Catherine - Name, Mystery of Character and Fate

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, lion, Taurus, Aries, Scales, Aquarius.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Element: Fire.
  • Symbol: globe.
  • Color: Cold green, red, blue-green, blue.
  • Number of name: 8.
  • Stone Talisman: Chrysolit, Agat.
  • Totem Plant: Lotus, Cedar, Strawberry.
  • Totem animal: Swan.

Interpretation of the name


Other forms and similar names: Katya, Katenka, Cutter, Kate, Kat.

The emergence of the name: Russian, Orthodox, Greek, Catholic.

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The most common ancient Greek translation has the designation "clean", "immaterial". In the translations of Western languages ​​at the same time there are two types of name: Katerina (Catherine) and Catalina (Kathleen). Katalia is a more modern variety, does not stop gaining fame and may well be both a cavering form and a separate name. In Georgia, the analogue of Catherine is Ketevan.

Now the name becomes fashionable in cities. There is an affectionate rin's affection, which is an independent name. On the day of Catherine, a sledgese was organized, and in the evening, the girls arranged in Ekaterina, guessing, what would be the groom.

Character and personality of man


The most catchy features in the energy sector Katerina - extraordinary latitude and mobility. The same can be said about the nature of the girl, because it is not so unequivocal, as it may seem. And in general - prepare for the fact that this particular will surprise you.

Little Katya is open and proud than actually, and attracts. In moving fun, she started: quickly remembers absolutely all by name, capable of driving with boys on bicycles. Sociable, has a desire to assert himself, loves to read and with pleasure to demonstrate learned by heart of the rhyme, waiting for some present in return.

Girly proud, and it is important for her first in class. Katya is shy and fearful, and therefore it needs friendship with the best students, has a very developed fantasy, inquiring and adores learning. Also for her it is important to have a reliable rear.

Its main difference from other girls is the presence of high intelligence. Adult Ekaterina becomes proud and impregnable, but it is only outwardly: inside it is still unsure and indecisive. Impulsive, has a predisposition to take everything close to the heart, anxiety and inner concern may be intensified about and without it.

Friends choose carefully, and only they know that she really is in the soul, but her surroundings are quite varied, often in it she sees the benefits for himself. The character of Katerina is more male than female. The girl is restrained and judicious, all the events occurring in life perceives calmly. It is unnecessary self-reading and, without fails to find a solution to the problem independently, can arrange a shocking attack of anger.

Sometimes it may seem that Katerina has a slightly high demand, so it easily comes out of itself. For the absence of intuition, she fully relies on his mind, which can be felt since the first minutes of communication. It does not have solid moral foundations, in many respects its actions depend on the surrounding factors, externally, it still remains indifferent.


Early childhood can move heavy diseases. Catherine is very sensitive to weather conditions, so it's better to think better before going out on the street without a hat. Problems are also possible on nervous soil, because of which Katya can roll the hysteria.

A girl needs a smooth and measured rhythm of life, fresh air and long sleep. Even despite possible health problems in childhood, later Katya simply amazes with its mental and emotional abilities. Can start talking with the receipt.

In adulthood, the development of various diseases is possible. It may be fruitless due to the inflammation of the ovaries. In no case can you call the girl Katerina in honor of the grandmother, otherwise Katya will grow a very painful and problemful child.

Work and career

At work

Ekaterina is stubborn and conscientious that in the end will help her achieve success and wealth. Good qualities for the acquisition will be stocks, and the ability to rationalize resources. If the girl is too hot-tempered, then such qualities as caution and prudence will help, and if uncertain, the determination and dedication will help.

Work for Kati is not the goal. Though as an employee, she is active enough, but the excerpt is not enough to her. There is no preferences in the profession, but often becomes a journalist or advertiser and even achieves success. With adequate activity, it is capable of cope with almost any work, which is favorable for state, public and scientists, as well as people of art.

Love and family

It is not worth a hurry to get married - the cavaliers around at least debund. Katerina comes to the choice of his man with all the idealization and thoroughness. She is a strong and attractive woman and never existed by the attention from men, has intrigue and novels.

In her elect, first of all, looking for a reliable and confident support, similarity of a psychological warehouse. The carrier of the name is able to love once and for life. A man in the conquest of this part will have to show considerable efforts to template and conquer her trust and attention, but the game is worth the candle - the love and attention of this magnificent woman.

Such selectivity will help the girl to find a man with whom she would like to spend his whole life. A good and caring mother, her husband does not change, at home creates comfort and calm, becomes a support in the family, although there are often problems with raising children.

Excellent combination: Rostislav, Leonid, Kirill, Artem, Valery.

Good combination: Anton, Paul, Vadim, Grigory, Ivan, Denis, Alexey, David, Maxim, Thomas, Timofey, Mikhail, Ignat, Yaroslav.

Bad Combinationability: Alexander, Adrian, Anatoly, Vasily, Dmitry, Nikolay, Vitaly, Peter, Semen, Ruslan, Ernest, Azarya.

Name day

Celebration Named Catherine: December 17, December 7, March 20, February 5, February 17, March 22, April 30th.

  • Ekaterina Aragonskaya, 1485 - 1536, the first wife of King Henry VIII.
  • Ekaterina Alexandria, the Great Martyr.
  • Ekaterina Parr, 1512 - 1548, the last wife Henry VIII.
  • Catherine Hepburn, 1907 - 2003, American actress, received the greatest number of Oscar premiums.
  • Ekaterina Great, 1729 - 1796, Empress All-Russian, Father - Prince Anhalt Church, German.
  • Ekaterina Dashkova, Princess.
  • Ekaterina Andreeva, TV presenter.
  • Catherine Madsen, jazz singer, Denmark.
  • Catarina Wirth, 1965, twice received a gold medal in figure skating.
  • Kate Chopin (Chopin), 1850 - 1904, novelist, America.
  • Kate Spade, 1962, designer of female handbags, millionaire.
  • Ekaterina Medici, 1519 - 1589, gave birth to three kings for France.
  • Catherine Walker, 1945 - 2010, Fashion Designer Princess Diana.
  • Cate Winslet, 1975, film actress, USA.
  • Ekaterina Gordeva, 1971, pair skating, Russia.
  • Ekaterina Maksimova, 1939 - 2009, actress, ballet artist, Russia.
  • Ekaterina Radziville, 1854 - 1941, chain and writer, Poland.
  • Catherine Bigelou, 1951, the first director who received an Oscar award.
  • Rina Green, 1901 - 1991, Actress, USSR.

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