The meaning of Yuri - what character and fate this person is born


About 20 years ago, children called any named after the name and did not think about anything, except for the harmonious sound of this name, combined with the surname, as well as the charming of the patronymic of future heirs. Today, many realized that the name carries not only a set of letters, but also a sacral meaning, and just so choose it. What will the child give the name of Yuri and what should be waiting for a man from fate, who is recorded in the metric?


What does this usual name mean?

There are three versions of etymology.
  1. Greek. This is a reduction in the name George ("farmer", Greek.). In this case, the native "fraternity" of this name is Egor - the name, which is also created on behalf of George.
  2. Slavic. "Mom" named was the word "to eat" (in the modern language - "Juliece", that is, "dodge", "teege"). In this case, this name is decrypted as "cunning", "dexterous", "dodgy". In the people, such a name sounded like a Juret.
  3. Latin. In Latin, there is the word "jura", meaning "loyalty", "oath". So, based on this version, the name can be decrypted as "faithful to your word."

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It is curious that in the Far East, namely - in Korea and Japan, there is a philistan name - yuri. It is female, translates as "Lily".

Friendly appeal : Yura, Yurik, Yuret, Yurka, Yurik.

middle name : Yuryevich (Yurich), Yuryevna.

In other countries, the name will sound differently : George (England), George (France), Jorge (Spain), Iříi (Czech Republic, Slovakia), Jorgen (Denmark), Jerzy (Poland).

What character is the typical yura?

Dignity : He loves communication. Very curious and all the time is open to learning, and these features help the guy constantly internally enriched. He is very purposeful, wants to take a firm position in life. It is not malicious, so that enemies or does not matter at all, or has very little.

disadvantages : This man (especially in youth) can be a big zassda. He simply "explodes" if he learns that someone got up on his way or tried to take advantage of them. Some of their spontaneous solutions or actions sometimes surprises himself. Guy Pedant (although it is not always a negative character line).

The fate of this man

  • Childhood. This is a quiet, a bad baby, a preferring secluded game with comrades. He can invent for himself game "MIRIC" and very happily exist in it.
  • The period of becoming character. The guy grows thoughtful, serious. Before doing something, he will think ten times. Resting loves alone - walking with the dog (Animal Yura loves very much), sitting with a fishing rod, collecting the model of the aircraft.
  • Mature years. This is a real "gray cardinal" - in the team he does not like to stand out, but comrades themselves go to Yurka for advice, since he, first of all, master of balanced decisions, and secondly, has "inner strain" and charisma.

Talismans and astrology

  • The sign of the horoscope, which is suitable for the urthika better than others: Sagittarius (time of birth - from November 23 to December 21).
  • Planet Patron: Jupiter.
  • Color name: Blue.
  • A stone that protects and adds forces: Emerald.
  • Totem animal: bull, and be sure white.
  • Plant named: Lily of Lily and Poplar.

Day Angel

On horse

  • April 23 at Catholics or May 6 in Orthodox. On this day, believers honor the Holy Great Martyr Yuri (George) of the victorious, the Roman warrior who defended Christians.
  • On November 26, Catholics or December 9 in Christians. It comes to the Turks killed by Georgy Chios, Novomartic, who lived at the end of the 18th 19th century.

In different life of Jurah's collisions will go so ...

  • Love. Immediately after dating, girls are easy with which. And later, when his pedantic nature begins to manifest themselves brighter and paints leave the relationship, many becomes boring in the company of this guy. However, the lack of attention of cute ladies does not feel the guy.
  • A family. This is a faithful husband and a great father. The only one: the head of such a family, as a rule, the wife becomes. All important decisions beyond family life (buying a car, choosing a school for a child, a trip to the resort), takes the spouse. Yura is more like the lifeline to engage in small household matters.
  • Relationship with spouse. Yuri believes that if you behave the girl in the registry office, then only the one that I sincerely loved. Therefore, he can sign even with a girl who does not arrange his family. He will live happy with the chosen, and the family will finally take the choice of the Son ... But Jouta is the case when Sedina falls into the beard, and the demon in the edge. After forty years, he may hit "left". And even if mom and dad will begging him not to destroy the family, he does not listen to them (according to tradition).
  • Job. The more the profession implies responsibility, the more she souls the carrier of this name. Interestingly, this quiet in society a guy can choose a very public work (politics, music), and to achieve heights in it. The strength of this person is eloquence. And besides, Yura is often interested in secrets hidden in the depths of our planet, so the guy can decide to become an archaeologist, geologist.

What woman (name) is he destined to happiness?

Successful Union: Angela, Alevtina, Aza, Vera, Daria, Galina, Zina, Elena, Ira, Lida, Lily, Larisa, Lyuba, Nastya, Nonna, Nina, Natasha, Olya, Polina, Tonya, Tamara, Rosa, Paradise, Sophia, Sveta.

Unsuccessful Union: Alla, Hell, Veronica, Zoya, Inga, Elizabeth, Tatiana.

Tests who forced everyone to respect JUR


  1. Yuri Dolgoruky (end 11 - early 12th century) - Prince Suzdal, Rostovsky. He received his nickname due to the seizure of other cities (in particular, of the capital, where he died, poisoned by local boyars).
  2. Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) is the world's first cosmonaut from the USSR.
  3. Yuri Nikulin (1921-1997) - actor, mainly comedy plan ("Caucasian Captive", "Moonshits", "Diamond Hand").
  4. Yuri Yakovlev (1928-1913) - Soviet actor cinema. The most famous roles: Lieutenant Rzhevsky ("Hussar ballad"), manager / king ("Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"), IPPOLIT ("Irony of Fate ...").
  5. Yuri Olesha (1899-1960) is a Soviet writer. His Peru belongs to the children's book "Three fathers".
  6. Yuri Shevchuk (1957) - Rock musician, the author of the songs, the leader of the DDT group.
  7. Yuri Hoi or Klinsky (1964-2000) - Soviet rock musician, songwriter. Known thanks to his group "Gaza Strip".
  8. Yuri Shatunov (1973) - a singer from the cult in the USSR of the "Laskovaya May" group. Born in Bashkortostan.
  9. Yuri Loza (1954) - Soviet, Russian composer and singer.
  10. Yuri Antonov (1945) - Soviet and Russian composer, singer. Born in Uzbekistan.
  11. Yuri Nikolaev (1948) - Russian leading, actor. Born in Moldova.
  12. Yuri Kuznetsov (1976) - Actor who starred in the films "Island", "Count Cross", "Antikiller", the series "Streets of broken lamps."
  13. Yuri Borisov (1992) - actor Satirikon Theater, starred in the films "Freud Method", "Young Guard".
  14. Yuri Luzhkov (1936) - Russian politician, former measures of city Moscow.

Day Angel

Church name: Yuri.

Meaning of the name: Emeler, earthman, earth-worker (Read the full meaning of Yuri name)

Nearest Name Day Yuri: July 13

Name day

strong>Yuri. in 2021 for the church calendar
  • February 17

    George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, Vladimirsky, Grand Duke

  • August 13

    Yuri (Georgy) Petrogradsky (Novitsky), Martyr

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