The meaning of the name Irina is the character and fate of the girl


Irina is the name of the Old Russian, it appeared during the times of the Middle Ages, as proverbs of these years. Having Greek roots, it is common in both Catholic and Orthodox faith. Irina means "calm, peaceful." The name of the name begins with the advent of the Greek Goddess Aireren, who tried to support peace and peace.

Redhead girl

The derivative name also has a male form: Irina. Some believe that the name of Irina is Arin's name, having the same value, you can agree with this if you mean only the colloquial form. Abbreviated form name: Rina, Ina, Arisha, Irinka, Ayusha.

General interpretation

  • Planet, patronizing Irina, Venus.
  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Color, attracting well-being and good luck, is turquoise, gentle blue, pale-lilac.
  • A tree that feeds by force and positive energy is chestnut.
  • Flower contributing to maintaining health - Lily of Lily.
  • Totem bird - Owl.
  • Stone-charm - opal.
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Angel's day - April 29 in honor of the Great Martyr Irina, who died in the torment for faith in Christ, and on May 18, in honor of St. Irina, who turned thousands of people in faith, including their parents. Thanks to his abilities and miracles of healing, she soared all the flour, torture and remained unharmed.

Features of the nature of Irina in childhood and how will it affect adult life

From the young age, Irishka manifests itself as a discreet, quiet, obedient and calm child. It is distinguished by its love, decency, openness to people. Showing interest in study, is fond of astronomy, geography, biology.

She does not have trouble with her parents, because it is quite delicate and causing. Ira finely feels the line between what can and can not. But despite the fact that friendly with relatives, prefers to live separately and independently.

Her love for study has a practical character. Irisha is a material man, good marks are very important, since she understands that the certificate of the excellent card can be cool to influence success in the future.

Its ability to objectively assess its real opportunities sends it to specific goals and objectives. She was not used to dreaming of princes and succumb to illusions about the uniqueness of their external data. Knowing what he wants to achieve, this girl can already have a specific action plan with youth.

Teenager Irisha - timid feature. She avoids bogy boys, dubious companies. One of the phobias can be fear of stray dogs, it is possible that it will appear after the unpleasant situation with their participation.

In the high school classes, Irink is passionate about books, drawing, knitting, but this does not mean that she is a home. She is as interesting for sports sections and a visit to the pool. It always surrounds a lot of peers thanks to communicability, responsiveness and ability to be friends. Boys Ira perceives as friends with whom much more fun and perky than with girls.

Possessing outstanding talents and abilities, Ira grows with a modest and shy girl. She does not like public speeches and very nervous if all the attention of adults concentrates on it. Therefore, parents do not need to ask for a daughter to sing something, play or read for those who came.


The main authority since childhood is the Father. Maybe this is explained by her early independence, adulthood, prudence, seriousness. She tries to close to any situation, weighing all the positive and negative points, and make a decision that will depend solely on its own opinion.

In high school and student, the calm of Irena is stirred by some temperament and impulsivity. It is already becoming easier to withdraw and even make aggressive. But it is rather the exception. He is departed and knows how to quickly forgive the offender.

A student Ira is not in a hurry to marry, explaining that he wants to find his purpose in life and realize in the profession. It is characterized by multisascy, it easily masters several specialties, but only if it really seems profitable.

How will the fate of Irina in the profession and personal life

In the professional sphere of Irene, women's classes are interesting. It can easily master a foreign language, learn how to simulate clothes, professionally cut, take pictures. It is characteristic of enthusiastically and focusing to work, in all investing personal attitude. This feature can be decisive in a successful career.

When choosing a profession, prestige can be determined for Ira. She seeks to get into the highest light and makes everything possible for this at school, institute and when looking for work. Those who managed to get a good education can quite realize themselves as a press attache, a diplomat, a lawyer, to work in the administration of high-ranking persons.

Irena is inclined to lead secular, measured and secure life. She strives for well-being, stability, status and connections in the Higher Society. Those who failed to get a good profession, try to improve in another sphere, also seeking success.

Bright woman

Irina can become a first-class leader, not because it contains the qualities of the leader, and by virtue of their female wisdom, delicacy, calm and tact. In communication with subordinates, behaves in an equal position, intently explain the general plans and objectives. She quickly has a team to successfully work in the name of the overall profit and high earnings.

Adult Ira is well versed in humans, feels the motivation and mood of employees. The qualities of the psychologist and diplomat allow it to diagnose it in time and affect the working atmosphere.

In communication, Ira is very selective, trying to surround himself by those who really trust. It is important for her to feel its significance and see what they admire it. It becomes decisive and in choosing a man.

Family and Health

Young owner of such a beautiful name - Nature in love and romantic. But it never immersed completely in the Amur Affairs. Her fleeting hobbies are often changed by the opposite sex, but as for a serious relationship, she clearly knows what man she needs.

Some men, she may seem cold and calculating because of its excessive seriousness and intelligence. The concreteness and straightness of Irina can scare yourself who she was seriously interested. But in order not to stay alone, she is ready to change and adapt to that female image that the man saw it in it.

In the company of young people, Irochka is always of interest, enjoys their attractiveness, charm, proud of its sexual forms. Sometimes it can afford to go beyond the decency, manifesting himself a bold and fatal beauty.

To create a family, this secular lioness will surely choose a wealthy man who can provide her and future heirs. Ira is an honest and faithful wife, always a loyal spouse. It is serious to raising children, using the latest modern techniques.

Baby Irina has a bad appetite, which affects its weight and the overall state of immunity. There is a locality to the sore. It is worth being selective in the diet, since a large tendency to allergic reactions.

Celebrities named Irina

  • Irina Slutskaya - a multiple champion in figure skating.
  • Irina Khakamada is a politician.
  • Irina Muravyova - People's Artist of Theater and Cinema.
  • Irina Alferova is a famous actress of cinema and theater.
  • Irina Bogacheva is an opera singer of the Mariinsky Theater.

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