Sketches: What will happen if accidentally break the mirror


What will happen if you break the mirror, according to the signs? At home and does not happen. In any case, it does not matter what way you broke the mirror, much more important, what energy did your home coat absorb it all time. Try to remember what you had, in which mood you looked in the mirror. Still what to do if you smashed the mirror?

The fact is that every sign is a warning that the highest strength sends us to meet us. Try to remember if you changed the way to someone and what emotions overwhelmed you over the past week? Should you try to explain to people their point of sight, or did it already lose any meaning?

Soul mirror, mirror and reflection. As you can see, the mirror often finds a response in our everyday household expressions, but is it important to be important than we use to view your beloved reflection, or can you do without rubbing the glass surface with silver spraying?

No, it turned out that the mirror in itself possesses interesting properties - such as the prediction of the future. The mirror finds his interpretation even in the Greek chronicles in the exploits of Hercules. The mirror perfectly fit into the mythology of all the ancient countries, Eastern and Western. This, it would seem that the usual item for us should be perceived with all seriousness, otherwise you risk to send a misfortune that may happen in the near future.

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Of course, it is necessary to understand that each action there is a counteraction and that you can cope with everything that your activity promises you. But the mirror can flicker the consequences of your actions to the environment, and you can fully experience the misguide of your actions.

Broken mirror

Split the mirror in different situations

If you broke the mirror, then there are several possible outcomes. Immediately, a superstitious person should be reassured - nothing special happens to you, although some metamorphoses with your body and the environment will certainly happen.

To calculate the possible effect of the mirror on your soul, we need to know what it happened. How did you smash the mirror and do you get? Was the fragments in you, they stepped on them or simply broke the mirror with anger and donounced in the ill-fated agony?

Do not underestimate your destiny, as the mirror always seizes your impact on your own life. And if you broke it, at least there were other actions, but you chose the safest. After breaking the mirror, you released that it was filled - joy or sadness. It is worth remembering in which mood you constantly looked into your mirror, what thoughts filled you at each meeting with a mirror surface.


If you are constantly angry, looking into the mirror, or have always been in the drunk arrangement of the Spirit, then, accordingly, in the near future, it will be deigned to rush either a wave of negative, or a lick of positive.

Again, this is a rather blurry interpretation, since you must perfectly understand that without circumstances, this will accept this will be quite problematic. Our site provides all the necessary materials for your own investigation. Relate your memories with options below:

  • You broke into the mirror in an attempt to hide from our own inferiority. Let's look at the truth - if you break the mirror in agony because of the unsuccessful location of the spirit or a terrible day, the mirror will not be able to answer you a good omen. Most likely, in the near future, another misfortune will happen in the near future, although the appearance of the outrest is not excluded, and this misconduvement will not hurt your life, rather, on the contrary - you will become even better.
  • Accidentally broke the mirror, the location of the spirit was bad. We advise you especially not to focus on such a chastion if it happened by chance. Thus, in the near future, you definitely do not shine to see the terrible appeal of the forces of the universe with yours and so already suffering a person, you can finally try to taste good luck, or nothing will happen. It is worth expecting different options, but the probability of manifestation of a negative effect due to this mirror is potentially equal to zero.
  • You were in a good location of the Spirit and still broke your mirror. Do not get upset, because in this case only the best rushing from the forces of the universe. Nevertheless, it is worth thinking - why did you do it. Even in the very good mood, you should not spoil household objects, they can get angry with you, and the outcome can be completely different.
  • You were fine, were in the perfect arrangement of the spirit and accidentally broke the mirror. Most likely, in the near future, nothing really happens, you will only be quite ashamed because of your clumsy. Just as in the case of aggressive unconsciousness described in the second paragraph, the positive in your life does not like, but here is a complete negative black stripe can manifest itself on the path of any superstitious person in this situation.

Broken glass

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