The meaning of Nikita is fate, career and character.


After taking Orthodoxy, the list of names, besides the rest, was replenished with a new name Nikita, who came from Greece, where he translates as a "winner." In Soviet times, it has fallen popularity, they remembered after the collapse of the USSR.

History of Nikita and the options for his pronunciation

In the world, Nikita remains unchanged, only in the European part at the end of the name added the letter "C", it turned out - Nikitos, in two or three countries, the first letter "H" was replaced by MIKIT.

The female version of Nikita did not fit in Russia, despite the popular series of the same name.

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Reductive form name: Nikitushka, Nikitka, Nikitos, Nick, Nikos, Nicky, Nicky, Nikos, Niko, Kesha, Nika.

Nikita Angel Day in the Orthodox calendar is celebrated three times a year: April 17, June 6, September 28.


Depends on the year of birth of Nikita:

Winter is very energetic, stubborn, persistent. These qualities helps him to achieve a lot in life. When abuse becomes reserved.

Spring - sensitive, painfully reacting to criticism. There is someone else's misfortune through myself, why his psyche suffers.

Summer - fair, independent, not looking for in other people. Career will not be able to reach heights. Enjoy popular with girls.

Autumn - a unique creative personality, any business ends with success. Thanks to wit, charm is always surrounded by friends.



According to the decoding of the name it is not difficult to guess that Nikita is lucky all his life, all the cases for which he will take, have success. Almost every sphere of profession is guaranteed a good career. The main thing is that he liked the profession, otherwise burnout inevitably.

Together with the luck of Nikita is endowed with excellent appearance, talent. It's not afraid to start life from scratch every time, change the city of residence, move to another country. In relation to loved ones, he behaves selfishly, maybe not wanting to offend them.


He behaves a healthy lifestyle, at the slightest ailment immediately appeals to the doctor. Therefore, Nikita's health problems almost never happen, can easily live to deep old age. It is necessary to avoid overwork, in order to not get problems with pressure to the old age.



Due to the sharp attitude towards colleagues consider him a tyrant. But considered his opinion because of the sharp wit and justice. Their full potential can only disclose in a creative profession that he will bring both spiritual and material satisfaction.

It has a sensitive intuition, helping to make the right choice in business. Due diligence and vigor can do several things at the same time. Leadership and teamwork are hard, it is better to work alone.

A family

He selects a suitable long companion. Often the marriage often breaks down because of his unwillingness to compromise with his wife. The family of powerful, does not tolerate disobedience, controls all households, requiring them to report on lived through the bottom.

His wife changes easily, without considering it a crime, but tries to keep the family together for the sake of the children, which is very fond of. He tries to keep the family in no way needed. To create a safe family, Nikita must learn to make concessions to the household.


Horoscope for named Nikita

Aries - selfish, trying to be noticed. His tactlessness repels people, difficult to communicate with friends. Female tries not to mess with him.

Taurus - a purposeful man, walking firmly on track, calculating. Neglecting the interests of the people around them, because of what the career and personal life he did not add up.

Gemini - intelligent, charming, successful in life. Always surrounded by admirers, whose love he receives, without giving anything in return, easy to change women, without thinking about their feelings.

Cancer - arrogant, striving for perfection. In his life, everything must be perfect: career, home, look, friends, wife, children. The life partner chooses the one that corresponds to all points of his ideal, but it can easily be exchanged for another, more perfect.

Lion - soul of the company thanks to his wit, and the ability to fend for themselves. Favorite, which is subordinate to it, praising its quality, Nikita osyplet love and care.

Virgo - a strong-willed, knew how to hide their emotions from others, is able to do anything to achieve their goal. Monogamous, creates a family later in life, having spent half his life in search of faithful companion.

Libra - a favorite of women and the minion of fortune. Has a refined taste, it does not tolerate human cruelty. He'll make a wonderful father and husband, a gentle, but in the profession because of the softness of character heights it reaches.

Scorpio - a hot-tempered and unstable, often vlyapyvaetsya in trouble. Do not stay long on any job, it does not get along with women. It can sustain only a very patient woman, which he will eventually become faithful and reliable husband.

Sagittarius is an unpredictable person, with a mood changing several times a day and desire. Holding original thinking, able to find a way out of hopeless situations.

Capricorn is a courageous, hard and a few people. The wife chooses a reliable and calm, able to create a homemade comfort.

Aquarius is a durable, pessimistic, superficially concerned about people. Love perceives as suffering. Only with a cheerful second half of his character will change for the better.

Fish is an incorrigible dreamer, a philosopher who can lure women with philosophical arguments. Women show overestimated requirements.

Compatibility with female names

Ideal: Alexander, Valeria, Irina, Polina, Ksenia, Yana, Nadezhda, Alina, Daria, Olga, Anastasia, Tatiana, Catherine, Natalia, Svetlana.

Bad: Victoria, Anna, Elena, Julia, Marina, Maria, Christina, Love, Diana, Alena.


  • The name of the name is purple.
  • Time of year - Spring.
  • Happy week of week - Wednesday.
  • Happy number - 5.
  • Gemini.
  • Element - water.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Totem animal - Yozh.
  • Plant - bell.
  • Tree - ash.
  • Mineral Talisman - Pomegranate.
  • Metal - silver.

Famous people named Nikita

  • Nikita Khrushchev - Soviet statesman.
  • Nikita Demidov - Russian Industrialist.
  • Nikita Mikhalkov is a Russian film director and actor.
  • Nikita Dolgushin is a balletmaster.
  • Nikita Moiseev is a Russian scientist.
  • Nikita Tolstoy - Soviet physicist.
  • Nikita Salopin is a Russian actor.

Day Angel

Church name: Nikita

Meaning of the name: Winner, victorious, win (Read the full meaning of Nikita)

Nearest Nikita Name Day: November 22

Name day

strong>Nikiti in 2021 for the church calendar
  • January 3

    Nikita Profit, Sacred, Bishop, Belevsky

  • March 4.

    Nikita new, priest

  • April 2

    Nikita Apollonia, Confessor, Archbishop

  • April 16.

    Nikita Midichesky, Confessor, Igumen

  • April 17.

    Nikita Slavyan, Afonovsky, Sacred

  • may 13

    Nikita Pechersky, Navodnik, Bishop, Novgorod (gaining relics)

  • May 17.

    Nikita (Nifont) Alphanes, Sokolnitsky, Novgorod, Rev.

  • May 27.

    Nikita Pechersky, Reasancer, Bishop, Novgorod

  • 2 June

    Nikita Chios, Rev.

  • June 6.

    Nikita Stalnik, Pereyaslavsky, Rev.

  • June 10th

    Nikita Khalkidonsky, confessor, bishop

  • 30 June

    Nikita (Nifont) Alphanes, Sokolnitsky, Novgorod, Rev.

  • 4th of July

    Nikita Sukharev, Martyr

  • July 7.

    Nikita, Bishop, Recaigan

  • September 22nd

    Nikita Konstantinople, Hartorory (Writer)

  • September 28

    Nikita Gotfsky, Constantinople, Great Martyr

  • October 26.

    Nikita Constantinople, Confessor, Rev.

  • November 19.

    Nikita Deleign, Sacred, Bishop, Orekhovo-Zuevsky

  • November 26.

    Nikita diamonds, priest, protodacacon

  • December 30th

    Nikita, Martyr

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