The meaning of the name Savva is the influence of the name on a man

  • Zodiac Savva - Cosalo.
  • Planet - Satur.
  • The color name of Savva is ash-sulfur.
  • A favorable tree - gra.
  • The cherished plant of Savva - Edelway.
  • The patron of Savva - Belk.
  • Stone-talisman Savvah - face.

What does the name of Savva mean: Savva - an elder (the name of Savva of Jewish origin).

Savva's short meaning: Savvushka, Sava, Ava.

Patronymic named after Savva: Savvich, Savvichna.

What a person in a person named Savva

Positive features named Savva: Savva is judged, calculating and bold. He does not have such a property as frivolity, and there is only courage and impulsivity, especially they manifest themselves in those questions where the moral side of the relationship rises. Comfortably feels like emotional, creative work.


Negative features named after Savva: impulsiveness is the main enemy of such a person. It can change his course sharply and become completely different, thereby creating a completely different image for others. He does not understand that, making it, he only once again begged under the surrounding, which sooner or later can understand that if he allows you to control his fate in a similar way, it will have to be disadvantaged in the future activities of his colleagues.

Sava's name character: Savva is often quite quietly expressed on our world, which is arranged, in his opinion, is quite fair. Feels comfortable almost in any company that takes it as it is. But it is not going to put up with the views that he does not suit him, nevertheless, openly express his opposite point of view will never be perfected.

The boy is very efficient if no one hurts him. Often quickly develops and does not look at your age, and 5 years older. For him, a family atmosphere is very important, everything should be alone and on the shelves, otherwise his inner world can progress. The disharmony does not suit anyone from his environment, because he begins to be extremely sharply speaking on any matter.

Such a person is always fixed in the future, keeps himself in his hands and is not afraid to engage in complex things. He may be approached by the profession of the director or lawyer, a writer or cook, in one word, such a person on everything much, to all his hands will be able to quickly get used to it. He will be able to purchase all the skills for a fairly short time if you do not prevent this.

Due to the inability to keep himself in his hands there may be many problems, but if possible, he tries to help many people. After all, if a person is a wolf, how to live in such a world? Such thoughts are often visited by Savva. It is also often quite eccentric and can tell the nefple of several replicas for which he will be ashamed for a long time. Do not be offended by Sawvo, you just need to understand the essence of his character and become part of his life.

He loves very gently, in his own way. Often, he expresses love in non-standard forms, supporting its condition with the original way: bypass interesting gifts, making "reminders" or cottage something with your own hands. Not at all the most useless things are obtained, it is worth noting.

Savva name

Human behavior in various fields

Choosing a profession named: the house for Sava is the most favorable place of all in which it happens. Therefore, he needs professions very calm, but at the same time associated with creative activities. Writing and artistic activities, as well as the profession of architect can be very suitable for a young guy.

Business and career: Savva's name is a striking skill - to predict the outcomes of various transactions that are conducted in its activities. It may even predict the outcome of the dispute, which is quite difficult for both participants. So he has exactly a professional vein, which has every businessman.

Love and marriage: Savva can look for all his life to the person himself, who will make it a company, and may immediately fall in love with the first oncoming and think that this is his fate. In this case, it all depends on many factors. Favorable Union named with Vassa, Evgenia, Leon, Ella. The complex name of the name is likely with Veronica, Domas, Isidore, Stephanie.

Health and talents named after Savva: Savva from childhood excellent health, it becomes only stronger over the years. Giving joy to everyone around the boy never remainsless and begins to express his opinion, which makes it quite brave in life. This fact is usually not turned around against the owners of Savva named, but their moral rivals have to be disadvantaged, because on their side the whole horde, which trusts Savvam.

Savva is uncompromising and honest, his sons also inherit the character of the Father, and no one doubts the honesty of the whole family. The man with such a name even on the face is written that he comes only according to his debt and a developed sense of justice. There is no framework for him, and he is ready for everything to prove his point of view.

Savva is not introvert, nevertheless he has a certain thrust for loneliness. He believes that at this time, a person is born by the best thoughts that he can pour into his reality in order to use, and if a person loses this time, it will be forced to be content with only awards intended for "ordinary", as they call them Savva, people.

Name Day Savva occurs: April 12, April 24, May 25, December 5th. A person named Savva never connects his life with various intrigues, squabbles and conflicts, trying to solve any conflict so that it is advantageous not only to one side, but the other did not remain in a bad mood. It can combine and inner rudeness can sometimes hide their rod to arrange a better life to their surround. He will never come against his own moral belief and will be able to preserve his immunity in a psychological plan in any conditions.

Solutions This man takes pretty carefully, because he understands that, to implement his dream of glory, he needs to learn how to make decisions as if he is already superstar. And the superstresses, according to this young man, do not have the properties of mistake, which puts them on the step above. He since childhood dreams that his talent will be appreciated and he will finally receive the rewards that others can only dream of. Nevertheless, he understands that only hard work can lead him to the desired heights, he is not just guided by his desires, he relates them with the possibilities of his body and character.

The inner world of a person named Savva is filled with various thoughts, you definitely do not catch yourself thinking that you are bored with this person. He will be able to cheer you in any case and even instill faith in my senses, you will finally understand what it means to live on a complete coil and that life is, first of all, the choice of each individual for himself.

Days of Angel

Church name: Savva

Meaning of the name: invalo, captivity, wine, elder (Read the full meaning of Savva name)

Nearest Name Day Savva: November 2

Name day

strong>Sava in 2021 for the church calendar
  • The 25th of January

    Savva I Serbian, Archbishop

  • January 27.

    Sava Sinaiy, Rev.

  • 1st of February

    Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky, Igumen (gaining relics)

  • February 21.

    Savva II Serbian, Archbishop

  • 5th of March

    Savva Valaamsky, Rev.

  • March 15th

    Savva Tverskaya, Rev., Igumen

  • April 7.

    Savva New, Hieromona

  • April 10th

    Savva Persian, Martyr

  • 12th of April


  • April 15.

    Savva, Archbishop, Surozhsky

  • April 28.

    Savva Gotfish, Moussevsky (Valahian), Martyr

  • May 7.

    Savva Stratulat, Roman, Martyr

  • May 19

    Savva I Serbian, Archbishop (transfer of relics)

  • June 26.

    Savva Moscow, Rev.

  • July 17th

    Savva Trolich, Sacred, Bishop

  • 21 July

    Savva, Martyr

  • August 2

    Savva Stromynsky, Rev.

  • August 9.

    Savva Ohrid, equivalent

  • August 23

    Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky, Igumen (second acquisition (transfer) of relics)

  • 25-th of August

    Savva, Monastery, Inok, Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery

  • 9th of September

    Savva Venefalsky, Rev.

  • 10 September

    Savva Kridgeetsky, Pskov, Rev.

  • September 20

    Savva Troadsky

  • October 14

    Sava Vishersky, Novgorod, Rev.

  • October 23

    Savva zografsky, Rev.

  • the 13th of November

    Savva, Martyr

  • November 14

    Savva, Martyr

  • November 25

    Savva Nigdelin, Martyr

  • 5th of December

    Savva Suslov, Monastery, Inok

  • December 16th

    Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky, Igumen

  • December 18

    Savva sanctified, Mutalasksky, Igumen

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