How to fall in love with a man-scales: Tips and recommendations


Let's try to figure out how to fall in love with a man-scales to quickly and easily get his heart. Each zodiac sign has its own strengths and weaknesses of character. Knowing them, you will be able to provoke the sense of one and build a happy, harmonious relationship with him.

The character of men-scales

To achieve the location of this man, you need to know about what he likes, and what is not very. Then you can influence your chosen one, provoking his sympathy and feelings towards you.

how to fall in love with a man's scales

The characteristics of the nature of the most balanced men of the zodiacal system are as follows:

  1. They have a rather wayward character, although at first glance it can be and imperceptibly. Therefore, be prepared for surprises in relationships. If at the beginning very calm and composite chosen one did not suit the stormy scandals, then after a certain time when you get used to each other, it will no longer be restrained.
  2. When scales in stress, the dishes flies, cries such that glasses are trembling, suitcases are filled with things. With such a man, the relationship will turn into a series of parting and reconciliation, because the compromises find it does not know how and to give up - too.
  3. But this moment can be smoothed, if you do not bring problem situations to the boiling point. Include your female wisdom, be soft, flexible, and then your relationship will be truly happy and harmonious.
  4. Woman's dream for weights is a very soft, feminine, mysterious lady, but with a strong inland rod. She clearly knows his borders, does not allow themselves to reckon, but in this female submissive and discusses when it is required. A man must be the main thing, and if it is not able to admit it, he will find another or will change.

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Since scales - a sign, constantly doubting and needing time to make decisions, do not hurry them. For example, with a proposal of hands and hearts. When he thoroughly thinks out and stands, he himself, by good old will make a step towards. But you will have to be incredibly patient, because making decisions by weights - the process is extremely unbalanced.

How do men behave in relations behave

It is necessary to watch the representatives of this zodiac constellation, as you immediately mark the bright features in their behavior different from other men.

How to like a man-scales

How scales behave in communication and relations with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity:

  1. Flirting constantly, can not live without intermobile intrigues and games. With its permanent flirting attracts many women who like. But he is alolyuba by nature, so it will turn out in the end only one, the best and beloved.
  2. Galanta and educated, not ashamed to appear in society. If you are in his company, get ready to collect the envious views of all those present by the ladies and admire the ideal manners of your partner.
  3. From the rest of men, the scales are different in that it never goes to their goal. It will not break the walls, but will look for the door to enter. Therefore, it can often seem notionless, slow, but this is a deceptive impression. It just acts dimensionally, patiently and persistently.
  4. There are no sharp large loads, prefers the stability of great benefit, but conjugate with risk. Therefore, among men-scales, it is rare to meet businessmen and entrepreneurs. Here are the leaders - quite.
  5. The last two points apply to relationships with women - the scales will not be very strained, make insane romantic actions to conquer the girls liked. It will prefer to passively wait and calmly care, without excess load. If the lady comes comes and responded with reciprocity, the scales will switch to another young lady.
  6. It is not frightened by girls who are already in a relationship. It is able to beat off the fabulous woman with her man. Therefore, it can be quite dangerous for those who are already in a pair.
  7. If you already live together, there should be no domestic problems. Male scales quietly divides homemade duties with a woman, giving her time on vacation and creating comfort. Therefore, it is possible to truly affiliate relations.

Look at the video about how to fall in love with a man-scales:

Tips and recommendations

Now let's go to the councils by applying which in practice, you will easily protest the path to the heart of your chosen one.

Male scales

Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Never try to dominate in relationships and impose your opinion to him. Even if you disagree - do look. Think what is more important for you: to be right or happy, keep the world in the family?
  2. Stay a little mysterious, never open to the end, otherwise the scales get bored and will look at the other ladies. It is attracted by merry coquettes, but at the same time mysterious and misses their inaccessibility.
  3. Scales are incredible aesthetes, so carefully follow your appearance. A man sweeps all: and stupid hairstyle, and uneven arrows, and hands who have long been asking for manicure.
  4. Do not try to display scales from yourself and provoke it. Despite an extremely calm character, at one fine moment an explosion can take place, the wave of which will demolish everything around, and your relationship will end.
  5. Decide all conflicts and talk about the unpleasant moments at once. Do not copy and do not hold the resentment: Weighs may be the uncommon, why you think. They do not know how to read thoughts, so everyone who does not like, speak immediately.
  6. Do not immerse yourself completely - you should not forget about your life. Be sure to get girlfriends, hobbies and hobby, do something separately from your man. He really appreciates freedom and personal space, so it can not be filled with himself.
  7. Follow the order: Libra unconditional perfectionists who will notice the slightest dust.

In principle, there are no special problems in communicating with weights. Only if you are very sensual, emotional and temperamental girl, you can quickly bother with a very calm and balanced partner. Then it is worth paying attention to representatives of other signs of the zodiac.

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