Name Svyatogor - Name Name for Destiny Men


The name of Svyatogor is formed from the phrase "Holy Mountain". In the mythology of ancient Russia, this majestic bogatyr occupies a separate place, at the form of which hazardous tribes that prevented the development of ancient Russian state, was in a hurry to be returned to safe places, such a legend and disseminated to a noble name.

Number of the scenario: 2

As a rule, owners of such a number of souls are team people, friendly subjects of our society. They are not alien to the support of the neighbor in a difficult moment, and they are always ready to come to the rescue and substitute their shoulder neighbor so that he forget about problems. Such people often may not be confident in themselves, uncertainty and commissionality can manifest itself from the Branch only when he feels lonely.



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Planet: Moon.

Element: Water.

Zodiac sign: Cancer.

White color.

Day: Monday.

Metal: Silver.

Mineral: White Coral.

Plant: Lily.

Beasts: Goose, Owl, Rabbit.

Recently, the names that are borrowed from Slavic mythology are becoming increasingly distributed among young parents. These solutions are associated with the persistent desire of parents to revive in modern men, their sons, the qualities that are inherent in real Russian men: kindness, masculinity, resistance. Svyatogor Along with Dobryna, Ilya and Alexander fit well into the area of ​​these concepts and provide a similar force to the boy.

The huge bogatyr, who dwells on the Holy Mountains, is whom Svyatogor called the name. Thus, I do not even fall into the etymology of the word, we can conclude that it is formed from the phrase "Holy Mountain", persistent, like a holy mountain, a person will be able to achieve success in any area.

Characteristic qualities and talents

In order to learn more about the fate of the name of the name, it is necessary to start the interpretation of his removal, which with an abundance was mixed in the name. Is it really that a strong bogatyr was named this name, gives the Siberian Bonus to the Bonus?

The huge bogatyr, who lived in the mountains, was the most first person whom was called this name, if you believe Slavic mythology. Possessing an unprecedented force, Svyatogor could even adjust the landscape of ancient Russia with one of his mace.

Quality of man named Russian hero

The main qualities with a large probability of probability will be endowed with each owner of this name, as follows:

  • Communicability.
  • Kindness.
  • Energy.
  • Optimism.
  • Equilibrium.

Svyatogor is always ready to share his ideas, he can perceive criticism, but does not tolerate criticism from a person who does not understand what he says. This Svyatogor is very determined and occupies a solid position regarding such skeptics.

About the Sitrair can accurately say that he is an open person. For him, it is not difficult to engage in several cases at the same time, he is a versatile person who does not tolerate ordinary life and refuses pale everyday life in favor of his own desire, it is very consistent with the nature of the Siberianist.

The area of ​​the exact sciences is always open for men with the same name, but should not be surprised if saints will prefer mathematics, for example, theology - he is good.

A man is very well adapted to new conditions, it can even be called an incorrigible optimist, which can start the crowd and be a real soul of the company.


Interpretation of the value of the letter names in Svyatogor

  • C - strives for solid life, which will be associated with true love. Wants to materially provide his own family and put it on the feet with any means and forces.
  • B - volunteering, self-esteem, creative personality. We have a person who is capable of a lot to meet the secret and not very needs of its ego.
  • I am "I" - not the main pronoun for a person with the same name, much more he pays attention to other people.
  • T - theatricalness, man alien any plans and long-term lists, he does everything in such a way that his actions coincide with the early planned plan, or simply follows the call of his heart. Sometimes it can resort to intuition, as if it is the only option to solve the problem.
  • O - Communication, true relationship. Svyatogor, who has an exceptional sense of justice, will not tolerate the relationships to be built exclusively as in-money exchange, and will be categorically against it.
  • G is proud. Svyatogor is aware of the importance of his mind and especially his personal opinion and is not going to reckon with a person who pulls into the dirt other positions about the same question.
  • O - Fastener. The man rather early stands on his feet both financially and in psychological. The boy quickly grows into the young man, and from the young man turns into a full-fledged man who acquires the right to take his own decisions and make actions, which is not only in favor of Himself, but also in favor who brought up him throughout this path.
  • P - decisive. A huge number of different obstacles can stand on the path of the saint, but it never falls in spirit and virtuoso jumps over them with the help of his skills.
The Sitigar is always much more interesting to communicate with a person who has a rich inner world. A person will not look for meetings with those who did not hook him with their reasoning and position.

For the Siberian Sea, it is very important to communicate themselves, it is not particularly imposed and preferably to completely forget about the mask that he puts on for everyone in a row. For him, the value of friends financially also will also be also important.

However, the young man is little worried about what will happen, as such people tend to live in one day without taking experience from the past and especially without making plans for the future. Such a neglect of such a valuable resource, as a human time, can lead it to an irreparable mistake, which men often regret.

Svyatogors very quickly find a solution for any situation that has arisen, simply using all its rational resources such men can acquire unexpected skills that can rescue them from trouble.

Family and relationships with loved ones

At work, Svyatogor is much more stricter than at home. But when the man comes home, for him, all the lion's muzzles will lose their meaning. Such a relation to such a person to the spheres of their life.

For such a person, love without constancy and loyalty is impossible - he wants to be 100% sure of his second half, otherwise their roads can rapidly disperse in different directions.

The owners of such a Slavic name in their nature are very often tied to people who provided their love, monetary support and shelter. To win the confidence of the Siberian Universe is not so easy, you need to go through several layers of its character, but if you still managed to earn it, you can be proud of yourself - now Svyatogor will never forget your kindness and will always be considered with you.

In the reliable environment, a man with a similar name feels perfectly and is ready for feats for the sake of achievement not only of its goals, but also the goals of the person who advital him for decisive activities. He does not try to betray another person and wants to convey his position on the eradication of evil to others in accordance with his interesting name taken from East Slavic mythology.

Name Svyatogor

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