What is the compatibility in a pair of male Virgo and the twin female


Today, an increasing number of people comes to the conclusion that, entering into relationships, it is worth paying attention to the sign of the zodiac of their partner. Astrology is a very ancient science that helps to understand the peculiarities of your personality, as well as the identity of your partner and talks about the chances of successfully building relationships.

In this material we will talk about the compatibility between the Men-Virny and the twin woman.

Compatibility between Virgin and Gemini

How many twins and Virgo are compatible in love?

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Classical astrology suggests that the two of these signs do not combine at all with each other, although air twins and earthly events have a common ruling planet - Mercury. Mercury will task relations, first of all, the intellectual component, moving the emotional sphere to the background. Will it be a plus or minus?

If we talk about business sphere, then, rather, plus. Consider on a specific example: Virgo is a leader or business owner, a new employee of Gemini is located to work. The latter is always full of new ideas that seek recognition.

It turns out that if we consider business relations, then twins will be able to successfully self-realize in them. And in such a context, such a couple will be able to deteriorate in the best way. The relationship of such a plan was even called "Patron and Advisor", while the "patron" stands for a wise and a businesswit, and the "advisor" and ideological source - Gemini.

As for the love and family spheres of life, in the beginning there will be deceptive well-being, but it will not last forever. Since the twins, and the virgin is dominated by the intellectual component, they understand each other quite well. But the emotional balance of them, unfortunately, is not achieved. And without emotions it is impossible to create a harmonious atmosphere in a pair.

Using some time, twins begins to annoy the boring, and sometimes even the enhanced behavior of the virgins. The Virgin is not able to cope with the frivolousness and disadvantage of twins, as well as the lack of a methodical approach to life.

Gemini inherent windiness and coquetty

In the same case, if Virgo is evaluated by the constant generation of new interesting ideas by the twins and get an impetus to the accomplishment of great cases, he will be able to carry them for some period.

If you drop the sensual component of the relationship and take general goals as a basis, then Virgo with Gemini will be able to fully add each other. Virgo often and themselves suffer from their own pragmatism and practicality, therefore, at an unconscious level, bright personalities are attracted, having creative abilities, such as twins.

Gemini need stability and deep feelings, for this reason the personality characteristic of the Virgin may well look like them. In such a union, maiden will take on the role of support for twins under the condition of a clear and harmonious distribution of roles and not disturbing existing borders.

And then, mumbling interest can lead to a fairly strong and long-term relationship, but under one condition - Virgo sees real potential in the twine, and the twin retains her loyalty. Although there is soon the emergence of problems and shortcoming - Virgo will begin to doubt, on that person she fired their attention, as the twins tend to change their decisions with an impressive speed and inconsistency. And the twins will be lost in guesses, which is disturbing their partner and why he experiences a feeling of jealousy "to each pillar."

Major conflicts in the pair of Gemini Virgo

If disagreements arise, partners are unlikely to wish to clarify their true causes. Because of its natural inattention and rapid emotional changes, the twins may not hurt that Virgo was offended by them. The cause of conflicts and problems is that, according to their emotional areas, signs relate to the elements too far from his friend.

Of course, the twins will try to find out the relationship: there will be disputes and prove that the Virgin is absolutely nothing to worry about. They will probably even be able to convince the virgin in this, but only for a while. Virgo was used to constantly analyzing everything that happened, so she will soon find "slack" in words and actions of his beloved.

If we consider the worst version of the development of events, then the twins will find the girl in a petty boring, and the Virgin, in turn, will consider their partner for the constantly launched empty, the words and actions of which cannot be trusted.

Positive sides of this pair

If it happened that the twins with the Virgin still entered into relationships, of course, in their pair you can find different positive parties. Even despite the strong coldness of the Virgin (because of which passion disappears in their relationship), in such a couple there will be a sincere admiration for each other, who reaches adoration.

It is determined by the fact that the male-maiden in nature is experiencing a shortage of own feelings, and the emotional and expressive twin young lady will make new bright colors in the neat and pedantic life of the Virgin. And in return, she will be tremendous thanks in relation to his partner who can teach her ordering and collens.

As for those surrounding such a couple, it is difficult to say that they are experiencing strong sympathy. In fact, such people rarely have a large number of friends because of their irony, sharpness of mind and language, as well as intellectual arrogance, can be coped with which not every person.

The partners themselves will harmoniously complement each other in the intellectual sphere and feel the feeling of real pleasure, while spending time in long and smart conversations about the philosophy of Cant and in dreams of reorganization of our imperfect reality.

The main advantages of such a couple are: intellectual harmony, orderliness, mutual understanding.

Minuses of the "Gemini Virgo" couple

Of course, each of the advantages can be very quickly transformed into minus if the partners stop making concessions to each other. For example, for a man-Virgin is characterized by excessive pickup, he is an aggregate, which is able to withdraw from his checked remarks from his own way. And the first will suffer an emotionally unprotected twin woman. She will perceive every joke in the bayonets and in response will say such quiet.

Male Virgo Correctly Pedantic

Male Virgo is holy convinced that his mission is to raise everyone every day. Therefore, he risks turning into a real home tyrant, which, however, will fully try to keep the family.

The gap in such an alliance always happens at the request of the twin women, which is tired of standing comments and hard control. At the same time, Virgo is not very praise, as it believes that none of all people on Earth prepares, removes, erases and makes other things right. His "generosity" applies only to comments, so not all zodiac constellations can cope with such psychological violence. And even more so he will suffer from freedom-loving, kind, sincere, at least a darling twin lady. If the male Virgo still cope with his passion for criticism, then this couple will be quite successful.

From the main disadvantages of the Union, you can call criticism, petty, feeling of constant discontent, knuckle and comments.

It turns out that the compatibility between the twin women and the Men-Virgin is a rather controversial question, which will depend, first of all, from the personal efforts of both partners and their desire to preserve relations.

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