Value Name Emin - variants of fate and character traits


Name Emin, according to some versions, it has Arab and Muslim roots. Meaning it is reduced to an adjective - a fast, reliable, faithful, thorough. Emin has no day an angel, because not listed in the Orthodox and Catholic church calendar calendar.

general characteristics

  • Planet, patronizing name, - Saturn.
  • Stone Charm - onyx, agate, emerald, chalcedony.
  • Meaning of the name is suitable for the signs of the zodiac - Leo, Aries.
  • Color, attracting good luck and prosperity - purple, brown, green.
  • Totem animal - beluga, blue whale, bear, wolf.
  • The plant favorable to health - violet, maple, basil.

Features Emin behavior in childhood and adolescence

Kid Emin - a calm and balanced child, does not cause much trouble to parents. Sometimes he is too nimble and restless, but it only touches his loving family.


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Despite its docile character, Emin already at an early age tends to show independence. He can not help adults find themselves Neskuchnoye activity and completely carried away by them, without the need for special attention.

School years Eminchik spends immersed in your favorite subjects, with patience, hard work and diligence. Learn to like and he happily goes to school, get good grades.

In relations with peers, he is friendly, considerate, and already at a young age diplomatic. He was already at that age is able to maintain a conversation, finding an interesting topic even for the most unsociable person.

External seriousness, humility, modesty and discretion Emin hide his inner potential of enormous effort and great opportunities. The moment he begins to exercise their creative talents or abilities in the sport.

It was at this time, the Amish way to engage an interesting hobby for him, which in the future could bring him a huge fortune. Parents in this period it is important to support his son, making it possible to be realized.

Senior classes remembered his parents Emin difficult transition period. For him, it is time to assert themselves and to temper character. The Emine begins to awaken the spirit of rebellion and protest. He rejects the existing social norms, principles, setting comfortable for themselves rules and habits.

The character of the Emin is characterized by quick-tempered, incontinence, intolerance to people. It is aggressive, impulsive, self-confident and quite inches. Its energy during this period has a destructive function, negatively affecting the attitude towards him.

But it rather concerns relationships with parents, teachers and other people of the older generation. With peers, Emysh behaves defiantly sadly, but at the same time friendly. He is the soul of the company, lovers of girls, prefers cheerful parties and always in the spotlight.

Man and girls

But this youthful maximalism will quickly end, leaving Emineu's external attractiveness and internal confidence in the success of his future undertakings. The student Emin is no longer the expressive teenager trying to constantly prove something to this world. Now he harmoniously combines charm, charisma, delicacy and determination.

An ending institute, this young man with a bright appearance and a sports figure knows the price of its abilities. He perfectly demonstrates his business qualities, the gift of conviction, organizational abilities.

Emin clearly understands what he wants to do his own business. It wakes up a future manager who supports the authority and respect of subordinates by non-authoritarian methods, and the ability to confidence and charge with optimism for a successful result.

Now Emin does not put his interests above the objectives of the company and its employees. Using an innovative approach, he takes into account the opinion of everyone, forming a reliable and devoted team of like-minded people.

With subordinates, a young leader can exercise incredible patience and mentor quality. Emin will not seem to them despot, but will persistently work out the skills, making these professionals.

Professional Sales, Love and Health - What will remain in the priority of Emin

In search of his destination, Emin will be inclined to activities that will not only require full responsibility, but will provide freedom in decision-making and in the choice of development path.

It is possible that hobbies of childhood and adolescence turned into a professional type of activity and already bring a stable income to the young man. But this is not enough for him, he seeks to improve the skills or search for new directions of promising development.

Emin can prove himself with a successful political or public figure, proven itself as a professional lawyer, an experienced lawyer. His ability to quickly find a common language with unfamiliar people and positively placing them to himself makes it possible to try themselves as a regional marketer, commercial director, advertising business figure.

In whatever area, Emin, he is able to achieve great results and material well-being. Outcomes for Emin is very important, as he is used to spending a lot on himself and nothing to deny his wife and children.

Personal life and health

Personal life of free emin is very diverse. He is all the same favorite women who are waiting for his attention. But the intelligibility and moral principles restrain his young temper, not letting it go into all the grave.

Spouse, Emin chooses, rather, not in bright appearance, but according to character traits. His companion will never walk in candid outfits, demonstrating its charms, have a sharp tongue and domineering temperament.

It will choose a restrained, soft and affectionate individual an aristocratic appearance, which is not able to dominate him. And its charm and external gloss must inspire Emin to love and devotion.

In intimate proximity, Emin prefers to dominate and rule, often showing egoism and satisfying only its needs. In order for the desires and whims of partners to remain aside, Emineu needs to directly express their discontent, without holding offense.

In the family, it is quite demanding for the order, cleanliness and comfort in the house. He loves to eat delicious, so never marries a woman who does not know how to cook. But Emishes are not inclined to conflict on everyday issues, preferring to preserve a favorable psychological climate in the family.

Emin loves children very much. He will pay attention to nephews, younger brothers, giving them expensive gifts and balusses surprises. Therefore, the appearance of his own heirs will cause a special delight.

Emin's health during life can remain steadily good if he is the same as in the youth, will support the body with physical exertion and training. At behalf of Emin, it is energetically laid a tendency to overeat if it is not to restrain, it may affect the appearance of hypertension, diabetes, swollen, insomnia and the masses of other health problems.

Famous people named Emin

  • Emin Makhmudov - midfielder of the Russian football team.
  • Emin Agalarov - Azerbaijani musician, singer, businessman, entrepreneur, vice president of Crocus Group.


  • Emin Mammadov - World Champion in Lying Lying, originally from Isyzerbaijan.
  • Emin Pasha is a researcher of Africa, real name Edward Schitzer, a colonial figure of German origin, traveler and the discoverer.
  • Emin Khachaturian is a Soviet conductor and composer, originally from Armenia.
  • Emin Fattulaev Resident show project "Camedy Club".
  • Emin Garibov is the gymnast of the Russian national team.

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