Summer Solstice Day - Signs and Folk Rituals


On the day of the summer solstice, the signs promise us a lot of luck. Still, because it is not for nothing modern magicians consider it a day of power! This is the maximum long light day (in 2017 it was 17 hours and 32 minutes), after which, to a great chagrin of the inhabitants of our continent, the day begins to gradually shorten.

The sun

What our ancestors took on this day

At least in our days, Kupala is celebrated on July 7, in the old days this holiday was walking on the day of solstice, that is, on June 21.

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Why did everything change? And simply: Introduce the Christian faith, the princes did not cancel the old holidays, and "covered" them with new ones. Thus, they managed to "cross" the host and the holiday of John the Baptist (actually, so it is now called Ivan Kupala), slightly shifting the date of the celebration of one of them.

On this day, traditionally:

  • The wreaths were whipped through the fire (both during the day and late evening and even subsequent night);
  • Collected healing herbs and flowers (it was believed that they had the strongest);
  • Brought victims of fire and water (no bloody rituals - birch branches put in the fire, and the river threw flowers and bathed);
  • At midnight I was looking for a fern flower, hoping that he would point to the treasure hidden in the ground.

Folk signs

  • The weather did not ask? Rain and cold (even just protracted clouds) can promise cripples and not the most revealed autumn.
  • Was the night very star? The beginning of the autumn will delight mushrooms.
  • In the morning there fell a whole sea of ​​dew? To a rich crop! By the way, the dew this is customary to collect in a bottle or a jar, it is merely and healing.
  • A child who appeared on the light on 21 or 22 June, does not suffer and in life is considered a lucky one. However, it is believed that these people have a "heavy eye", that is, they should not be the first to look at the puppies born, interested in friends' plans - can be jammed.
  • If a girl or a woman is a guy or a man will share water, they can be a couple of steamness. Entering guys enjoyed by this, because it does not matter whether he will share the girl like him.

What should you do on the day of summer solstice?


  • On this day, find wild mint, chamber or degile. At midnight, in turn, throw faded bundles into the fire. Smoke will go on the ground: Beware of failures or illness. The post went up: you will not only be healthy, but also lucky.
  • Collect a bouquet of a plant known as Ivan da Maria. Having hung it over the entrance to his apartment (house), you will create a faith from failures and just sad days.
  • Cut birchs, connect bath brooms, after which you sleep - this procedure will wash with you all the hands. By the way, the brooms can be prepared by the future, a few months ahead (and then for a year).
  • It is important to get drunk water from the well, and even better than the spring - it is considered healing. Girls should also wash her face to be blusted and fresh until the end of the year.
  • Wait for dawn. Having met the sun, you will have strength and good luck for the whole year.
  • Collect coals from festive bonfires. They can be decomposed on house and household (even scattering the garden). Calcles will become a powerful defender from evil people, as well as fire, that is, fires.
  • Make a desire (cherished, but performed), find 12 fences and move through them. Your dream should come true for 12 months.
  • From all the wardrobe, choose a solar color thing - yellow, gold. Brilliant decorations are also welcome.
  • What about marriage? Many esoterica say that the sun day is perfect for this.
  • If you are a girl and just dream to meet your destiny, for the night, find 9 festive bonfires and tangue in front of them. If you succeed, in 12 months you will already be with a welcome stamp in your passport.

And why not need to do? Conduct this day alone, sad, indulge in disintegration. The day of summer solstice is simply created in order to gather a family (or close friendly company) and have a pretty fun.

Rituals on ...


  1. Attracting wealth. Cut all the coins from the wallet (or small bills, if there is no metallic money in your country). Fold the money under the threshold (if you live in a private house) or the gap near the entrance door in the apartment. Everything! You gave to know the financial flow, where exactly he should be sent, now wait for the wallet thickening.
  2. Equality of dreams (desire). Collect wildflowers. Walking from them wreath, think that your desire has already come true, "Try to do it in detail, I do not miss any feeling. After that, put the wreath on the head and, if possible, wear up to the evening.
  3. Attracting good luck, positive changes in life. On the night of 21 to the 22th, pass around the house, turning all things that come to you: dishes, shoes, chairs - let the bottom will be literally everything! After spoke: "Home up the bottom, change every day." In the morning, return all things in place.

What other rituals can be held on this day? The answer is in this video:

Solstice and horoscopes

  • Fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) are the most powerful on this day, as well as the next night. All magical rituals in their hands will bring the maximum result.
  • Earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) and Air (twins, Aquarius, Scales) Signs are a bit inferior to fiery, but they also do not call them helpless. So, if they dream to bring in their life at least a little positive and for this will take care of magical rituals, they will have if not 100%, then by 50 - for sure.
  • Watermarks (fish, scorpion, cancer) will live this day, like all other days.

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