The meaning of Kirill and his fate


The meaning of Kirill dates back to the ancient Greek Cyrus - the "rulers" and, in turn, to the Phoenician-Assyrian, even more ancient meaning "Sunny, royal, light-base". Women's option - Kira: "Mrs., Ladychitsa." The name is not simple, the child with this name knows how to reign perfectly, but absolutely not able to conquer the kingdoms - for this you need Alexandra, Perseys, Volodya, Nikolai and Nicodems.

In poverty, Kirill will be unhappy and is unlikely to be able to get out of poverty. But in a rich family, the name will be in many ways to protect against a number of specific problems - the availability of girls and worldly benefits, he does not attach any meaning. He will be comfortable in the golden cradle, and he will be able to decorate it with diamonds and pass by inheritance.

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Affectionate options - Kiryusha, Kirik, Riothe, Pier.

Other options - Kira, Kir, Kiryukha, Kiryuch.

There are no crucial and hard options for this name. Want to contact - contact gentle.


  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn.
  • Planet - Sun, Saturn.
  • Color - blue, yellow and all shades of ocher and sea wave.
  • Tree - fir, juniper.
  • Flower - tulip, crocus, orchid.
  • Animal - Maral.
  • Stone - Sapphire, Topaz.

Compatibility of names

The best names are unusual and powerful. In the family Kirill Podkinnik, although the desperate Gulelen. If now unusually name Dasha, it will be the best option. Union with Alice, Olga, Tamara, Zinaida, Eposhiny, Monica. Kirill gets along with women of other cultures and enjoys exotic.

Name Day January 31, in honor of the Kirill and Methodius brothers, founders of modern Slavic writing.



Ornately gifted by nature, he sharply feels his, sometimes imaginary, superiority, eager to delight and worship, recognizing his championship. Gifted with a colossal charm, he is ready to put it in turn to charm and attract attention. But if he feels that he does not receive the enthusiastic love and worship, which is looking for, becomes extremely unpleasant type, absolutely not hiding full and absolute disregard.

One of the main features is worth calling imperidity and inclination to the hypochondria, laziness.

The weaknesses include a slight attitude towards alcohol and other stimulants. He does not shine heroic health, the consequences quickly affect and lead him into despair.

His ability to build relationships with women belong to the strengths of Kiryuchi. If it were not for his depression, in which he are unbearable, even for loved ones, women would have passed him from hand to deep old age, not at work, except at home.

In love Cyril Surfaces. Waiting often exceeds the result. But if a woman cannot be able to portray the delight convincingly, after 3 minutes it will change its next on the queue. The line is long, wishing a lot, regardless of the material position of Kiryuchi and its level of socialization. I do not have to try.

The problem of Cyril is its inability to friendly, partner, equal relations. He must be the main, first, best and most beloved. To conquer his heart, it happens quite the most rough flattery. He will believe in her with the slightest doubt, since he always waited for excellent epithets. Refrain from the slightest criticism - and get the attachment and appreciation of the most devoted and adores you. Unfortunately, completely uncontrollable and unpredictable.

Others often annoying his pragmatic. If you need, he is charm itself. But as soon as the need in your services disappears, it immediately disappears, without holding the slightest pause and often even forgetting to thank. Cyril is angry with such a reaction, because he believes it with a cunning move, which should force others to strive to bring him good.

He is not mercantile and is ready to easily spend money on friends. Especially in order to win credibility. He believes this type of investment the most reliable and correct. On the other hand, he expects an endless and no limited flow of goods and gifts from the side.

Often Kira deprived of a fighting alkali. Perhaps he is aggressive, ready to attack those who, in his opinion, will not have serious resistance. But stand up for yourself, to achieve your own, besides whining and smiles, he is not capable of.


To transitional age, Kirill is charm, charm and obedience. He is afraid of offending someone, ready to give up, obey, do the work on the house. At a young age, he only tastes the power of his charm and is not solved to apply it to loved ones. He is often lazy to learn, but with pleasure demonstrates a deep mind and rare insight, refinement.

In adolescence, he is unbearable in everyday life, but seeks to find himself in creativity. If it does not receive rapid results or at least hints to the fact that a dazzling result is possible, leaves attempts and falls into the drift.

The name is managed by 2 planets immediately - the sun and calculating Saturn. Therefore, happy or unhappy Cyril is like 2 different people who are not familiar with each other, with a completely different set of basic character traits:

  • One is a happy balovd of fate, incredibly able-bodied, ready to inspire those surrounding one of its appearance that generates new ideas, interesting thoughts and jokes, forcing deeply thinking, joyfully substituting the palm streams of love and wealth, which he generously gifted adores his world.
  • The second is gloomy and dull hypochondrik, with pleasure and demonstratively molding his life as unnecessary cigarette. Together with the hearts and souls, those who love him, without the slightest pity, with deep disgusting to the whole world. Kirill must be happy, must learn to work on its internal state, control it.

In this case, he will be able to build his life so that it will be similar to a delightful and magical fairy tale. It will be given a successful chance of amazing offers - they need to be enough for them quickly, without constraint and not stuffing themselves the price of delay. The more Kirik's medlets, waiting for new, more attractive offers, the less chance that fate will allow him to take off. But still happy chances in the fate of Cyril ten times more than in ordinary fate. The problem is that it is not always able to cope with both happiness, and with grief, and with its own talent.

Cyril who found himself shines, sparkles and overflows like a gem in the sun. He is tireless, the original, generously shares with his surrounding light and supports admiration favorably.

Famous Tests

  • Tolmatsky, Decl.
  • Lavrov - actor.
  • Reshetnikov - Poet.
  • Nabutov - TV presenter.
  • Tsar Persian, Grozny Kir - and hundreds of rulers and military commanders of ancient Persia.

Day Angel

Church name: Kirill

Meaning of the name: Little Mr. Barchuk (Read the full meaning of Kirill)

Nearest birthday Cyril: November 15

Name day

strong>Kirill in 2021 for the church calendar
  • January 31.

    Cyril Alexandria, Patriarch

  • February 17

    Kirill Novierzersky (Novgorod), Rev.

  • February 27

    Kirill (Konstantin) philosopher, Moravian, equivalent

  • 18th of March

    Kirill, Martyr

  • March 22.

    Cyril Sevastia, Martyr

  • March 31

    Kirill Astrakhan, Rev.

  • April 3

    Cyril Katan (Sicilian), Bishop

  • April 11th

    Kirill Ilopolsky, Sacred, Deacon

  • May 11.

    Kirill Torovsky, Bishop

  • May 17.

    Kirill Alphanes, Sokolnitsky, Novgorod, Rev.

  • May, 23rd

    Cyprian (Kirin, Kirill) Bastian, Mesopolsky, Martyr

  • May 24.

    Kirill (Konstantin) philosopher, Moravian, equivalent

  • June 3

    Cyril, Bishop, Rostov

  • June, 22

    Kirill Veelsky

  • 30 June

    Kirill Alphanes, Sokolnitsky, Novgorod, Rev.

  • July 22.

    Kirill, Sacred, Bishop, Gorentsky

  • August 15

    Kirill, Martyr

  • September 19.

    Kirill, Sacred, Bishop, Gorentsky

  • October 11

    Kirill Radonezh, Schimonakh

  • October 11

    Kirill, Martyr

  • October 23

    Kirill Snographers, Rev.

  • 20 November

    Kirill Smirnov, Sacred, Metropolitan, Kazan

  • December 15.

    Cyril Fillet, Rev.

  • 21 December

    Cyril Chemmogorsky, Rev.

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