The meaning of the gentle name Sabina - character, fate and career


Hearing the name Sabina spread around the world from the ancient people of Sabinov, consisting of beautiful people who gave the name "Beautiful". With this name, you can make a compliment to the girl, praising her beauty.

Description name Sabina

In the world, the name is common as a sabine, only in Germany, it is more ringing in Germany - Zabina. Recently, the name of Sabina is popular in Muslim countries due to its fraud.

Affectionate form name: Sabinet, Sabochka, Sabinushka, Saba, Sabby, Inca, Bink, Ina.

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Savina Smirnskaya martyr - patroness Sabina in the Orthodox faith.

Angel's Day is celebrated on March 24.


Depends on the time of year of birth of Sabina:

Winter is talented, with a complex character, has a beautiful appearance. Easily breaks the hearts of men.

Spring - power-loving and selfish, loves to manipulate people. Until late age, material depends on parents.

Summer - shy, modest. Men is afraid, her heart conquer very difficult.

Autumn - the most non-conflict of those born in the remaining seasons of the year, good. Drop on flattery. Easily create a strong and reliable family.



The Sabine family is most often the only one and all the favorite daughter, because very spoiled and capricious. With the mother, a complex relationship, loves his father, but he does not always listen. Since childhood, various talents show, does not like to learn, but science is easy.

It knows how to be friends, since childhood is surrounded by friends, it will easily meet new people. She strives for conquering authority from others. Transitional age transfers hard to surrounding with it in this period, the slightest dispute brings to a serious quarrel.

In adulthood, Sabina becomes unpredictable, freedom-loving, often turning into a challenging woman in communicating. The disputes do not know how and does not want to give up, adhering to his point of view to a victorious end, even if not right. Zlophamny, can take revenge the offender.

Young woman


Sabina is growing weak and susceptible to disease. Later, all children begins to walk due to the weak muscles of the legs. Almost all girls named Sabina do not get out of colds. They need to take care of the throat and lungs.

Winter - weak nerves, frequent mood swings. Non-blind problems with thyroid.

Spring - suffers from otitis media, it is necessary to protect the ears. The immune system is weak, often catches the infection.

Summer - tonsillitis - a constant companion of her life. Physically underdeveloped, it is necessary to engage in sports.

Autumn - susceptible to colds that it pursued, and in adulthood. Due to frequent colds are frequent complications of sinusitis.


Sabina has leadership qualities, but because of the nature of the conflict it is difficult to manage a team. Indifferent to money, could easily sit on the neck of the parents or husband. Can succeed in business, becoming a "shark" business without pity for the competitors.

Professiyu selects based on its prestige possible fame. She will make a wonderful actress. Career in her life is not the first place, it is able to give up work in favor of households.



Sabine has a very showy appearance, charm, one can easily fall in love with the opposite sex, but pushes his difficult and contentious nature. Man, he fell in love, prefers to bind themselves by means of sex. If she is a long time no luck with men, she can turn into a neurotic.

A family

Sabina future husband chooses carefully, it must meet its high standards, able to provide for their families. Between money and love always opts for the financial well-being. Most often, marries late, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Despite its challenging nature and moodiness, Sabine for the family sacrifice everything, including and his own career. After marriage, she of the capricious and unbalanced woman magically turns into a caring wife, a great owner, a loving mother. For the sake of children ready to "cut the throat" to anyone.

Male name compatibility

  • Good: Alexander, Daniel, Timothy, Artem, Ivan, Andrew, Nikita, Maxim, Ilya, Vladimir, Nikolai.
  • The bad: Oleg, Benedict, Anatoly, Edward, Jury

In business:

  • Good: Michael, Egor, Konstantin, Jury, Daniel, Arseni, Artem, Maxim, Anton, Vasily, Sergey, Roman.
  • The bad: Alexander, Mark, Timothy, Oleg, Simeon.


  • Metal - tin.
  • Mineral mascot - pearls.
  • Element - air.
  • Libra.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Blue color name - blue.
  • Time of year - Winter.
  • Happy day of the week - Saturday.
  • Happy number - 3.
  • Totem animal - hedgehog.
  • Plant - Orchid.
  • Tree - Iva.

Famous people named Sabina

  • Sabine Meyer - German musician.
  • Poppaea Sabina - wife of the Roman Emperor Nero.
  • Sabine Azéma - French actress.
  • Sabina Imaykina - Russian figure skater.
  • Sabina Valbusa - Italian cross-country skier.
  • Sabina Lanselen - French cameraman.

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