Compatibility Dog-Snake: Character and Compatibility


The union of dogs and snake looks attractive. Partners are immediately attracted to each other, as if some invisible magnet leads their activation. The dog fascinates the magnetism of the snake, and the snake conquers the sincerity of the shaggy beast. What is the compatibility of a dog-snake actually? Consider the marriage union and love in detail.

Compatibility dog-snake

Character of dog

Male dog It is distinguished by devotion and love for a family hearth. He is attracted by the idea of ​​married relationships, but he does not focus on her. The dog-dog is very romantic, knows how to find joy in the simplest things of earthly existence: to eat delicious, relax in the cozy atmosphere. It is open to communicate, therefore has a wide range of friends.

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The male dog attracts confident in their female charm of the girl. He appreciates beauty and mind. The dog is the connoisseur of all beautiful, he has aesthetical perception of the world. Therefore, he always draws to the appearance and the manner to dress, he follows himself and in others this quality notices. Therefore, the disclosure of the dog always looks flawless.

Meeting with a man-dog for a woman is a gift of fate, because the caring partner is unlikely to be found.

This is a wonderful husband and a loving father. The dog will create a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere in the family, in which complete well-being will reign.

Woman dog It has natural grace and grace. She is witty and charming, sexy and attractive. With a sense of self-esteem, shows a demandingness to itself and others. The woman is ambitious, always acts on a clearly designed plan. She does not like a blank pastime, prefers their own interests.

Both sign of the dog's sign possess the following features:

  • dedication;
  • decency;
  • demanding;
  • perseverance.

A dog can easily make a dating, but will open the soul only to proven and reliable people. The disadvantage of the dog is too serious about everything that can strain those surrounding. However, kindness, manifestation of care and attention to people are considered the best and most important qualities of the character of the dog.

Marriage compatibility between dog and snake

Snake character

Male snake It has unusual insight and wisdom. He from the young age shows these qualities and looks even older than his peers. The snake never makes thoughtless and rash actions, intuitively determining the best and right step. Leisurely in life, a man-snake can perform sharp rapid movements, fully suppressing an opponent with a surprise.

The manners of the behavior of the snake are sophisticated and gallant that they will not be able to not appreciate women. He can be awesome and charm any fine sex representative. Snake loves beauty and knows how to give women charming gifts. This is an esthete with a feeling of beautiful. The disadvantage is a poisonous sarcasm, which a man-snake allows himself sometimes to express. But this concerns only those who provoke the snake and trying to hurt feelings. Snake such people is trying to avoid.

For marriage, a man-snake comes with full responsibility and will never throw in the outer with his head. Even with great love, he still calculates the situation to the end - this helps natural intuition on the verge of clairvoyance.

Woman Snake - This is a mystery. It has a mystical attractiveness and charming appearance. A feature of this lady is the ability to reset the skin on time and completely reborn both externally and internally. The snake can get married several times and changing the scope of activity. In marriage keeps loyalty, but has the ability to turn the partner's life to upside down.

A snake female is distinguished by a volitional and purposeful character, she is ready to recognize the leadership of only the man who will be stronger than Her Spirit. The rest she just cries or strangles. The snake attracts the spiritual side of life, so it is looking for communication with people of a certain level of development - the rest is not interesting. Beauty gives her great strength, so there are many representatives of art among snakes.

Male dog and snake

What is the compatibility of a male dog with a snake woman? Astrologers define this union satisfactory, but not ideal. A snake woman is prone to jealousy, and a man-dog is always ready to give a reason for this - because the circle of his dating is quite wide. However, a man-dog is far from thoughts about treason, so does not understand the claims of the snake to his behavior. He is always sincere and open, never holds for the sinus stone.

Snake woman should not control every step of a dog-dog, and he, in turn, should not leave her one for a long time.

Otherwise, the compatibility of signs is good - they satisfy each other in everything. Both partners listen to each other's opinion, do not try to suppress and conquer leadership. Sometimes this union is based on general aspirations and purposes - these are like-minded people. Odivity and common goal may even serve as a basis for strong long-term relationships.

Sexual compatibility between partners has one feature - in some moments of the spark of love can fade. In this case, partners should simply inflate the fading light so that he turns into a fire again. This mission should take on a serpent woman who can sometimes win on serious things and leave the dog alone with himself. The man-dog should not forget that the snake constantly needs compliments and assurances in its irresistible. Then the union between them becomes durable until the end of the earth's days.

dog and snake - married relationship

Woman dog and snake

What are the relationship between a dog and a dog-snake? Astrologers consider this union very successful - a couple in admiration from each other. This is an union of like-minded people, lovers to the depths of the soul. However, the dog's female can displetely wilt the tail if a man-snake will stop satisfying her needs. By the way, they both are inclined to calculate, so there is nothing surprising. It is advisable to immediately put each other in fondness so that the relationships are honest and open.

The dog should be known in advance that the snake is inclined to manifest despotic in relationships. The suffocating love of the snake can squeeze a lot in a relationship if a man does not weaken the grip of Python.

In bed, they are well suited to each other, since their sexual preferences coincide. The first marriage games will be held in the heat and passion that the snake will demonstrate. In the future, some snake coldness is successfully compensated by the hotness of the dog.

In general, the Union is more than successful. Only partners should work on themselves if they want to spend a long joint life. The snake should temper the desire of control and despotism, and the dog should show more attention to the snake. Then between them will reign spiritual harmony and loyalty.

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