The meaning of Matvey is a choice of life companions, character, fate, talisman, a totem animal


If you look at the names of modern stars, it turns out that this name is not too popular. And perfectly! It sounds more than nice, it is beautifully combined with almost any name, and besides will help your son become the only kind of kindergarten, and even a school. From this article you will learn, whether this name is the name to its owner.


How is this name decrypted?

There are no different theories of the name - all linguists unconditionally agree that this is the name of Jewish origin. In the original it sounded like Matthew and meant "Man from God", "Given the Lord."

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Abbreviated it sounds like this: Matyusha, Matyuha, Matveko, Matya, Motya.

Patronymic is obtained: Matveyevich (Matveich), Matveyevna.

In other cultures, it turns into such names: Matvia (Ukraine), Mathieu (France), Matteo (Italy), Mateush (Poland), Matias (Germany), Matthew (England).

What character is the typical Matvey?

Strengths: This is a very balanced person. Before you do or say something, this guy will think well. This is a harmonious, accomplished personality, absolutely devoid of complexes. Matyusha is considered a reliable person who is always responsible for his words. He is friendly, quickly forgetting brewing or minor conflicts, no one is sick and angry. He is modest, does not like to stand out. Very honored morality.

Weaknesses: Posstradiation, Conservatism, Gridness.

The fate of this name

  • Childhood. The boy grows quiet and very obedient. In school, he diligently studies, although not feeling a lot of knowledge to knowledge. His favorite teacher can be a workman, as Motya from an early age shows talent to work. Carrying out the jigsaw, the manufacture of other crafts is obtained from him so well that his work is often exported to the exhibition.
  • Youth. Start with the guys, the guy does not like, preferring to negotiate. However, if someone is offended by someone, can and roll the sleeves (if the words could not be changed in words).
  • Solid age. Increased "correctness" of a man can create a lot of inconveniences. For example, he can argue with the head, if he believes that he was mistaken for his account or unfairly punishes someone from his colleagues. Moreover, a man understands that if he had grown, he would not get "in the header" - but in this case it would just bite conscience.

Happy talismans Matthew


  • The perfect zodiac sign: Scorpio (so if your son was born from October 24 to November 21, be sure: astrologists advise to give him exactly this name).
  • Color name: Bright brown tones.
  • Planet Patron: Pluto.
  • Defender from the animal world: Scorpio.
  • Totem plant: Walnut.
  • Stone-Talisman: Hiastolite (also known as a crusade; one of the varieties of the precious stone of Andalusite).

Day Angel

Church name: Matthew

Meaning of the name: Given God, Dar Yahwe God, God (Read the full name of the name Matvey)

Nearest Names Matthew: November 22

Name day

strong>Matthew in 2021 for the church calendar
  • January 18.

    Matthew Gusev, Martyr

  • June 1st

    Matthew Voznesensky, Sacred, Ieria

  • July 13

    Matthews, Sacred Martyr 12 Apostles

  • August 22

    Matthew, Sacred Martyr

  • 25-th of August

    Matthew, Sacred, Ierodiakon, Inok, Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery

  • August 27

    Matthew Pomerances, Sacred Martyr, Archim

  • October 13.

    Matthew Soloviev, Martyr

  • October 18

    Matthew Pechersky, turning

  • November 12.

    Matthew Kazarin, Sacred Martyr, Prododoacon

  • November 25

    Matthew Aloin, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

  • November 27.

    Matthew Ethiopian, Bishop, Prince

  • December 15.

    Matthew Alexandrov, Sacred Martyr, Ieria

In different life situations, this man comes in different ways.

  • Love. This guy may fall in love with a girl who is committed not suitable, and immediately lead her under the crown. After some time, such a marriage decays. Matvey is a long spit life experience and after 5 years married again. Moreover, it is not a ride, and younger beauties. By the way, it is not a fact that this second family will remain strong to the retirement itself. In old age, Matvey can decide that they are not a couple with his wife ... and give themselves religion.
  • Relationship. Despite his love, this man cannot be called the man. He will not go to such an immoral act, even if there was already a "chill" between him with his wife.
  • Marriage. The stamp in the passport rarely brings the carrier of this name true pleasure. However, a man is ready to heroically pull "strap", if children have already appeared from his union. Trying to be a good son, he can not leave the parental home to the seed, so that Mother (especially if that early width) did not remain alone. Of course, it will not quite please his spouse, forced all his life to be a daughter-in-law on foreign breads.
  • Children. Father, the carrier of this name is considered excellent. He helps all his offspring, including from the first, unsuccessful marriage. He can take real career feats only to ensure all his daughters and sons.
  • Career. Hurrying and diligence helps Matvery to do although not an instant one, but a good career. However, he does not break into the superiors, preferring calmly do the usual work. This is exactly the person who does not curse from the monotonous, repeating every day of labor.

Compatibility with female names

Successful couple for Matthew: Anastasia, Hell, Bronislav, Varya (Varvara), Elena, Masha (Maria), Taisia. Also a man will suit a woman with an exotic name Frieda.

Union with these women is doomed to failure: Bella, Inga, Zoya, Christina, Capital (popular in Poland), Lily, Lada, Olga, Toma (Tamara), Edita.

Theses that became famous in their homeland, and even in the world

  1. Levie Matthew. One of the 12 Apostles of Christ, who wrote the Gospel (Actually, so on most icons is depicted with a book). For many modern filmus, he is associated with Semyon Strugachev, the masterfully played Matthew in the film "Master and Margarita".
  2. Matthew Kazakov (1738-1812) - the architect, which created many key architectural objects of Moscow, despite numerous fires of the time preserved to the present day.
  3. Matvey Manizer (1891-1966) is the Russian sculptor, socialist. It was he who performed Stalin's posthumous mask.
  4. Matvey Mudrov (1776-1831) - Doctor and teacher. Thanks to his works in Russia, military hygiene and therapy appeared.
  5. Matvey Korguev (1883-1943) is a Soviet storyteller from Karelia.
  6. Matvey Tevelev (1908-1962) - Writer "Lenfilma", writer. In particular, he worked on the script of the film "Old Guard".
  7. Matvey Lyarov (1884-1964) - actor. Removed in old-kind films "Spartak", Nasreddin in Bukhara.
  8. Matvey Bronstein (1906-1938) is a physicist, author of fundamental work on cosmology and astrophysics.
  9. Matvey Blanter (1903-1990) - composer. "Katyusha" is his creation.
  10. Matvey Melnikov or ILO (1990) is a famous Russian reper.
  11. Matvey Korobov (1983) - Russian boxer, champion of Russia and the world.
  12. Matthew Cherkasy (1923) - prominent Soviet football player. Born in Ukraine.

Not so long ago, the talented Russian director Valery Ninthilov returned the interest of his contemporaries to this name, removing an excellent detective series called "Father Matvey". The film does not promote religion, he takes the soul of an excellent acting game, typical Russian plots and a strong detective line. The admirers have already dubbed the main character "Russian Father Brown". Interested? In this video, you will see a trailer for the film:

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