Name of the name of Hilaria: Name Day, Fate, Talismans, Character, Perfect Partner


To call your daughter somehow original, it is not at all necessary to come up with new names (as they did in the Soviet Union, especially at the dawn of the Epoch of Communism), as well as choose among foreign options. We also have rare, milked, and most importantly, sounding very organically in our language names. But what effect every one of them will affect your mistress?


Where did the name go and how is it decrypted?

The "cradle" of this name is the ancient Greece. In Latin, Hilarius means "joy", "fun". That is, the greek milfs are blinded by this name, Greek moms tried to put them on a light, cheerful temper.

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Abbreviated Ilairia can be called : Lara, Ile, Larko, Ilka, Ilechka.

In other countries, the Name carrier will be called Hilary (Hilary, English-speaking countries).

This name has a pair man: Illarion. However, if you believe the nominal compatibility, the guy with the same name will not be the perfect pair for Lara.

What character is the character?

Her Advantages It can be considered: cheerfulness, sociability, sincerity, positive character (this girl is just a battery that carries a smile to everyone others).

Concerning Disadvantages , then there are almost no. The girl may not quite seriously treat learning, instead of styling a multiplication table, thinking about how to build eyes to a classmate. Mama-Ilaria can be too loyal to children, pamper them without a measure, because of which the kids can grow a bit cut off from society.

The fate of the carrier of this name

  1. Early childhood. This is a beautiful baby, with a lipper whose smile does not go.
  2. School years. More often the girl becomes a good one. She sometimes "forgets" at home diary, does not teach lessons. But the teachers are not very swearing - it is impossible to be angry with Ilaria. But she is an excellent organizer, she is often "hanging" the captain in the school team KVN, and the girl copes with a bang - on stage she feels like a fish in the water, besides, Lara is able to unite classmates at the most friendly team at school.
  3. Youth, student years. She becomes charming coquette. Parents need to be vigilant, as, having received student freedom, a girl can throw their studies in the sake of participation in some public organization.
  4. Solid age. This is an energetic, kind woman. She has a lot of friends, some of which she can even forget, although she tries to maintain good relations with all comrades. She is talented, sincere, with internal nobility.

All Talismans of this name


  • The perfect zodiac sign for Lara. Astrologers are confident that this name should be given to girls who appeared under the constellation of Sagittarius (from November 23 to December 22) or Aquarius (from January 21 to February 19). In the first case, the girl will be friendly, active, real distorter of the truth and conqueror of the vertices. In the second - good, little mysterious, at home - a conservative, and at work (in school) - an innovator.
  • It is not difficult to guess that the winter will be happy for Ilechka.
  • Planet Patron: Jupiter.
  • The day of the week, in which everything will always be able to: Wednesday.
  • Colors name: scarlet, brown, dark green.
  • What a stone is worth buying ornaments: with adventuric. Also, the girl can wear sapphires (white, black and yellow), emeralds, lunar stones, tiger eyes, as well as tourmalines (black).
  • Metal: tin and uranium. Of course, buy uranium rod home you are unlikely to be able, but wearing a tin ring, an exquisite brooch or a cute handmade statuette - easily!
  • Totem animal: lion.
  • Plant, which is guaranteed to bring happiness: violet and poplar.

Day Angel (Name Day): According to the Orthodox calendar - April 1, according to Catholic - August 12 and December 31.

What typical Ilaria appears in:

  • ... love. She has a lot of fans. The only "but": the development of a stormy novel is often hampered by the active life (civilian) position of the girl. Often, Ilaria makes relations with a person who is her like-minded person, a colleague - so they can constantly see them, go on business trips together, and the guy will not be jealous of it because of the constant weekly signs.
  • ... family. The wife of Lara becomes a tender loving, faithful. However, she does not like to mess around at home (if it is engaged in washing dishes or cooking, then with great reluctance). It is also difficult for her to handle the baby. However, when the child will grow a little, Mom will be the best friend.
  • ... career. The profession of Ile can choose a rather risky (let's say, become a climbing). She will also succeed in sports field (gymnastics, dancing, figure skating) or as a public figure (politician, official). You can try yourself as an actress, television journalist.
  • …Health. In general, such girls and women are very rarely visited by pharmacies (and in order to buy vitamins). Weak place in the body can be called bones and joints. So that there are no problems with them, it is worth doing sports. But it is desirable that it was not running, but swimming.

Male name compatibility

An ideal partner for Lara can be: Alexander, Alexey, Vyacheslav, Daniel, Eugene, Egor, Elisha, Oleg, Mark, Ruslan, Timofey, Timur, Fedor.

Famous Tests


  • Ilaria (end of the 3th century) - Holy Martyr, Rome.
  • Illaria (1986) - the creative name of the popular Ukrainian singer, poetess and composer serving in the genre of Folk Rock, ethno-rock.
  • Hilary Ann Swank (1974) - Oskarone American actress, the star of the film "Baby on a million".
  • Hilary Burton (1982) is another actress from America, the star of the series "Castle" and "White Collar".
  • Hillary Diaon Ravem Clinton (1947) - American politician woman, in the past - Senator, First Lady, Secretary of State.

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