The meaning of Dasha is the fate and character characteristics


Dasha's name is the abbreviated form of the Slavic named after Daria. According to one of the versions, it has a Greek root and means "owning a blessing." In another version, Dasha is the Slavic name and is interpreted as "giving God." Other forms of the name, which are also independent: Dara, Darina, Dana.

General characteristic name

According to the church calendar, the day of the Angel Dasha - April 1, in honor of the martyr Darya, who passed through torture and flour for faith in Christ.
  • Planet, patronizing name, - Mars.
  • A tree attracting positive energy and strength - rowan.
  • Color contributing to luck and happiness - bright red, tomato, poppy.
  • Stone-charm and talisman named - bed.
  • The meaning of the name is the sign of the zodiac - Aries.

Childhood and Youth - Features of the behavior and talents of Dasha

Dasha - a very extraordinary child. It can be a bit inhibited, phlegmatic, but at the same time easily excited and temperament. This baby is very smiling and inquisitive. She begins to walk early, speak and show independence.

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In school years, something boy is manifested in the nature of Dasha. It may seem from the side a little rude and a brick girl. But it is rather a temporary phenomenon. Thus, she is trying to establish themselves among the peers, having an authority and influence even among the guys.


Dashuli has many friends, she is sociable, non-conflict, knows how to quickly establish contact with new in class. She is loved for being a responsive, not malicious and can not be offended long.

In high school, it shows interest in study, but often it lacks ambitiousness and hard work. School ends with a good certificate thanks to good memory and intelligence.

Daria can quickly get out of the situation or adapt to the proposed circumstances. Therefore, it will not be difficult to respond without preparation and admire the teacher. But as for public works or extracurricular activities, it is not for her. This girl will be happy to run away by inventing a good reason.

With the age of Dasha, it begins to flourish outwardly, her mother puts up a good taste, the girl is interested in fashion, style in clothes and experimenting with it. She wants to be the center of attention, and she does not like loneliness. Dasha is committed to interesting communication, often fantasies, presenting his future life. In the eyes of those surrounding this bright, charming girl with a highlight.

A student Dasha starts to show his leadership qualities. It is noticeable among fellow students not only thanks to an attractive appearance. This is a man of strong emotions, momentary desires and spontaneous actions. In this young person, rudeness and sharpness change to coquetry and femininity.

It shows interest in young people, often in favor of love with fleeting. It can enter into an intimate connection, but then realize that this is not the person with whom she would like to live life. Such behavior does not speak about the amorality of views, rather, hints for inseparability in his own feelings.

But this sensual, mysterious Dasha dashemka manages to combine a woman in himself, which undoubtedly seems very cute and intriguing fans. Despite in love, her personal life will be very successful.

This young lady is decisive, freedom-loving, butter in the tongue, often relies on mind and logic, as in nature is devoid of intuition. She is very confident in his intellectual abilities and opportunities and hopes that it will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Optimism Damashuna does not fail, it can seriously captivate his loved business and achieve big results. But the slightest criticism in her address or, on the contrary, excessive praise and signs of attention are ready to knock her out of her usabit and deliver a lot of concern.

Profession, love and health - options for fate of adult dashi

With the age of Daria, everything is also impulsive and does not know how to manage its emotions. It is inclined to get involved in delicate situations, but then regret it, engaged in self-vacation.

In search of his destination Dasha can change profession several times and position. It will be successfully implemented in it in the sphere where accurate and monotonous labor, scrupulsion and meticulousness is not required. She avoids boring monotonous everydays, assuming more interesting life.

Career Dasha can go uphill in the media, as a journalist, leading programs, it can become a very noticeable figure in political or social activities.

With successful circumstances, Daria will become a good supervisor, it is angry, it does not tend to panic, it quickly takes exact solutions, flexible and adaptive to changes in the external environment, can work in a team, but only as a leader.

Sometimes its mistake can be excessive vanity, the need to dominate and the desire to achieve goals at any cost. Thus, she will lose loyal associates and put on their enemies. But if Dasha will send all his strength and material opportunities to the right direction, it will become very secured by reaching a high position in society.

Family and Health

Personal life of this beautiful and bright woman is stable and harmonious not immediately. She is in love, heavily transfers treason, betrayal and parting. But, by purchasing some experience, it becomes more legible, understanding which man I really need it.

For marriage, she will choose an influential and power satellite older than itself. But in the family, most likely, the brazers of the board will take their hands, especially since the spouse will not be against. It is not surprising that during this period, Dasha will want to quit a career and make a household. And, as it turns out, she will not hard to cope with the role of a loving wife and a good mother.

Girl in the kitchen

The ideal compatibility of Dasha is possible with men named: Alexey, Ivan, Nikolay, Alexander, Stepan, Svyatoslav, Bronislav. An unfavorable alliance expects Gregory, Sergey, Vladimir, Peter, Yuri, Nikita.

In the marriage relationship, Dasha becomes more calm, balanced and a little lazy. Its enthusiasm can be needlework, knitting, reading literature, painting. In her house will always be clean, cozy and smell pasting.

If Darin will bother such a lifestyle, she can seize the desire to become a loyal husband's assistant in business and be very useful. It will only strengthen the family alliance by bringing many new emotions and impressions about each other.

Dasha's children tend to raise strictly, limiting their freedom and will be gaining. Often in them she is trying to embody her children's desires and dreams, which is categorically not worth doing.

Darya's health will begin to remind themselves about itself diseases of the nervous system, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Famous personalities with the name Dasha

  • Dasha Saltykova is a famous landowner who Catherine the second planted for many years to the dungeon for cruel torture, bullying and murdering his fortress. It was the first unprecedented case when they proved guilt and condemned a high-ranking person.
  • Daria Dontsova is a popular writer of detectives, the author of many books, a member of the Union of Writers.
  • Daria Melnikova - actress of cinema and theater, starred in the series "Daddy's daughters".
  • Daria Halturina - Demographer, a famous public figure, sociologist.
  • Daria Zykov is a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, the opera singer.
  • Daria Poltozhuk - Writer from Ukraine.

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