What are the most dangerous zodiac signs?


If you correctly use the knowledge of astrology, it becomes possible to solve many everyday life problems. For example, at the initial stage of relationships it is worth finding out the sign of the zodiac of his chosen one, thereby understand how to take it and fall in love with yourself.

Of course, perfectly, when you only use astrology to build a happy relationship with your beloved. But it does not exclude competitors on the horizon, which will also use various methods to take away your cavalier, destroying the love alliance.

If this happened, astrology will also come to the rescue. This is explained by this very simple - knowing the sign of the zodiac of your rival, you will quickly understand the strategy of her behavior along with the seriousness of intentions. Therefore, do not hurry to panic and play the picture scandal - it is better to read this article in which we will give a list of the most dangerous deliberates on the sign of the zodiac.

Opponents of air element

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Cunning seductors belonging to air elements can try to win someone else's man just because they themselves experienced a love failure. And it should be noted that it happens quite often, because air girls are constantly faced with disappointments, attributing to their men unrealistic qualities that do not really exist.

Opponent Twins. You can hardly worry, if you suspect your beloved in treason with a representative of this sign. The fact is that such a lady is not very serious about love hobbies. It is characterized by impermanence for her, so it will rather choose the option to find a new "sacrifice" than to fight with you.

If your beloved began to pay attention to such a girl, probably her, like a siren, managed to speak him and lure him into his networks. But it is not necessary to worry - this head will end very quickly.

Gemini Woman - Nonselien Test

Rival scales. It is distinguished by diplomatic and excellent intuition, therefore it may be a real threat. Such a girl will be likely to be engaged in various intrigues, you will not be able to get truth from it, because the scales never choose an open war, preferring to be limited to the "dark game".

Therefore, wanting to eliminate the rival, it is necessary to act decisively, with pressure, and then it will disappear by itself, engaged in finding a more affordable version of the man.

Rival Aquarius . The woman of this sign with a very small probability will decide to launch someone else's union. Perhaps she can use your beloved person as a friend, but it will be unlikely to come further. She does not need it, since herself is quite attractive for the opposite sex and does not have time to fight back from potential cavaliers.

Rivals of fiery element

Women relating to fire signs, first of all rush to independence.

Opponent Aries. It is distinguished by coarseness and self-confidence. Such a lady is active enough and chooses the line of behavior of the real hunter. Therefore, if I like your narrowed, she will do whatever in her power to "conquer". How to act in order not to lose your beloved and dare this amazon?

You just need to remove it from mental equilibrium. A woman-Aries in a rush of emotions becomes a terribly uncompatible scandalist, which does not at all control his own words with actions. When your chosen one seems to be true, with a high probability he will stop all communication with it.

competitor-Aries is dangerous

Sagittarius rival. Differs great fertility. She will always express his sympathy to a man, will listen to all his complaints, will provide him with the necessary support that always goes to her in Plus. At the same time, she is not inclined to rush on her neck, simply chosen by her behavior strategy provokes that the man himself comes to her.

However, such a lady has a very big minus: it seeks everything and always keep under control, including his beloved. Because of this, to cope with her, you need to choose the opposite tactics of behavior: to abandon suspicion and in no case find out how your chosen one has spent its time. In this case, a man can very quickly feel the difference.

Rivals of water element

If your competitor relates to the element of water, it's time to beat the alarm. Such representatives of beautiful sex are distinguished by emotionality, mysteriousness, romanticism and sexuality.

Competitor-cancer . It is a real angel in the flesh. She has the appearance of a very modest and defenseless girl, which makes every man feeling next to her a real hero and a defender, which is definitely very flattering his pride. Especially if his wife is a strong enough and independent lady.

To cope with rival cancer, you need to fight for your lover and provoke it. And with the disappearance of an innocent mask of the defenseless Angelic creature, the illusion will very quickly dispel, which will not be able to not push the man.

Dame-Scorpio . He is a very serious ruiner. She is a real rock lady. It has the mind and sexuality, which helps her to seek almost every representative of the opposite sex without much effort. How to eliminate it? Remember the fact that the rival scorpion is simply crazy about money. You just need to focus on her mercyfulness and your own unborn.

Competitor-Fish . It has intelligence and sensuality, but also distinguished by in love and impermanence. It is unlikely to be able to keep loyalty to one man, will pay attention to other representatives of the strong sex. It is necessary to show his lover, as far as it is windy and changing, and you will defier with victory.

Female fish

Earth rivals

Women of earthly elements are characterized by calculation, stubbornness, tactical force and caution. They used to thoroughly think about each other, calculating every action, and can be in the shadow long enough, waiting until a convenient moment comes.

Taucher rival. It is distinguished by external attractiveness, well-kept and femininity, which, of course, helps to "lure" men. At the same time, women are waiting for a suitable moment and only then attack. But over time, the representative of this sign begins to need stability and will put forward persistent requirements on this matter, which is likely to scare up a man.

Rival Virgo. Women of this constellation in very rare cases choose the role of mistress. They consider this humiliation of their own dignity, therefore men are extremely rarely keen on rivalries. If the connection still occurred, it means that Virgo really experienced a sense of love.

Rival Capricorn. . In most cases, female Capricorns are not interested in other people's men. They have several other priorities, and at a young age, they seek to spread everything in their future life "on the shelves."

Do not forget about the fact that in your pair there should always be love with harmony, complemented by respect and mutual understanding. Only in this case, your beloved will not even look at the other side, no matter how cunning rivals tried it to lead it.

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