To ensure business success, custom prescribed to eat several kidney plants.


Folk Signals for Women

  • We carry the necklaces and earring from the kidneys of the Sunday symbol helped women childlessly become pregnant. To secure the magic action of the ritual, several kidneys began to swallow.
  • To protect the silence of a homely hearth from trouble, several branches should be determined under the roof of the house. To protect the modern apartment by tradition, the bouquet is fixed above the entrance door.
  • To save the family, a woman followed broken branches to hide behind the icon. By step by step, my husband is not blown away while the branch is shridly left behind the saints.

What can not be done on the holiday

  • It was forbidden to carry out any work, especially heavy physical.
  • It was forbidden to drive out domestic cattle per gate, so as not to attract evil spirits.
  • It was forbidden to women to engage in any kind of needlework.

Festive Day

  • Bad weather with rain on Palm Sunday promised a rich harvest.
  • According to the signs, the Eat Willow kidney has protected from diseases for the whole year.
  • Spring Summer Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Day.

Interestingly, in some years, the Holy Easter day, which means, and the Palm Sunday, Catholics and Orthodox coincide. These years are considered particularly significant. In followers of the Catholic Faith, the holiday has a different name - Palm Sunday.

In the modern world, not all customs are observed and not all traditions people follow in the bright holiday of Palm Sunday. But many are trying to visit the temples and wish the surrounding health and prosperous life.

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