Angina's conspiracy - rules of implementation and examples


In this article we will tell you how to cope with the sorrow with the help of Angina conspiracies.

Each of us sooner or later faces such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as an angina. At the same time, a person is tormented by severe throat pain, it is difficult for him to swallow, talk. In short, life turns into a nightmare. And traditional medication treatment is very often ineffective.


And then you can help various conspiracies, prayers and rituals. But it must be remembered that magical rites will be effective only if they are properly implemented, without any deviations from the rules of the ritual, in compliance with all subtleties.

Useful recommendations in the treatment of angina with conspiracies

Angina is not unfortunately considered a very insidious disease, to which negligence and frivolism cannot be exercised. After all, if it does not start treated in time, complications may arise. Therefore, if you are not a specialist in the field of magic, we advise you to combine conspiracies and prayers with traditional treatment. Magical rites in this case will quickly help speed up recovery and relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Very positive in the treatment of conspiractions is that they can be used at any stage of the disease, without fear of consequences.

Magic rituals are simple in fulfillment and quite laborious. Beginners are recommended to apply simple conspiracies and rituals. Rites requiring special magical knowledge should be carried out by the signs.

How to get rid of angina with honey conspiracy

Refers to fairly simple rites, can be performed by non-professional. It effectively helps with symptoms of angina, contributes to rapid recovery.

Honey tea

You need to make tea from medicinal plants, cool it and put a couple of spoons of natural May honey. Read the words of the conspiracy and drink tea.

Honey plot

Conspiracy with the help of fire

The sick anesticking man sits down near the source of fire: fireplace, focus, fire. It is necessary to light the wax or a piece of paper and with the help of smoke to lay down the patient's head. Read this conspiracy:

Conspiracy with the help of fire

Conspission with the help of a knife

It can be used both in the treatment of angina and with other painful states of the throat and almonds. Conspire words need to repeat twelve times. When reading a conspiracy to the throat of man, the knife handle is triggered, as if symbolically "cut." After the rite to the throat, a boiled egg is applied, which has not yet had time to cool.

Conspission with the help of a knife

Conspiracy with a child's illness

It is used as soon as you felt that something is wrong with the child, at the very beginning of the disease. So that the child has improved well-being, it is necessary to read such a plot from the water:

Conspiracy with a child's illness

Water can be enjoyed or used when bathing. As a rule, after this conspiracy, the disease stops and does not progress further.

Conspiracy for rapid get rid of throat pain

Read the plot three times, if you want the pain in the throat of subsided and well-being improved. After each time they read, you need to spit over the shoulder to the other side where the pain is stronger.

sore throat

In the event that the throat strongly hurts on both sides, sleep right and left.

Conspiracy for rapid get rid of throat pain

Conspiracy for healing from angina and flu

Very effective conspiracy for the treatment of all colds and even flu. It is believed that the sore throat must pass in a couple of hours after reading it. It is held regardless of the time and night and the moon phases.

For this rite you will need a church candle and a cup of warm milk with honey. Light a candle from the match. Do not use other sources of fire to illuminate the candle. Heat the milk and put a spoonful of natural honey into it. Now read the plot three times:

Conspiracy for healing from angina and flu

Drink warm milk completely. Very soon after that the temperature will fall and the throat will stop sick. According to people's reviews, this conspiracy is very effective and acts quite quickly. It also does not cause such negative consequences as a rollback or taking negative energy on itself.

In this article, we told how to cope with such an unpleasant disease, like angrint, with the help of various healing conspiracies and rituals, facilitate the state of a person and relieve painful symptoms. Let us hope that this information will be useful for you, help strengthen health and heal from the disease.

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