Retrograd Mercury: What is bad can happen


Retrograd Mercury usually does not promise people anything good. When the planet begins to "retrogravy", it comes a heavy period. But not everything is so bad, as it seems at first glance. I will plunge into the world of astrology and try to figure out what to do during retrograde days.

How does the retrograde Mercury affect the life of a person?

Astrologers believe: Retrograd Mercury directly affects the lives of people. They may not know about it, but they will definitely be changed.

Retrograd Mercury Influence on Man

We share with conclusions and observations that expert astrologers collected and copied for years:

  1. The planet begins to retrograde 3-4 times a year, each period lasts about three weeks. Energy of Mercury, interacting with people, makes them less attentive and more scattered. Decreases the ability to concentrate and focus in one thing, the risk of errors. This phenomenon is the easiest to be noticed in schoolchildren's children - the performance falls, the evaluation temporarily becomes worse.
  2. Very negative planet affects any new affairs and transactions. Therefore, it is not recommended during the retrogradity period something and start. Even new acquaintances are extremely undesirable, because they can bring in your life a lot of troubles and disappointments.
  3. Many people begin the period when they suddenly want to remember and analyze the past. If such a desire arises from you, it's fine. You can disassemble all the earlier mistakes and assimilaterally, finally important lessons to no longer be in unpleasant situations.
  4. But you have a wonderful chance to return the long-lost relationship with a person with whom they quarreled or stopped communication in the past. This is a favorable period for the restoration of old connections, so be sure to use such an opportunity.
  5. In the period of retrogradity, a person reaps the fruits of past actions and actions. If he previously worked hard and his thoughts were positive, he will receive several times more. If lazy and harmed other people, he will overtake him "Retribution".
  6. Be sure to return to long-term delayed cases and bring started to finish all the projects. Then they will bring a solid kush, and you will cease to suffer from the fact that the load of unfinished liabilities presses on you.
  7. In retrograde time, in your life can again and reappear the people with whom you did not hoped to resume communication. This is a wonderful chance to understand whether they need you, and return if desired.
  8. All errors that need to be fixed are float to the surface and become visible. Therefore, you can easily detect them and adjust that it helps to change the life for the better.

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The deterioration of attention and concentration, the emergence of people from the past, unfinished affairs and deeds - what is pronounced in the period of Retrogradness of Mercury. All of this you need to be able to use.

What to do when Mercury "Retrogrant"

Elementary knowledge of astrology and understanding of the processes that occur in different periods will help you adapt to the energy of the planets, which will eventually improve the quality of your life.

Retrograd Mercury what to do

What we recommend to do in the period of retrograde Mercury:

  1. If you have been planned to go to a psychologist or psychotherapist, do it. Your injuries, negative installations, blocks and beliefs can be more effective in the period of retrogradity.
  2. Disassemble archives of photos, old papers, records and letters. Throw what has long ceased to be relevant. Leave the most necessary and what causes pleasant memories.
  3. Creative people who write: poems, books, articles, it is recommended to re-read their past creations. You can visit inspiration, and you can improve your works.
  4. Make general cleaning. Destroy all old, unnecessary things. Fold all the catches, peeping into each corner.
  5. Remember the unfulfilled promises, debts. It is time to pay for accounts and respond to your words. During this period, it is very important to calculate obligations: both moral and financial.
  6. Repair broken electrical appliances, eliminate the problems with plumbing, electricity, solve all other domestic troubles. You must try to put in order absolutely everything that surrounds you.
  7. Great time to engage in spiritual development: read books, visit the temple, engage in meditations and diverse practitioners to better understand your own subconscious and ask yourself all the exciting questions.

The time of retrograde Mercury is the perfect period for self-confidence and cardinal changes for the better. Do not lose the precious moments for nothing, and you will be surprised what fruits will bring your actions.

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What is bad can happen?

Not in vain in many people interested in astrology, negative associations arise in the words "Mercury Retrogradite." At this time, not the most pleasant phenomena may be observed.

Retrograde Mercury

For example:

  1. Complete and breaking household appliances, "width of electrical appliances". Gadgets may especially suffer, whose functions include receiving and transferring information.
  2. People become very emotional, impulsive, make decisions spontaneously. Unconsciously wanting change, can throw out extraordinary actions that in the future will have to regret. Therefore, you need to try with all the forces to "include" the brain and make decisions rationally.
  3. Especially sensitive to the energy planets girls can enter into relations with the partners inappropriate. This happens on emotions, which in the future can lead to suffering and pain. Therefore, it is worth waiting for the end of the retrograde period before taking some decisions regarding your personal life.
  4. This is the time when the secret becomes apparent. The unlucky actions of many people become known. Unpleasant facts float to the surface, the reputation rushes in front of the eyes.

Hurry to calm down: no need to attach the planets of the planets too much. Retrograd Mercury does not affect everyone, you may not enter the "lucky ways". So listen to yourself - is your well-being change, does something unusual happen? If not, calmly live on, not paying attention to retrogradity.

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