The value of liana graceful name - character, love and fate


In ancient times, the graceful flower of Lily with bright petals admired those surrounding his beauty, the people of elegant and charming girls began to be called in his honor - Liana, that with Latin translated as "thin". Most likely, slender girls are associated with a thin flower stem.

Name of Liana

In France, there is an analogue of the name - Elaine. The largest number of registered named Liana - in Armenia. In Russia, it is in the rating of popularity in the 1598th place.

Reduced form name: Lana, lanushka, Lan, Lanychik, Lianochka, Lianushik, Linusik, Linushka, Lin.

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The day of Liana is not noted due to its absence.


Liana loves to learn and go to school. Knowledge is easy for her, for an in-depth study of the material uses additional literature, enjoys music, perfectly draws, dancing. The task of the parents in time to notice the talent of his daughter and develop it.

The owner of Liana is strong and volitional character. It has perfectly developed intuition, easily adapts to any changes in life. In her character, uncertainty and indecision is absent, so it is easily achieved by the intended goals.

Rarely loses self-control, from any situation will come out dry. It is painfully refers to failures and criticism, although it tries to show it outwardly. It is not very easy to communicate with Liana, it is harsh, hard, can easily hurt close people.



From early childhood it is noticeable that Liana does not like to be in noisy companies. She is more interesting to paint, read the book than to play with other children in the moving games. Liana since childhood is hidden, hidden thoughts trusts only close and proven people.

Liana outwardly very beautiful and well-groomed girl, loves to visit the beauty salons, but surrounding judging in appearance. If the goal of Lianin really interests, it will easily violate public laws and morals that impede the achievement of the goal. With Loyana, it is better not to compete - it will give up and will not notice.

Stalling withstands all the blows of fate, without complaining of adversity and deprivation. Carefully selects its circle of communication, consisting exclusively of men with whom many years supports relations. It is very curious, because of which it is often unwinding in trouble.

Girl in the library


Since childhood, Lian is distinguished by excellent health, almost never sick. But because of the poor tolerability of criticism and secrecy in Liana there are nervous breakdowns. To strengthen the health of Liane, it will be useful for swimming or stand on skates.


Chooses a profession that is considered prestigious in society. At work, Liana is hard, in relations with colleagues clearly divides work and friendship. An excellent politician, a successful lawyer, will come from Liana, and tremendous success can be achieved in a creative profession, for example, in music or film studio.

All things tries to bring to the end, new starting only when you need it. She strives to be the right hand of bosses to quickly rise by the service staircase. It is easy to work with any technique that understands at an intuitive level.

Girl with camera


In a beautiful and well-groomed Liana, fans are not translated, they need it to raise their own self-esteem. He knows its price, does not allow indiscriminate ties. If the beloved man of Liana will not meet her hopes, then she without regrets will discern with him.

By nature, Liana is very jealous. It will not give my beloved person if the opponent still managed to beat off her man, then the revenge will not make himself wait long. Some owner of this name have an extramarital child.

A family

Do not hurry to associate yourself with marriage, fearing to lose independence and marry in domestic problems. The future husband picks up for a long time and carefully, turning through all more or less suitable men. In marriage is not always a faithful husband of his wife, allowing himself to go to the side, but I will not forgive betray to her husband.

His children gently love, trying to fulfill all their desires. The house always places herself, relying on his impeccable taste. Not wasteful, only qualitative and useful things that can serve for a long time is acquired.

Male name compatibility

  • Excellent: Alexander, Ivan, Andrei, Vladimir, Nikolay, Stepan, Igor, Oleg, Vadim, Vasily, Maxim, Mikhail, Dmitry, Kirill, Arseny, Konstantin, Pavel, Anton, Ruslan, Victor, Yuri
  • Bad: Artem, Ilya, Matvey, Sergey, Denis, Evgeny, Nikita, Alexey, Roman, Vladislav.


  • Excellent: Mikhail, Cyril, Arseny, Paul, Vyacheslav, Vasily, Egor, Fedor, Konstantin, Anton, Yuri.
  • Poor: Artem, Ilya, Vladislav, Nikita, Alexey.


  • Planet - Pluto.
  • The name of the name is green.
  • Time of year - Spring.
  • Happy week of week - Wednesday.
  • Happy number - 4.
  • Metal - platinum.
  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • Element - water.
  • Totem animal - snake.
  • Plant - grapes.
  • Tree - wisteria.
  • Mineral Talisman - Emerald.

Famous women with the name Liana

  • Liana Isakadze - Georgian violinist.
  • Liana Pascual - Italian harvester.
  • Liana Eliava - Soviet film director.
  • Liana de Puffy is a French dancer.
  • Liana Ecakia is a Russian artist.
  • Liana Augustine is the German-Austrian singer.

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