Conspiracy from temperature


High temperature is a constant companion of any infectious disease or inflammatory process in the body. It delivers patrol of torment, makes it impossible to commit any serious action. Of course, you can use traditional pills, but we offer you a people's way to treat - conspiracy.

Conspiracies from temperature

What is the danger of temperature

The human body has a huge stock of forces, he is able to eliminate the disease. In fact, we can live without modern medicines and artificial treatment techniques.

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When we ill (and therefore, the threat arises for life), the body temperature begins to increase. Thus, our body is trying to eliminate the disease, because most of the viruses die at temperatures above thirty-eight degrees.

And if we managed to catch a rather strong virus, the body is forced to maintain similar conditions for a long period of time. This, in turn, also represents a certain danger to our internal organs (brain, heart, liver and kidney).

It is important that the temperature does not keep too long. Therefore, it is necessary to "shoot down". To do this, you can take advantage of various effective means of traditional medicine: herbal teas, wrapping, carried out with the help of wet towels. All these methods have their own action, but not very fast.

In addition, take advantage of a plot of high temperature, which acts quite quickly and does not cause any side manifestations, unlike traditional medicines.

Take it right!

Conspiracies from temperature

There are aware of the effective vintage conspiracies used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers that will help you knock down a high temperature. Further, we present their examples with a description of the execution.

Conspiracy from temperature

Read on yourself or another person from five to seven times.

Conspiracy from temperature

Conspiracy from fever

It will help to quickly remove the heat and improve the general condition of the patient. You will need to pronounce the following magic words:

Conspiracy from fever

Conspiracy from the heat

If the patient suffers from severe heat, the temperature does not want to fall, it is necessary to speak water and give it to patient. After that, the fever will disappear by itself. Water coarses with such words:

Conspiracy from the heat

Conspiracy that will eliminate the temperature and fever

His time - earlier morning when the sun has not yet risen. The church candle of yellow, and on the water, in which the silver product lay all night, is pronounced:

Conspiracy that will eliminate the temperature and fever

A person who performs this magical action must carefully peer into the surface of the water, his hands must lie on his lap so that the palms look at the floor. Right palm put on the left.

Conspiracy on the water temperature for the child

Water for this ritual is prepared in advance from the evening. Lower in a glass with water silver spoon and leave to lie down until the morning. You can use any other silver products instead of a spoon (at the same time, the more silver on them, the better).

In the morning, when the sun starts to go up, take the silver product from the water, ignite the candle. Put the glass in front of a candle, which pours water, and seven times say the following text:

Conspiracy on the water temperature for the child

After the pronouncement of this statement, it is necessary to give the baby to drink the sprinkled water, as well as wash it with it. Very soon the temperature will decrease.

You should not immediately spend all the water, it is necessary to leave it on a couple of times, and if the temperature comes up again, again give the child to get drunk and wrap it with it.

Recommendations of traditional medicine from diseases

With the help of folk magic, you can get rid of many different pathologies. But so that folk remedies work, it is necessary to have real magical power and purposefully to do healing. Not every person boasts such abilities.

Therefore, we advise you still do not forget about traditional medicine, and we also want to offer several working national ways, how to heal themselves without resorting to conspiracies.

Alerts against any diseases

You can get rid of yourself or members of your family from various diseases not only conspiracies, but also for effective chambers. Investments Our ancestors were used since the seasons of gray antiquity, now they do not have to doubt their effectiveness.

Magic amulets should be worn with them all the time, they can also be discouraged.

What charms use most often:

  • Aquamarine. Our ancestors knew that aquamarines absorb any negative to which the high temperature belongs. It is better for this purpose to use round aquamarine, which are neatly carried out on the forehead of the patient.


You can also hang aquamarine over the sick person. The stone will select the negative energy of the disease. After that, be sure to clean it in running water.

  • Fern. Ferrous flower also acts as an effective guard. It will help get rid of any pathologies to which fever belongs. In this case, the healing effect manifests itself quite quickly.

Just wear a fern flower on the neck of the patient and put it sleep. In a dream, the disease will be completely left.

The obvious plus of conspiracy from temperature is on a par with all healing conspiractions, there are no kickbacks and side manifestations. You can make them many times, and your well-being will only improve. The main thing, stick to all the rules of their reading and do not disturb them.

After watching the next video, you will know with what folk remedies can be confused:

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