Ruslan - Name, Features of Character, Fate and Relationship

  • Zodiac sign: Lion, Virgo.
  • Heavenly body: sun.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Number of name: 6.
  • Color: Golden, Orange, Brown, Steel, Salad.
  • Totem plant: Platan, dandelion.
  • Stone-Talisman: Avenue, Agat, Jasper, opal.
  • Metal: Iron.

Interpretation of the name


Other forms of name: Rusya, Ruslanchik, Rusik.

The emergence of the name: Tatar, Kazakh, Russian.

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The most recognized version goes roots in the ancient East, comes from Turkic or Persian, in translation means "lion". There is a view of researchers that the name has made the popular Russian poet and writer A.S. Pushkin in his poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Used by very many nationalities, distributed in Russia and the CIS countries.

To this day, it is actively used in the Kazakhs on a par with Rustam. Also recently appeared a female version - Ruslan.

Character and personality of man

At an early age, Ruslanchik is a picky and stubborn child, he constantly requires increased attention. Overly sensual and is inconsistent in desires. This boy is very important to hear praise in his side, even if it is not justified, and already in such a small age he is able to go to the trick for the sake of obtaining desirable.

Despite the complex character, the boy is kind, brave and bold, with friends behaves freely and relaxed. It is often not thinking about the consequences of their actions at all, in friendship is selfless. Thinking and wounded, so it is very important that parents behave with their children, first of all, as with a friend.

Little Rusik Dreamer, loves to create a reality around himself, and therefore will be happy to visit different sections and electives for designing and modeling, will gladly be engaged in their body in sports sections. The lack of constancy and perfection can prevent the transfer of his hobbies into adulthood. It can easily become an excellent card or a good one, but only when it grows reliability, organization and accuracy.

Being a teenager, he stands out for his subversive and selfish temper. Self-love, categorical and decisive in their own judgments, nothing can stop him on the way to goal. On the same way, it can be in business, to weave intrigue and build a goat.

Despite this, the guy is rather intelligent and manners, but do not need to be deceived by the surface qualities of the young man. It is very important for him to understand at an early age that the lack of sincerity is connected with the loss of reverence and confidence of loved ones and relatives. His dedication, he does not take, crush his will to victory is almost unrealistic, and it is much easier to offend than it seems, since he always seeks to look stronger than it really is.

The young man always attracts such awards as diplomas, cups, medals, for this reason, with pleasure, participates in various events where it can demonstrate their abilities, and will not suffer indifference to his own personality. When he enters his studies to the university, it seeks to achieve for myself some social status, which helps him become more stubborn, working and responsible.


Adult Ruslan already understands that diplomacy is a key that opens up almost any doors, and therefore tries to build good relationships with all others. But grief to the one who offended or betrayed this proud man is to revenge and deceit will find their embodiment. Often in the weather for their ambitions and dreams ceases to notice life here and now.

It loves to speak more, rather than listen to the interlocutor, what is his minus, although it does not prevent him from being a good and reliable friend. It is difficult to say exactly about his desire to power, since he is convinced of his charming and uniqueness. To speak as a whole, on such a friend, like Rusya, you can count on.


Due to the fact that with the youth itself, the guy takes care of his health, it is quite strong. To maintain a good shape and healthy mind, you need to eat right, more often walking out in the fresh air and do regular physical exertion. As for the psychological attitude, it is important to maintain a good atmosphere at work and at home, recognition of success, otherwise depression is possible.

Work and career

By nature, Ruslan is a real careerist ready for moving along a career ladder for many victims. However, during serious problems, it is trying to correct the formed state of affairs, often completely forgetting about their ambitions. It is always configured for a speedy and weighty result, which often interferes with its promotion, because it is not always going aside as you want.

Based on personal qualities, he is very suitable for managing positions that suggest communication with people. The gift of diplomat will help him build a successful career in politics. And the desire to stand out will serve a good service on the field of artist, a musician, a journalist or a writer.

Also from Russia may turn out to be a good businessman due to his ability to calculate the situation in advance and quickly adapt to the most unexpected circumstances. Man This Initiative, Posstiving and ambitious, he is able to achieve significant results, doing business.

Love and relations

Joint rest

This individual does not accept monotony and everyday life, adores freedom of action and the game of imagination. In an intimate life, it is simply obliged to be the lead, rather than those who should remember his beloved. I am ready to become a kind of guide to the field of sex, if only pleasure was mutual.

A man is a fairly good family man, seeks to provide all the needs of his loved ones. Stores loyalty to his wife and will not forgive her treason. Pretty jealousy and openly will not show their dissatisfaction with the fleet flirt of his wife, but immediately recall her at the first opportunity, so the girls should be attentive in their views, being close to Ruslana.

He is a leader in life, and no man, including a spouse, will not allow and will not give the opportunity to impose a different lifestyle. Childs love, but it may seem that it is indifferent to them. Nevertheless, Rusya is a responsible parent, next to which the family will feel protected, because the construction of a good homely hearth is one of the main priorities of the man's life.

Excellent combination: Agatha, Emma, ​​Rose, Maria, Vera, Varvara, Anna, Anastasia.

Good compatibility: Hell, Zinaida, Isabella, Lydia, Nina, Tatiana.

Bad compatibility: Alice, Yana, Stanislav, Svetlana, Nika, Ksenia, Kira, Inna, Catherine, Valeria, Victoria.

Days of Angel

Church name: Rustic

Meaning of the name: a lion (Read the full name of Ruslan)

Nearest Name Ruslana: September 16

Name day

strong>Ruslana in 2021 for the church calendar
  • 12th of February

    Rustic Roman, Martyr

  • October 16

    Rustic Paris, Presbyter, Sacred

  • Ruslan Hasbulatov, 1942, politician, scientist and publicist, Russia.
  • Ruslan Aushev, 1954, political and public figure, Russia.
  • Ruslan Kireev, 1941, Prose writer, Russia.
  • Ruslan Ponomarev, 1983, Chess player, Ukraine.
  • Ruslan Pimenov, 1981, football player, Russian national team.
  • Ruslan Chagayev, 1978, Boxer Professional, Uzbekistan.
  • Ruslan Saley, 1974 - 2011, Hockey player, Belarus.
  • Ruslan Nurtdinov, 1980, Hockey player, Russia.
  • Ruslan Goncharov, 1973, Figure, Ukraine.
  • Ruslan Hrolling, Fashion Designer, Costume Artist, Ukraine.
  • Ruslan Batsayev, 1962 - 2005, Colonel Police, the posthumous hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Ruslan Lysenko, 1976, biathlonist, Ukraine.
  • Ruslan Batyrshin, 1975, hockey player defender.
  • Ruslan Sanin, 1982, actor, Russia.
  • Ruslan Kartoev, 1988, football player, midfielder.

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