Name name Sofia - character traits and options for fate


Sofia is an ancient Greek name, means "wise" or "reasonable". Brief forms of name: Sonya, Sofa, Sophia. According to the church calendar, the day of Angel Sofia celebrates twice. September 30 - in honor of the Great Martyr Sofia, which died from suffering and grief on the daughters of faith, hope and love of faith in Christ. June 4 - in honor of St. Sophia, which was engaged in healing and healing. She died for the enlightenment and appeal to faith in Christ.

Young woman

General interpretation

  • Libra.
  • Planet, patronizing Sofia, - Saturn.
  • Wood, reducing power and positive energy, - Lipa.
  • Totem insect - Bogomol.
  • Plant, strengthening health, - lovers.
  • Color, attracting good luck and well-being, - sea wave or dark blue.
  • Stone-charm - lapis.

Features of character and lifestyle Sofia

From the small years, Sofia is distinguished by its density, unpretentiousness, delicacy. She does not need to be capricious and cry loud to achieve his. The benevolent behavior of a little sofa sets up adults to make them all possible for her happiness.

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With peers on the street it is very modest and shy, but in the walls of the house shows activity and a bogacity. She is independent, rarely pour tears and is not upset by trifles. It is not in its rules to ask for help, as it believes that he can fully cope with all the difficulties. This position will continue and will take place in adulthood.

Externally, sofa grows charming, often crispy child. She loves her parents, grandparents. She delicately feel the mood of relatives and knows what to click to influence the profitability of the situation.

Already from the young age, the girl is very observational, inquiring, the owner. She will not do what she does not want. Sofa gives care of persuasion and belief, but will always remain with her opinion. Her analytical mindset, the ability to argue and thinking gives it a number of advantages at school. She learns well, time to attend creative mugs, play music.


Among classmates, she enjoys great respect, as it always hurries to help. It is often chosen by the old-fashioned class, and she is glad to these duties. In this sofa implements its need to help peers, give the wise council, increase the performance, listen to the frank confession.

Sofia is smart and accustomed to trust not intuition, but exclusively with its abilities and talents. Sometimes it is phlegmatic, but mostly it is an active and optimistic configured nature. From youngsters, Sonya is tied to the mother, imitates her habits, actions and behavior. Sometimes her complete obedience and the obedience of the mother can border common sense. Therefore, it is important for parents to be a good example for a girl, providing freedom in choosing your destiny.

In high school classes, Sophia is standing out by its bright appearance, hidden sensuality and mysteriousness. But its external shyness sometimes hides the recklessness and surprise of actions. This enthusiastic nature has a hot heart, capable of loved. To drown out excuses, she seeks to get away to the affairs and care of others, being a faithful friend, a companion and a comrade.

In the transitional age, Sophie is too serious, it is able to expose their actions to self-analysis and tough criticism. But she is not used to sharing with their surrounding world. It is easily given to her, so she has time to take patronage over students of junior classes. From this she gets joy and in the help of another sees their meaning of life.

Her creative principle gives her the right to choose a profession associated with show business, music, cinema, theater. Thrust for the knowledge of the world will pass through the sofa by traveling, travel throughout the world. Such people often choose the journalist, reporter, researcher or scientist.

The student Sophia fascinates the male half of the population with his cheerfulness and greasiness. She likes to be in the center of attention of young people, but only in outside the walls of the educational institution. The training is suitable very seriously and thoroughly. She knows how to achieve success in the profession, and desperately seeks to this.

Relationships with fans during this period she has frozen. It takes the courtship of fans, but does not seek serious relations. Her plans are taken career and personal growth. By this time, she becomes more independent, does not need the advice of the mother, knows how to arrange and organize his life. If there are everyday problems, sofa is easily coping with them, not paying attention to temporary difficulties and discomfort.

After drinking experiences and wisdom, she continues to help others, participating in their lives of a good advice, the right person or act. Fast, active, communicable, Sophia can easily resolve any situation. This allows it to surround himself with a lot of friends and associates.

Professional successes and personal life

Mature Sofia got used to seek everything that he wants. It is gifted by many talents and abilities, but not sprayed on trifles, striving for a particular purpose. In any field of activity that is hobble, it achieves high position and decent wages. Knowing the price of money, will not spend them on trifles. Sofa has close attachment to parents, will always support them and help materially.

The profession of Sofia will definitely be relevant to talented and gifted personalities, what is she herself. The girl does not seek power, but the surrounding people see the leader and a guide that can lead to success and well-being. Everything that will be associated with patronage, public activities, charity, will bring her fame and universal recognition.

Love for Sofia is something very intimate. Having experienced trepidate feelings, she will never openly demonstrate them. Everything that concerns personal relationships, a young woman is used to keep secret. But passionate sofa can surprise and even shock close, destroying a prosperous family life for the sake of a new beloved.


Children for Sofia are a special joy and pride. She tries to take part in their upbringing, growing up, will never throw them on the mercy of fate.

Ideal compatibility Sofia expects with Denis, Roman, Pavlom, Alexey, Vsevolod, Ilya. The union can be difficult to Andrei, Dmitry, Herman, Miron.

How to keep health Sofia

Sofa, born in the spring and summer months, may be a weak and restless child. It is susceptible to cold and viral diseases. Parents standing since childhood to strengthen the child's immune system and monitor its strengthened nutrition.

In adulthood, it should be more likely to have a gynecologist. The probability is great to suffer with women's chronic diseases. After childbirth is subject to a rapid weight gain and metabolic disorders. Old age will be accompanied by arthritis, disruption of the function of the thyroid gland.

Talented Personality with the name Sofia

  • Sofia Vishnevskaya is an artist and screenwriter of Soviet times. Laureate of the Stalin Prize.
  • Sofia Spool is a talented chemist of Soviet times. Winner of the Stalin Prize for outstanding progress in the field of chemistry and natural science.
  • Sofia Ginsburg is a bold Russian revolutionary.
  • Sofia Polotskaya - Queen of Denmark.
  • Sofia Ochigava - the world champion and European boxing in weight up to 60 kg.
  • Sofia Zaklikovskaya - Russian artist-painter, member of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg.
  • Sofia Paleologist is the second wife of Prince John the Third. The influential person who has changed the fate of the Moscow state.
  • Sofia Rostopina is a children's writer living in France, but having Russian origin.

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