The meaning of the good and gentle name Julia is character, fate


Julia is one of the ancient names, which for girls choose and now. According to one version, Julia's name comes from the ancient Greek name Ilos, meaning "kudryaya", "fluffy", which corresponds to this beautiful female name. According to the Latin version, this is a female version from the male name Julius. On the third version it happened in Scandinavia, where it means "born under Christmas".

The emergence of the name of Julia

In the world, it is common in english name Julia, there are other options: German - Julia, French - Jules, Spanish - Julia, Portuguese - Julia, Italian - Julina, Corsican - Dialya, Provencali - Julio, Ukrainian - Julia, Czech - Yululi, Danish - Yulia, Irish - Yule, Greek - Ulyana.

Lasual form name: Yula, Yulchik, Julia, Yulyka, Yulia, Yulia, Julianka, Julia, Yulichonok, Yulichonok, Yusya, Yuska, Juliana, Julia.

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In Russia, it is common as a female name, men with this beautiful name are rarely called.

According to the Orthodox calendar Julia, Angela celebrates twice a year:

  • May 31 - the patroness of Virgin Eulium Ankir, martyr.
  • June 29 - patroness Virgin Mauliya Carthaginskaya, Martyr.


A distinctive feature of Julia is stubbornness, happiness. In childhood it is difficult to redo, will do everything in his own way. Explosive, impulsive, but quickly leaves and the first suitable to put up. In school years, Julia is softened by the character that helps her easily raise friends. In adult age, Julia is surrounded by friends who like her excellent sense of humor, lightweight and sociable character.



Julia's fate more depends on year of birth.

Winter - smart, purposeful woman belonging to men is cold, uses them only as a sexy object. But, falling in love without a memory, ready for your facility to do anything.

Spring - creative and comprehensively developed man, always surrounded by friends. Her husband will have to come to accept the fact that her friends at a considerable place.

Summer - affectionate and patient woman, attentive to his loved ones. Always stands for weak. Adheres the life principles.

Autumn - an uncommunicative and closed woman, in personal relationships makes mistakes, because of which they do not add up.

A family

Julia's goal is a happy marriage, so it is selective in men and whom it does not fall into me. Peaceless Mama's son, Yulia sefs out at the very beginning of the courtroom. The future husband will need to be very trying to fall in love with Yulia to Himself, but in her face will receive a reliable wife, a wonderful housewife and a beautiful mother.

Man and woman


Yulia has a sharp mind, in the profession can achieve a lot, but for the sake of her husband and children, Julia can sacrifice the career. Due to developed logic, it works great in trade, banking sector, can become a famous actress. The best option for it is an individual entrepreneurship, the main advantage of which is a free schedule.


Despite the strong and endless organism, Julia is susceptible to colds. The second weak place is the teeth. Since childhood, Yulia is almost impossible to drag to the dentist, which is why she often has problems with teeth in adulthood.


Horoscope for the name of Julia

Aries - likes to be the center of attention, seeks popularity. Able to manipulate people, character changes quickly from affectionate kitty to an angry lioness. Loves when men give her gifts.

Taurus - selfish, assertive person who can use other people to achieve their ambitious goals. Always brings your plan to the end. From men takes everything, not giving anything in return.

Gemini - Acklessness, with an artistic note woman, loves life full of entertainment. No worthwhile business completes. Changes men as gloves without stopping for a long time on one.

Cancer is a conservative, a little nervous woman, heavily perceives changes in the usual lifestyle. Often, it does not bring to the end due to non-trust. Enjoying a success in men.

The lion is very beautiful, who knows how to achieve success in the planned case. Easily seeks respect to others. Always surrounded by fans, but only a man with an iron character can tame it.

Virgo - the wise that is responsible for his actions can firmly stand on the legs, financially provided. Often elevates yourself above all people. It is difficult for men due to the requirements overstated to them.

Scales - calm, soft character, loving freedom woman. Anyone easily has an interesting and easy communication to itself. Often this kindness is just a mask of a tough woman.

Scorpio - unfriendly, non-speaking nature, with which only a strong man crashes. To the intended purpose goes "on the corpses", without sparing anyone, because of what friends do not have friends. She is afraid not only at home, but at work, despite the uncompromising, it comes in justice.

Sagittarius - independent, coming forward without looking back. She is loved at home and at work, despite the straightness. In love is open, without requiring anything in return.

Capricorn - hardworking, inquiring nature, not letting friends in his personal life. Before making a decision, it will be for a long time to weigh everything. Almost never mistakes in the choice of profession and life satellite.

Aquarius - no one impart into his inner world, is subject to depression. Her surroundings do not like straightness. Her husband can only be patient, caring loving.

Fish - endowed with a huge fantasy, is not devoid of intuition, which helps her in life to make the right choice. Routine work tries to avoid. It sees only with a balanced man.

Male name compatibility

Good: Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Anton, Vadim, Valery, Vladimir, Gennady, Denis, Ivan, Igor, Evgeny, Kirill, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey, Stanislav, Julian.

Poor: Artem, Vasily, Vitaly, Victor, Dmitry, Ilya, Maxim, Nikita, Oleg, Ruslan, Yuri.


  • Libra.
  • Element - air.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Mineral Talisman - Amber, Azure, Nephritis.
  • Metal - mercury.
  • Totem animal - deer, dragonfly.
  • Plant - Sunflower.
  • Tree - beech.
  • Color name - yellow, red.
  • The season is summer.
  • Happy week of week - Wednesday.
  • A happy number - 7.

Famous people named Julia

  • Julia Menshova - Russian actress, TV presenter.
  • Yulia Borisova - Soviet actress.
  • Yulia Drunina is Russian poetess.
  • Julia Lermontova - First Woman - Doctor of Chemistry.
  • Julia Voznesenskaya - Russian Writer.
  • Yulia Niberg - Swedish poetess.
  • Julia Frank - German Writer.
  • Julia Ormond - British actress.
  • Julia Roberts - American actress.

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